
Jurion vs Yuna



" " (talking)


' ' (thinking)


{} (talking telepathically)


[ ] (Scene change) 


PING (Texting)



[Shinhwa's Training Arena] 

3rd Person's Pov: 


Wooin, Subin, Jisuk, Kayden and the Seo siblings have finally arrived. 

"Hello, everyone." Yuna said as she bowed. 

"Hello." Jiyoung greeted. 

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's get right to it." Kayden said. 

"That's fine by us." Veramonte commented. 

"Good luck Yuna!" Jisuk and Subin yelled. 


'I wonder how much I should hold back...? 5% should do.' 

"Yuna!" Chelsea yelled with a scheming smirk shown on her face. 

'What's she up too...?' Yuna thought. 


"You better not hold back now?!" She yelled making Yuna tense. 



"If you hold back, I'm going to tell Jiyoung about that~" She taunted. 

"You wouldn't dare." 

"Yes, I would." 

Yuna sighed before sappily answering her. "Fine." 

"You better!" 

"What is 'that'?" Jiyoung asked. 

"Don't worry about it." Chelsea smiled. 

"Don't you think you're overestimating yourselves? Especially against my grandson." Veramonte demanded. 

"Nah, just watch. He'll lose." She replied. 

"You truly are arrogant." He stated before paying attention to the battle for what's to come. 

*Beep* (3) 

*Beep* (2) 

*Beep* (1)

Yuna launched two electrical arrows at Jurion at alarming rates. He barely dodges in time as he sustained a cut on his left cheek. This surprised Veramonte as he didn't think someone at the age of sixteen is capable of producing such strong powerful electrical currents.

Jurion, still stunned by the damages cause by Yuna's previous attacks gave the white head many openings to attack from. She flickers her fingers like Duke and summoned hundreds of arrows as she blasts them one by one at Jurion. 

Sensing the danger, Jurion wrapped his body with shadows surrounding him, forming a barrier against the incoming missiles. Yuna continues rapidly aiming her arrows towards Jurion as he continues to hold up his barrier. But barely as he was exhausting energy much faster than he thought. Then again, he didn't expect Yuna's attacks to be as strong as those he faced in the World's Top 100 which costed him greatly. 

Jurion spread his shadow to cover the entire arena as he sends sharp pointy spikes below her. Yuna jumps back to avoid them, stopping her rapid electrical charges. This allows Jurion to release the barrier as he breathes a sigh of relief. 

"I didn't think someone as young as you could make attacks stronger than those, I have faced in the World's Top 100. But that's to be expected from one of Mr. Kayden's apprentices." Jurion complimented. 

"Hm, you're not so bad yourself." Yuna commented. 

"But that's not enough to beat me." He stated as he made thorns appear on the ceiling. He did the same thing Yuna did and rapidly shot them at her as she dodges. 

{You're still holding back. I really will tell her.} Chelsea commented. 

{Is there a problem with wanting to copy his abilities?} Yuna argued. 

{Then hurry up. And copying doesn't interfere with activating limitless, so why aren't you using it?} She asked. 

{I fight my battles however I want, same as you. Besides, I want to see more of a World's Top 100's capabilities.} Yuna explained. 

{BORING!} She yawned. 

{Fine, I'll speed up just a little.} 

Yuna activated super speed and appeared behind Jurion launching a 'Black Flash' at his head. It made contact creating an explosion, but it wasn't the real Jurion as the clone splatter into black goo. Seeing this, Yuna quickly back away towards a certain corner. This surprised Jurion who was still hiding in the shadow field he had created.

"Huh? Where is Jurion?" Subin exclaimed. 

"In his shadow field that he lay out from earlier." Chelsea replied. 

"But how did he make a clone so quick? I didn't even see it?" She spoke. 

"During the explosions that resulted in a lot of smoke forming, Jurion took this chance to replaced himself with a shadow and has been sneakily making his way towards Yuna. Unfortunately, sis is too good to fall for such tricks especially with that impeccable sensing ability of hers." Chelsea explained. 

"Your sister is strong." Veramonte commented. 

"I know!" 

Yuna would've continued this 'Ring Around the Rosie' game all day, but having the need to entertain her annoying little sister didn't help one bit especially having her constantly bug you inside your own head. 

Jurion revealed himself as he stated shockingly. "You knew from the very beginning that that one was a fake and have been avoid all my attempts to corner you. You're better than most I have faced and at such a young age. What are you?" 

