
Rise of Yuna


" " (talking)

' ' (thinking)

{} (talking telepathically)


Yuna's Pov:

{To think he would successfully do 'Black Flash' in such a short amount of time.}

{Our hyung is so talented. I'm so proud!} Chelsea said as she wiped an imaginary tear away.

Jiwoo went to where the unaffiliated were and everyone congratulated him. 

"Thank you for working hard." Jihye and many others bowed their heads in respect to Jiwoo, Wooin, and Chelsea. 

"It's no problem." Jiwoo said as the other two nodded in agreement. 

"Last, we have Yuna Seo, unaffiliated, and Sooae choo of Halla, into the ring!"

"Good luck Yuna." They said as I left. 

The next match was mines against someone in Halla, the same as Wooin. As I was walking into the ring, I wonder if I should beat her up as it would draw attention to me. But Jiwoo and Chelsea already have and even though I quite dislike it, it wouldn't be so bad letting people see unaffiliated ones in a new light. 


'Personally, I would prefer doing things in the shadows as it is much more efficient... On second thought, Chelsea is right, I really am a Cid Kagenou wannabe Shadow. But I'm never admitting that to her.' I thought to myself shaking my head.

*Beep* (3)

*Beep* (2)

*Beep* (1)

Sooae launches forward and aimed a kick at my face. I duck downward to dodge it which surprise her. Thinking it was luck, she tried again but misses. She kept using only close combat without using her awakened powers, annoying me.

Having enough of her looking down on me, I decided to grab her left arm tightly to block an incoming attack aimed at my head, almost breaking her arm. She yelps in pain quickly jumping back away from me, because I let go of her arm.

"Why aren't you using your awakened power?" I asked in a very cold tone that rarely anyone, but Chelsea has heard. This sent chills down everyone's spine including Sooae, but she wasn't discouraged.

"Hey, know your place. I was going easy on you." Sooae said arrogantly, still holding her arm in pain.

"Ho, yet you've not landed a single hit on me. Easy you say, are you sure it isn't because you're, perhaps weak?" I replied sternly.

This highly offended her as she made 10 sphere balls.

"FINE! You've asked for it now!" She exclaimed angrily as she threw the balls at me.

Sooae aimed a ball at my head making me dodge left before ducking downward as another one gone towards me. She then launched 3 of them at me, one to my left, right, and head, expecting it to corner me.

Sadly, I possess limitless and active it, making the sphered balls stop right before coming in contact with me. This surprised her as the 3 balls shatter upon impact. Thinking that was luck, she used the rest of her 5 sphered balls and blasted them at me. The outcome was the same as they broke coming just centimeters away from me.

"Y-you, how is your barrier so strong?" Sooae exclaimed surprised.

{Hey Chelsea, you don't mind me explaining how she can't touch me, do you?} I asked.

{Not at all, it will be entertaining to watch how another affiliated kid lost to an unaffiliated one.} Chelsea replied intrigued.

"It's not a barrier."

"Then how else did my attacks not hit you." She exclaimed.

"Well to put it simply, you touched the 'Infinity' that exists between you and me."

"Infinity?" She asked.

"I'll show you. Put your hand out." I said playfully as I put my right hand in front of me.

"Come on, come on." I continued with my playful remarks as I shake my right-hand side to side. She was hesitating at first, until she senses no hostility from me was when she approached me.

"Come on. Don't be shy." 

As she put her hand out to touch me, it stopped. This surprised everyone but Jiwoo and Chelsea.

'I can't touch her. Is this infinity?' Sooae thought.

"You're not exactly stopping, but the closer you get, the slower you go. So, what now? We could just stay here and hold hands, you know." I said playfully as I clasp her hand in mine.

"Y-you, I refuse!" She exclaimed as she tried to move but couldn't.

"C'mon don't be shy, now. You're making me self-conscious, too." I continued my playful act.

"F**k you!" Sooae yelled.

I strike her stomach using the palm of my left hand as my right hand was still holding Sooae in place. Upon impact, she spits saliva out, but it stops right before my face became expose to it.

"There's still more." I said happily as I threw a couple more strikes before releasing the hand holding Sooae and kicking her in the face, sending her flying.

"Infinity exists everywhere. Convergence, divergence... I wonder, what do you think will happen when one touches this void?" I said as I form 'Cursed Technique Reversal: Red' on my right index fingertip.

I launched a very weak Red at her to which she barely dodged. The attack was a spectacular sight to behold. There was a moment of silence before...


"What was that!"

"That's attack is strong!"

"How is are the unaffiliated this strong?"

"Are all the Seo sibling's monsters?"

Many students exclaimed shocked and scarily as they looked at the damages cause by Red. The direction of where I launched Red destroyed the entire wall of the training arena. You can see the sun sinking through into the room as the ground of the island and sea was split into 2.

*Drip, drip*


Students and teachers looked over to Sooae and gasp at the state of half her body was in. It was very bloody and burnt. As for one or her arms, it was bent backwards to the point where you can see her bone. She was on her knees in pain as she looked up to me with fearful eyes.

