
Jinnx Hunter

Heavily outnumbered, Arex Carceri found himself on the run from a dangerous gang, only to have his life take an unexpected twist when he encountered Roxina, a mysterious woman claiming herself as a Shikari with a peculiar interest in his soul. Unfortunately, their meeting took a turn for the worse, ultimately resulting in Arex's death. Arex thought his life was over until the Black Parade swept him off to the enchanting realm of Necropolis. It was there that Arex would learn the truth about the Shikaris' role in keeping the balance between the spirit and mortal world. However, this significant equilibrium was shattered by the malevolent demon lord by posing threat that could annihilate the existence of both the shikaris and mankind. Now, with a second chance at life, the fate of two worlds hangs in the balance, relying on the unlikely hero, Arex Carceri, a teen delinquent street-brawler, who must undertake the daunting task of restoring the harmony that once existed between these realms. His mission? To hunt down and turf every soul-eating Jinnx sent by the malevolent demon lord. ______________________________________ ° ongoing update w/ 2 chapters daily ° ^^ WSA 2024 Entry ^^ ______________________________________ ° Please support by sending gifts and golden ticket ° ° would appreciate if you will purchase my privilege tiers. ° ° JINNX HUNTER is participating on the mass release event this May 12th, 2024 with 5 chapters to be released tha t day apart from the regular 2 chapters. A total of 7 chapters in one day °

Amedrianne · Urban
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88 Chs



Three resounding calls of the ancient gong reverberated through the Necropolis fort, indicating that the seven lords of the black parade were summoned to assemble in the high lord's conference chamber.

Every single one of the seven lords and ladies of the Black Parade were all gathered at the conference hall of the Fort. A majestic fortress emerged within the heart of Necropolis, serving as a sanctuary for extraordinary beings who embraced the journey of becoming shikari.

All those who aspired to become shikari resided in the grand fortress, where the mighty lords of the spirit realm, known as the black parade, also dwelled.

And today, the High Lord who oversaw them all, the powerful necromancer, Grecko Rowin.

They were all gathered in a curved formation within the chamber hall, their eyes fixed on the entrance.

The powerful necromancer, positioned at the center of the gathering, attentively heeding each of his seven loyal lords. To Grecko's dismay, he never anticipated that all seven of his lords would ultimately end up arguing over one single issue.

And that was their encounter with the aberrant Jinnx in the human world.

"All of this could have been avoided if Lady Roxina had simply completed her mission successfully." Merfestina, a woman who was also on of the seven lords of the black parade, gestured her finger towards Roxina. 

She, much like Kiyo, held Roxina responsible for the turmoil that unfolded in the mortal realm.

Meanwhile, Roxina continued to sit in her chair. She made no effort to protect herself. In the depths of her thoughts, she was aware that her endeavor had met with defeat, and this was the inevitable outcome that awaited her upon her return to Necropolis.

"I've been trying to explain that to her the entire time we've been there," Kiyo added, intensifying the heated questioning of Roxina.

Roxina didn't bother to respond. She had no evidence to support her claims. Anything she utters at this moment will only serve to ridicule her in the long run. 

"Don't you think you're all being too hard on Lady Roxina? Have you considered the possibility that it may not have been entirely fair to hold her responsible for everything, considering the daunting challenge she was up against, which even Lord Valkas and Kiyo couldn't handle alone?" Leomold, also one of the seven lords of the black parade, spoke up, casually tossing his sleek, purple hair that was neatly tied back in a ponytail.

Leomold remained impartial, offering a rebuttal to Merfestina and Kiyo's biased evaluation. Leomold even added, "I mean, no offense to Lord Valkas, but don't you think you'd agree with me? That aberrant was more difficult to deal with than what we usually come across." Leomold finally turned his gaze towards Valkas, who was sitting closer to Roxina. 

Valkas, lost in thought with his hands clasped together and his chin resting on them, was abruptly interrupted when he turned his attention to Leomold. 

"Dealing with the aberrant would require more than just the efforts of a single lord. It would take the involvement of our high lord to truly defeat one. My say on this is It's important for us to expand our understanding about these Jinnx's. As time passes, their power grows, and it becomes increasingly difficult for us to keep pace if our knowledge of their vulnerabilities remains limited."

"Are you saying that we must match the same power of our high lord in order to progress? Don't you think that sounded like treachery to Lord Grecko?" Halze, another Lord and who had remained quiet throughout, couldn't resist the urge to voice his thoughts. He glanced at Valkas, his eyes peering out from beneath his blonde fringes.

"No, we simply need to gain a deeper understanding of their vulnerabilities in order to effectively utilize our powers and drive them away."

"But based on your description, it seems like you have plans to overthrow our high lord."

"Be mindful of your words, Lord Halze. I would never betray our high lord."

And with the conversation becoming increasingly chaotic, Grecko finally decided to join in. He signaled to Braganza to ignite the enormous golden cauldron in the middle.

Braganza skillfully ignited the cauldron with a hushed arrow, causing the vibrant green flame conjured by Grecko to dance and flicker within the cauldron. 

The fire soared to such great heights that it immediately silenced the seven lords, putting an end to their conversations.

And as it calmed down, Grecko promptly got to his feet and strolled down the aisle, moving closer to the cauldron and further away from the imposing crescent table. He then turns around and faces all of the seven lords.

Despite his lack of sight, he possessed the remarkable ability to discern the identities of the seven lords occupying the bronze chairs in front of him.

