

and if they were unable to reach a gas station in time he was forced to drag the truck to a gas station himself while the others only laughed at him. He would be blindfolded and forced to depend on his other senses, would be put in rooms of pure darkness that light couldn't penetrate and his attackers needed the most advanced night vision glasses just to see and beat him up even though their sight was terrible. He would then be stripped of each of his senses and forced to depend on the rest to make up for the lost sense. He would be strangled by others or used as a punching back to others; sometimes martial artists would use him to test their own abilities. He would also be pushed off cliffs he would be left out as animal bait used as a poison tester forced to eat plants to see if they were safe to eat would be left out in the wilderness to be attacked by wild animals he would be attacked by spiritual masters who would crush his internal organs close his chakra points devastate him others would use pressure points against him others used black magic to torment him he would be skinned alive forced to eat his own skin would get his limbs cut off and fed to him all of his bones would get broken would be tied to a car and drove into a building that others would use explosives to blow it up and the building would crash down on him. He would be tied to train tracks so he would be run over by trains he would be forced to swim in shark filled water or with piranhas.