
Reviews of gianii




  • Overall Rate
  • Writing Quality
  • Updating Stability
  • Story Development
  • Character Design
  • world background



Paul is the best! I really like the story and the characters! I wish you post more chapters fast! And also you get more views so more people can see this book!

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This book have a interesting story and good characters...I really like Hikari's character design and Paul's as well even though he is pretty basic for a shounen character...I can see you are a novice writer but this is actually pretty good!


I like everything about this book, the caracters are hood designed and the story too, the idea is just to good and i want to see this animated !!!


Its just unreadable, i dont understand how you could write a webnovel in english when you barely know the goddamn language. Its the most generic **** ive ever read or seen and its even worse, he doesnt know what a comma is and just used "..." instead of them. The author never read a book in his life.


Absolute hot garbage. Its so bad and full of grammar mistakes that its funny wow, and the characters are just plain terrible, undeveloped and boring. The 2 main characters are also just self-inserts of the authors.


Pretty bad if i say so myself. Its full of grammar mistakes that make it painful to read, for chapters nothing actualy happens, its as generic as it gets. The main character is a carbon copy of Kirito which is already a bad character. Its just an edgy plot with edgy undeveloped characters, no world building or descriptions and just copies bad shounen like Asteriks and SAO.


I like how this is a shounen but still it doesn't feel like one...It's serious but still troll and for a shounen MC Paul is pretty different.I like the book but i can feel that you are a novice writer.


This is so cool...It can get better but i'll look forward to see more chapters of this!Keep up the good work and please add more characters!


We need more of these! This might become the best fantasy book out there! Mizuki is my favorite character and after her being saved i ship her and Hikari!


Awesome...When i read this i feel like watching an anime...I want this adapted and wish you post more chapters faster! Tohka best girl... Hikari best btw!


Good soo You've got good story 5/5.The action is interesting and pretty cool as well! I like the way it goes to. I can see that in your country the english isn't the main language but the problem isn't the grammar.The problem is that you aren't the best at describing The character design is the incredible.Hikari is cool and different with his sarcastic lines and even though Paul is a "shone protagonist" is quite different from one.He feels pretty deep and cheerful but it looks like he had a harsh past...Maybe see more in the future. I've got no problem with the background it being pretty good. My biggest problem that i rated 3/5 is the stability of updates.I like hte book but if you publish it like a weekly manga it will make the readers get bored.So post more because it won't get popular if you don't get a schedule. Overall the book have got a big potential so i rate it 4.4/5 It would be a 4.8/5 if you would have posted more.Keep up the good work!


I wouldn't write much but i am not allowed to post without doing it. So,the book is pretty cool...it lacks in characters so i wish it gets more characters soon...but overall is a five stars from me!View More


I like this book! Gianii! I like how you introduced the "Ah **** here wo go again" meme in chapter 2! I hope you put there more memes and also add more characters!


I wonder if this get animated...how bad it will be...because the animation studios can't do an animation good enough for this! This is awesome!


This is just bad, so bad god aaaa This is just bad, so bad god aaaa This is just bad, so bad god aaaa This is just bad, so bad god aaaa This is just bad, so bad god aaaa This is just bad, so bad god aaaa This is just bad, so bad god aaaa This is just bad, so bad god aaaa


It's a pretty decent book writing quality 4/5 stability 3/5 story 4/5 characters 5/5 and world background 3/5. You should really exercise your descripitive talent.I wouldn't say that if you would've started with the better description from chapter one instead of letting it after chapter 11.The characters are cool(Tohka best waifu) and Hikari a clear badass reminding me of Levi.I am a huge fan of Paul because he reminds me just a bit of Taurus Silver.You should give more details about the world around the characters and post more often.For a fast story book the action is just a bit slow and you are not describing the battles enough so i can't really tell how it would look.That's all Countinue and become better!


This is good...it don't have so many characters and all but is still decent....I just wish it doesn't become a harem and Paul gets like 10 wives...Keep it up!