

Each life is a journey, We live and experience, learn and grow, to ultimately become who we are now. Each life is a story told from your own perspective you may think you have no talent or that your future is limited, but it's not! It's up to us to take control and write our own adventure! With this being said

"I am so proud of you all for reaching this goal! I wish you well in all of your future endeavors."

"Finally, that honestly took wayyyy too long I just wanna go home"

I take off my cap and gown before storing them in my bag for easier travel

"Fuah much better I'm not sure who thought it was a good idea to make us wear these long ass things for hours but fair enough"

As I continue my pointless rumination I begin to cross the street after looking both ways

*tch* "where's truck kun when ya need him?!?"

*truck hit get hit ouchiiieeeeeeee die isekai meet rob*

"I guess it was true 'I am not flesh, I'm a perspective' so gg I suppose"

*clears throat*

"Are you done?"

"Yeah sorry about that RoB"

"RoB? Well I guess it doesn't really matter let's get on with it"

"So how are we doing this the old 3 wishes?

"Well the noarmal isekai package is 5 but you can also choose option number 2!"

"Number 2? 🤨 What like heaven or something?"

"Nothing like that I'm talking something you'd actually LIKE"

"🤔 go on"

"You can spin the wheel and see whatcha get *jazz hands*"

*blank stare*

"You do realize you don't have any eyes right?"


"What's so special about option 2"

"Well you see if you were to choose option number 1 you'd get sent to a random

World it could be anything from marvel to sonic forces However this option isn't all bad with it

Your memories come as a packaged deal"

"'Well that's pretty good actually I didn't even think about wishing to keep my memories' hmmm, how about option 2?"

"Well like I said before you spin the wheel and see whatcha get!"

*blank stare*

*clears throat*

"You can spin the wheel a total of 5 times, there will be 5 individual wheels, the first contains the world you will be reincarnated into, the second determines how many requests you can make, the third gives you a starting point for example the young master of a noble family or an urchin from the slums, the fourth decides at which age range you'll be isekaid and the fifth is drumroll please *drums own desk* the one that decides what system you get!"

"I'd normally just spin the wheel and see what happens but I'm giving only you a choice"


"You Make it sound so good isn't it just gambling? I could take option 1 and be pretty much set plus you just said I don't keep my memories if I spin the wheel"


"I never said that however looking from your perspective I can see how you'd misunderstand if you spin the wheel you get everything I said memories included"


"Can I choose option 1?"

"You coulddddd but why WOULD you pass up this opportunity?"

" well for one you've said it yourself that you spin the wheel for people normally so what's so special about me pulling it 'not to mention you're shady as hell dude contradiction city"

*tears with snot bubble*

"Cmon you make me sound like the devil not even 1 in 1.7283 trillion get this chance"

"*sigh* would I want to spin those crappy wheels WHEN I CAN JUST CHOOSE"

"Well if you choose the first option you'll be interfering with the worlds natural order and your very presence could cause existence to fold in on itself thus retroactively destroying

The time space continuum"


"Can you even repeat what you just said"


"HAH HAH HAH OF COURSE I CAN but if you didn't catch it the first time you definitely won't the second time so what will it be kid?"

*scratches head* 'oh wait I have not hands head or body'

-all joviality and warmth suddenly but gradually escape the space-

*a previously unseen look of seriousness spread on RoBs face*

"Listen I can just give this choice to someone else if you keep being this indecisive you're gonna lose a lot more than you think"

"'Wtf is this the same guy?!?' Ok ok I hear ya I hear ya I'm almost ready but before I choose one last question"

" can I spin on a wheel multiple times?!?"

"HAH HAH HAH, now that is a good question since I like you I'll say sure why not"

*blank stare*

"Ok where are these wheels"…