"You know personally that I didn't intent to kill you right?" I said in a demanding voice making her nod and answer me immediately.


*Steps, step*

All you could hear was my footsteps alone in this now quiet room. Everyone was afraid, as they couldn't move or breath due to a bit of pressure I emitted from the last attack. As I walked up to her, scaring her, made the other teachers want to jump in action to protect her, even though they themselves were scared and paralyzed, like at any moment I could make everyone in the room disappear.

I took a knee down on my right foot and looked at Sooae at eye level, well if I weren't wearing my blindfold that would be eye level and said amusingly, "If I recall, you told me that I should know my place. What is my place? Does it happen to be you begging for mercy down on your knees, bowing your head?"

"I- ... Yes! My place is bowing down to youu. That's my place... Please spare me, I beg of you." She begged with hopeful and teary eyes.

I scoff at what she said before replying, "I want you to think as hard as that puny brain of yours can manage. Have you ever spared anyone in your place who beg you to."

This made her go silent as I stand up to face everyone and said coldly, "Have any of you?!"

This made lots of the affiliated kids and teachers flinch and gulped.

"You're on your knees begging when many have been in your place, yet you never once spare them. Why should I?"

"T-tha-... *Coughs blood*"

"It's amusingly refreshing how quiet you all have become. Weren't you all saying that we unaffiliated students are so dead. That makes me wonder why it is that unaffiliated students are so darn unlucky. Then again, I have my answer right in front of me from witnessing the countless atrocities and discriminations faced as one."

"I honestly wonder what's the point of this academy for unaffiliated students if we don't even benefit from it. There is a rule that says awakened ones should help newly awakened ones. Which are us unaffiliated ones right? Yet everyone here has witness that most of them that have no experience whatsoever, have all gotten beatings for no apparent reasons and are treated like complete garbage. Our classes also barely give them any progress in improving their abilities. So, what's the reason for coming here if they aren't allow to have the same privileges as an affiliated student." The entire place was silent, before I continued.

"If you were in their shoes, wouldn't you be frustrated too. We all wear the same uniforms, go to the same academy, yet not all of us receive the same benefits. And for what? Because they have yet to develop their awakened power and understanding of how to use it efficiently without any guidance. You all didn't get strong by yourself. You all had help, why can't they have the same?" I paused for a moment to let what I said sink into them before continuing. 

"Now, I am not necessarily saying you should help them every step of the way but guide them, so they at least have the capabilities to survive as an awakened one. We all know how dangerous it is to live as one, and seeing at how one of my weakest attacks almost killed Sooae if I didn't redirect it, says it all."

"I'm strong, and that's probably the only reason you guys are even listening to me in the first place. After all the strong always win over the weak, but that doesn't give you the right to pick on them just because you can."

I turned around towards the exit of the training area and begin to walk away while saying, "The least you can do is not give unaffiliated ones the hope of getting stronger here, just to have their time wasted." 


Chelsea's Pov:


Everyone's attention went to me from the whistling after Yuna said her piece.

"Is Yuna angry?" Jiwoo asked.

"Why do you think she's angry?"

"She isn't?" Jiwoo asked.

"Na she's just annoyed, that's all."

"Argh I'm dying!" Sooae said in pain.

"Ha, she really left a troublesome task to me." I said as I walk towards her.

Noticing I was coming her way, she instantly froze and yelled, "Stop! Get away from me!"

"Shut up already, it's not like I'm trying to kill you. If I wanted to, you would've been dead ages ago."

This shuts her up as I continue to walked towards her before kneeling down on one of my legs. I put my right hand out in front of her and do 'Reverse Curse Technique' to heal her back as good as new. This shocked everyone as all the injures Sooae had just, disappeared as if they didn't exist in the first place. "T-thank you!" Sooae said nervously. 

"You're really thanking me when it was my sister that put you in that state." I said scratching the back of my head awkwardly. 

"Nonetheless, thank you!" Sooae replied genuinely. 

I sighed as I walked away towards the unaffiliated students where Jiwoo and Wooin are. 

"So..." I said catching everyone's attention in the stadium. 

"You guys want to get something to eat in celebration?" 

"Sure, do you guys want to come?" Jiwoo asked the other unaffiliated students. 

"Sure, but what about Yuna?" Jihye questioned. 

"Eh, don't worry about her. She's in a bad mood so don't bother her. Just bring her sweets as it is part of our everyday diet." I replied happily as I took a lollipop out of my pocket to eat it. 

They all nodded in response before we start walking towards the exit while everyone looks dumbfounded by how casual I am. 

As we were walking, I just remembered something and turned around which made everyone tense.

"Do we have to pay for the damages?" I asked sweetly pointing at the giant hole in the wall. 

"Ehem... No, not at all. You guys are good." One of the instructors said sweating bullets. 

"Cool!" I last said before joining the rest of the unaffiliated as we made our way to the cafeteria. 



End of Chapter 16 

Word Count: 2058

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