"A sister to Chelsea and hyung. Friends to Jisuk, Subin, Wooin, and many more. A student of Mr. Kayden and a lover to Jiyoung. Did that answer your question?" She replied as some chuckled at her causal demeanor. 

"That's not what I meant, but I guess someone as strong as you are allowed to have such a carefree attitude. I guess I was underestimating you too much, so I'll get serious now." He said sternly as he covered the entire training area in black making it hard to see. 

'Honestly if Chelsea wasn't threatening me right now, I would have admitted defeat.' Yuna sighed. 

"Whoa, is this what's it like fighting a World's Top 100?" Subin exclaimed. 

"Yeah, his technique is impressive." Jisuk complimented. 

Jurion shot tough black chains at Yuna, trapping her arms and legs in place. He then wrapped her entire figure in black goo, obstructing her of any movements and exits. This made Jurion assumed he had won, announcing cockily as he stares at Jiyoung while releasing his shadow field. 

"Yuna is probably unconscious, so we'll end it here as my win." 

{Yuna I swear--} 

"Who's unconscious." Yuna voiced as she blasted away his goo while dispelling his chains. 

"What?! How did you break free?" He exclaimed. 

"You're really underestimating me. I'll show you why I am Mr. Kayden's apprentice." She stated coldly as she accumulates enormous amount of energy into her right index finger, shocking everyone but Chelsea and the cats. 

"This is your punishment for looking down me. 'Divine Judgement'." 

Bring the very down the finger, an intense lightning rod stoke down on Jurion making him unable to dodge and only block. He mustered the remaining power he had leftover into forming a dense barrier. 


Upon descension, it created a huge explosion as electrical particles flashes towards the spectators. Luckily for them, Chelsea and Jiyoung put up a barrier protecting everyone from harm's way. 

As the smoke clears away, Yuna can be seen standing there without a single scratch on her. The same couldn't be said for Jurion who looked like a burned chili pepper with steam coming out of his head. To top it all off, he also sustained lots of ugly cuts, bruises and a broken arm or two. Somehow though, he was still conscious but barely, stunning most. 

"I believe this is my win." Yuna announced before healing Jurion from afar. 

"Uh yeah. Yuna Seo wins!" Inhyuk announced knocking everyone out of their stupor. 

"That was sick!" Jisuk yelled. 

"HOLY S**T! Yuna just won against a World's Top 100 rankers!" Subin shouted. 

"Great job Yuna!" Jiwoo congratulated. 

"Good job kiddo." Kayden complimented, rubbing her head. 

"Hm. Thanks." She replied. 

"Grrrrrr." Chelsea roared. 

"Um, Chelsea? Aren't you happy Yuna won?" Subin asked. 

"NO! Why would I when I told her not to hold back, yet she still did." She yelled. 

"Well, she used my favorite move, 'Divine Judgement' which is hard to come by, so I don't believe she held back a lot." Kayden commented. 


"Just leave me be. I won and that's what matters." Yuna said. 

"Hmpt no it doesn't. I don't care whether you win or not, as long as you don't hold back and put on a good show for me then I'm happy." She argued. 

"I am not your personal jester y'know." 

The little white head pouted as she said, "Hmpt no comment."

"Childish." Yuna commented. 

"I'll show you who's childish. Hey Jiyoung! Did you--" Chelsea started but fell from where she was standing due to a portal opening up below her by her own sister.

"AHHHHH! Yuna you f***er--!" She yelled before the portal closed. 


"Soo... What now?" Yuna asked. 

"Um, is Chelsea alright?" Jiwoo asked. 

"Yep, 100%." 

"Where did you send her?" Kayden asked. 

"Who knows." 


A second later, another portal opened up beside them as an angry white head walked in. 


"Who knows." 


"Huh? Since when was I a masochist in the first place?"

"Since forever. You're the kind of person who would enjoy skinny-dipping in lava."

"I would not. That sounds painful."

"Exactly! You would take pleasure in doing so."

"Did you hit your head on your way there? Who in their right mind would take pleasure in such a thing?"

"I don't know. King Grey, Arthur Leywin."

"Those two are the same person and I'm not like them."

"Hmpt. You would if it meant getting stronger."

"I'm already strong so what's the need? Are you sure you didn't hit your head?"

"Shut up! I'm fine!" 

"You don't sound alright to me?" Yuna asked 'concern' with a cheeky grin. 

"Jiyoung! This is what I'm talking about. Your girlfriend takes pleasure in not only seeing others in pain but also on infliction. So, if you ever have sex-" 

"Do you want another trip?" Yuna asked emotionlessly. 

