
Let's Go Eat Some Italian Food, Part 2

"This other guy outside! He must be a Stand-User too!" 

Kazuhiko and Daijo ran outside to confront that guy. But the table he sat on was empty.

"Crap! He must have heard us!" Daijo stopped running.

"But how did he away so fast? The door is on the other side of the room! And we were directly next to the door to this room!" Kazuhiko asked confused.

Suddenly a transparent frame appeared in the on the other side of the room. Daijo was only able to see a small figure, with big glasses, and a weird shaped pistol, when the window closed again.

The bullet was blocked by Golem the last second before it hit Daijo.

"That must be his Stand!" Kazuhiko shouted.

"So thats how he got away! He can create portals!" Daijo started running toward the door.

"I saw a little bit of his enviroment!" the chef said. "He was in a forest!" 

"Where is the nearest forest?" Daijo asked.

"Wait! I show you!" The chef said and left the restaurant.

The two other followed him. When they left the restaurant, suddenly the frame appeared again. Daijo was able to dodge the bullet.

They followed the chef, when suddenly a frame appeared directly next to Kazuhiko. Without thinking, Kazuhiko jumped. Then the frame closed itself again.

They reached the edge of the forest. The frame appeared again. This time the figure was standing on a street, next to a forest.

"He must be nearby!" The chef said, dodging the bullet.

Lucky for them, the bullets aren't fast. Through the magic of Stands, they were able to fly in the same direction, without loosing hight.

They searched for the Stand, when they suddenly heard Kazuhiko. "Hey! Over here!" 

They followed the voice, and found Kazuhiko, standing on the street, out of breath. He had followed the Stand through every window he wanted to jump through.

"How can we defeat this Stand!" Kazuhiko asked.

"I have an idea!" The chef said. Suddenly a ton of Pearl Gems appeared behind him, flying in every direction.

"Now we at least know where he is!" the chef said.

"Actually what is your name?" Daijo asked.

"I'm Tonio Trussardi!" the man answered.

Suddenly a frame appeared again. This time the bullet missed.

"He missed!" Kazuhiko said. "Maybe he's tired! I don't think he can create infinite portals!" 

Another frame appeared. 

"Inferno Golem!" Kazuhiko shouted.

The burning knight appeared in front of the window, and swung his sword. Before the sword could hit the Stand, the window dissappeared.

"He got slower!" Kazuhiko said.

"I have him!" Tonio pointed in a direction. "He's right behind that house! His User is with him!" 

Another frame appeared. 

Kazuhiko smiled "He is getting nervous. The frames appear more often!"

The sword hit swung again towards him. The frame disappeared. Seconds later another frame appeared. He had, again, no chance to shoot.

Again, a frame appeared. But before Kazuhiko even could react, the Stand and his frame dissapeared.

Tonio smiled. Only now, Kazuhiko realised, that Daijo was gone.


The man was tied to a chair. He was unconcious. Jotaro entered the room.

"Death Thirteen's User spoke!" he said.

"What did he say?" Daijo asked.

"His name is Lacoste. He said, he don't know who he is, but a man with a black glove gave him this power! Since then, he had the urge to kill Daijo and me! He got defeated by a man, with long light brown hair and a trenchcoat, defeated him! He used his Stand on him, and now he can't attack us!" Jotaro answered.

Suddenly they heared a car.

"What is that sound?" Daijo looked around.

Then he saw the frame on the place, where once the chair, with the man was. They could see a street. The man has managed to flee.