"Weren't the green flames supposed to be hot? and yet it immediately caused everyone to freeze while gazing at it?" Grecko spoke up immediately, breaking the silence that had fallen upon the room after the eruption of his vibrant green flames from the cauldron.

Despite his question, none of the seven lords had the courage to utter a word. They all seem completely silenced, as if they had been scolded by their superior.

Grecko raised his left arm and extended his index finger. A tiny emerald flame flickers to life on his fingertip, "Even with just a touch, it has the power to freeze you in an instant. Could someone please explain why that is possible? I'm curious." Greck inquired of each and every one of them.

As always, his voice exuded a sense of calm and reassurance, yet carried an air of authority that struck fear into the hearts of most of the seven lords.

Not a single Lord had the courage to step forward and respond to the powerful necromancer. They might have thoughts, but the fear of facing consequences and embarrassment kept them from speaking up.

"Now I'm curious how my unique green flame somehow silenced all of you. Um... Valkas?" Grecko swiftly unleashed a burst of fire towards the lamp of Valkas, instantly illuminating the room. He then inquired, "Would you like to make an assessment?"

Valkas felt somewhat shunned by that, as he was taken aback. Unlike the rest, Valkas appeared deep in thought, pondering the mysterious jinnx and its potential connection to the grand necromancer's cryptic message delivered through the flickering green flame.

"High Lord, while I was confronting the aberrant Jinnx, there was something I observed that continues to linger in my thoughts even now." Valkas responded. 

Valkas paused, briefly considering the ethical implications of sharing his observation with the high lord and the other Lords of the council. 

He hesitated, unsure if it was merely a chance occurrence.

Out of nowhere, Grecko transformed into a wispy green mist and effortlessly teleported closer to Valkas. "We're eagerly anticipating an update, Valkas."

Valkas felt even more uncomfortable when the high Lord suddenly appeared by his side. He experienced an unexpected shiver down his back that he was doing his utmost to conceal. 

Valkas realized that now, there was no longer any justification for him to keep it to himself. It would be foolish if he couldn't share the valuable information he observed from the aberrant Jinnx they encountered.

"Upon strangling the aberrant Jinnx with my vine of flames. I noticed that the Jinnx almost repulsed my flame as it was generating some kind of a odd power."

"Odd power, you say?" Grecko inquired with haste, seeking to evaluate Valkas' response.

"Indeed, high Lord. This power I speak of is incredibly rare, so much so that it remains elusive to anyone within my tribe."

"Enlighten us further, Valkas. Could you clarify your statement?"

"The blue flames, high Lord, I witness how the aberrant Jinnx exude them. The Jinnx didn't only possess extraordinary strength and intellect, but it also possessed the ability to wield blue flame. A certain type of power that seemed utterly impossible for a Jinnx to bring forth unless—"

However, Valkas was abruptly interrupted as Grecko quickly chimed in and carried on with his intended statement, "--unless the human inside him possesses that power and managed to control the Jinnx. Is that what you're trying to say, Valkas?"

Grecko's assessment brought shock to Valkas face. It rendered him speechless for the next few moment as he pondered the bizarre mind of their high Lord for being able to perceive what it was that's running inside of Valkas' mind.

Even the other Lords, who were witnessing the conversation, were left speechless by the revelation that Valkas and Grecko had made. They couldn't help but feel a surge of pride having them around in a situation like this.

Kiyo couldn't help but feel a tinge of disappointment for not being able to provide any meaningful insights from their encounter with the Jinnx. He had just scolded Roxina, and inexplicably, it only made him appear ineffective.

"High Lord, that's just my evaluation. I haven't yet proven my theory." Valkas wasted no time in responding, making it clear that he found the theory to be completely implausible.

Yet, Grecko made no attempt to scold Valkas for his actions. Indeed, Grecko couldn't help but let out a chuckle, as if he had stumbled upon a truly brilliant discovery.

After that, everyone observed as Grecko gradually returned to his seat. They all eagerly awaited his next words, only to be let down as Grecko continued to defy expectations.

"Valkas, what approach do you plan to take to validate your theory? Shall we put it to a test?" Grecko inquired.

Valkas couldn't resist glancing in the direction of the powerful necromancer. "Pardon, high Lord, but what exactly do you mean by that?"

Out of nowhere, Grecko's face twisted into a sly grin as he responded, "I've requested Braganza to bring back with us the remains of the aberrant Jinnx. By now, it should have reverted to its original state after I infused the essence of the orb into him. And since he's back to his human form, we would be able to try and see if your theory was right."

"I'm sorry, but are you saying that you want me to wield my scythe against a mere mortal, high Lord? But that would mean I would have to kill him?"

"Oh, no. That's highly unlikely. That's not how we treat our guest, right? Just make sure to give him a proper welcome treatment from the seven lords of black parade." Grecko responded. His tone, while composed, carried a hint of sarcasm.

As the conversation continued inside the chamber, all eyes turned towards the grand doors as they swung open. The seven lords were taken aback when they realized that the boy they had been discussing earlier was the one who came entering—Arex Carceri.

 "Speaking of, our esteemed guest is here,"Grecko suddenly declared, acting as if he was the only one who knew Arex was coming.


After the unsettling stillness that accompanied Arex's arrival, Grecko swiftly broke the silence by casually leaning his cheek on his forearm and offering a warm greeting, "Welcome to Necropolis, Arex Carceri."