"Ha! Jokes on you, I'm already prepared for another volcano." Chelsea stated smugly. 

"Who said anything about another volcano. How do you know I won't send you to the bottom of the ocean where it's boiling hot, or into a tornado where you'll be thrown around endlessly, not to mention there's the Earth's core where you'll immediately turn to ashes." Yuna joked. 

"WHAAAAAA! You're too cruel. How can anyone love you? I pity that person!" Chelsea cried as everyone sweat drops. 

"Hyung! You'll protect me, right?" 

"Uh, I'll try." He replied unsure as Chelsea holds onto him for dear life. 

"How would he even help you when all I need to do is teleport you?" Yuna questioned. 

"Hey! I can do the same to you too y'know!" She stated making Yuna raise an eyebrow. 

"Really now." 

"Yeah! Watch me, I'll do it one day!" She bluffed. 

"Hm? I look forward to that day." 

"Hmpt, you sure you're not a masochist?" 



"Ummm, so I lost huh?" Jurion thought. 

"Yep." Jisuk said. 

"Pretty much." Subin stated. 

"Wow really? Thanks captain obvious." Chelsea sarcastically replied. 


"HAHAHAHA! Can you believe it Veramonte. Your grandson just got kicked in his a** by my apprentice. PUHAAHAHAAHA!" Kayden howled as he holds his stomach from bursting which annoyed Veramonte greatly. 

"You said she was holding back still. How much exactly?" Veramonte asked seriously to Chelsea. 

"Who knows." She replied not caring as everyone sweat drops.

"PUHAHAHAAHA! Your apprentices are certainly interesting Kayden. To show no fear even against a World's Top 10. But I suspect it has something to do with their true power, assuming that they can even rival us." Veramonte commented. 

"Who knows." Kayden copied as Veramonte scoffed. 

"Anyhow, you said your name is Yuna Seo right?" He asked. 

"Yes, sir." 

"I must thank you. It must've been a good experience for my grandson." He spoke. 


"Also thank you for healing him."

"It was nothing really."

"Nonetheless, thank you."


"I'll see you around now." He grinned before escorting Jurion out. 


"This calls for a celebration! Yuna won against a World's Top 100!" Jisuk yelled. 


"I want JAJANGMYEON." Wooin voiced. 

"We got it you JAJANGMYEON addict!" Jisuk shouted. 

"Let's meet up around 7 p.m. Is that good?" He asked. 



"Sounds good." 

"By the way sis, if you're not busy wanna join us." 

"I'll see..." She said as she glared at Yuna. 

"We'll order extra just in case." He said as they left leaving the siblings, cats, Jiyoung, and Inhyuk. 

Noticing tension between Jiyoung and Yuna, the rest excused themselves. 

"Are they gone?" Jiyoung whispered not looking back. 

"Yeah, they're gone. Come here." Yuna replied spreading her arms wide open. 

Jiyoung jumps into her embrace, snuggling deeply into her chest. 

"You're not hurt anywhere, are you?" Jiyoung questioned worriedly as she checks her lover's body. 

"I fine. See, there's not even a single scratch on me." Yuna replied, flexing body. 

"Still, you got me worried for a second when you were trapped." 

"I wasn't trapped. I was busy telling Chelsea to get out of my head." 

"Get out of your head?" 

"We can talk telepathically, and she takes advantage of it annoyingly." 

"Is that so, does that mean you were holding back?" 

"I was." 

"May I ask why?" 

"Well, I wasn't trying to kill him, and it's seemed troublesome attracting attention from a World's Top 10." 

"You still did though." 

"It is what it is. Anyhow, how have you been doing? I know I didn't get to visit you a lot due to monitoring hyung's training." 

"Good, you?" She hummed. 

"The usually, but better with you here now." 

"Hm, glad I could be of service." She chuckled cutely. 

"Thank you, my savior." 


They laughed as they continue pressing their bodies closely against one another's. 

"Are you coming to the party?" Yuna asked. 

"I don't know. I still have much to do, but I'll try." 

"It's alright if you can't, I'll save you some food and teleport it to you." 

"You don't have to do that." 

"But I want to." 

"Okay, but make sure you eat. I know you skip your meals, and don't say it's because of your awakened ability." Jiyoung stated, pinching the white head's cheek. 

"Hm, I got. I'll see you." Yuna kissed her before disappearing. 

"I'll see you." She replied at the empty space Yuna was just occupying before heading to her office. 



End of Chapter 42

Word Count: 2359

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