
Jobless reincarnation: the elder brother (Mushoku Tensei)

Gods must hate him. It should have been obvious when a truck slammed into his one-room apartment and squashed him against a wall. If he remembered right, he should get three wishes for reincarnating... But nooo... Spin the flipping wheel for a boon. He didn't even know the thing he got, what the hell was "thousand demon daggers"? And then, he was a baby again, staring at a worried man and an exhausted woman, his new parents. ... He was still salty, though. ___ I own nothing.

Itsame_Mario · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

Chapter thirteen

Gray was tired... Oh, so damn tired.

What was this man's problem? It was like he enjoyed doing this.

"Come on gray, you got this, is mister intermediate rank tired?"

He was tired, damn it. Why couldn't this man realize that? Ever since he was told that he was "on the verge" of advancing a rank in the sword god style, Paul had been driving him into the ground like no tomorrow.

"You know dad, sometimes, I really hate you."

The dumbass that was his father chuckled and stood up, placing his wooden sword on his shoulder as he looked down at him with amusement clear in his eyes. He swore, he would stab that man one day.

Struggling to stand up, he used a silent healing spell to ease the pain of his muscles. In the end, he didn't even manage to advance a rank. Paul was really merciless this time.

"Are you okay?"

Looking to the side, he could see his brother crouching next to him with a frown with Sylphiette behind her, looking worried as well.

Chuckling slightly, he patted the brats head, ruffling his hair as he stood up. Cracking his neck with a satisfying pop, Gray took the presented towel that Lillia was holding with a smile and nod of acknowledgement.

Thinking back on the spar, there were a lot of things he could have done differently, and there were a lot of times Paul could have killed him too.


"So, what did you learn today, Rudi? Anything fun?"

Gray asked as he was wiping down his face,, turning slightly to face his brother with a small grin still on his face.

"I did... bet I will beat you now!"

Gray chuckled at his antics, he hasn't learned any new tricks for months now, yet he still kept the brat on his toes without even trying. The kid was putting too much emphasis on new things instead of practicing the ones he already knew.

After shooing the two away, he looked back over to Paul, who was standing and waiting for him with his practice sword swung across his shoulders.

Handing the towel back to Lillia, Gray gripped his sword tighter and lowered his center of gravity. This was going to be hard as much as it would be fun.

On another thought, he wondered what he should get Rudeus for his fifth birthday.

Two wooden sword collided with a crack as it echoed out in the air, Paul had the advantage in strength, bulk and height, no way was he going to win head on, that was the reason why he bucked his knees, and rolled backwards as his opponent tried to force him to his knees, like all the other times they clashed.

Stabilizing on his feet again, he backed away even more when the older man dashed forward aiming to poke him with the very deadly stick in his hand.

Mana gathered in his legs as he jumped, swinging his own wooden sword at the same time. It clashed with Pauls as he managed to land right behind him. With a sudden twist, he swirled around and tried to slash at the legs of his opponent.

before it connected, however, he had to switch his blades trajectory to block the blow that came out of nowhere. He was pushed to the side, skidding on the ground as he jumped back again.

He was always on the defensive, only occasionally managing to go on the attack that would end in failure.

Fuck it.

Throwing all caution to the wind, he brought his wooden blade up as he parried the sword that came at him. The contact made the vibration be felt right up to his shoulder, but he still managed to deflect the hit with some struggle.

With a sudden turn, he managed to slide his sword across the man's stomach since the strike was overextended. As he managed to make a full turn, he did the unimaginable.

He jumped on Paul's chest, startling the man as he clung to him like a lifeline and...

He hit the dunce.

Multiple times.

"Ow, ow! Stop that!"

Before Paul could pry him off, he froze his legs up to his waist, hearing a surprised "huh", Gray lets go of his shirt and jumps down, bringing his sword up and bonking his head.


And again.

"That hurts, Gray! Stop it!"

And again.

"God damn it, Gray!"

The said nine-year-old grins maniacally as he continued to hit him again and again, before Paul finally gave up and surrendered.

Placing his hands on his hips, Gray smiled victoriously as he threw his nose into the air arrogantly.

He won.