

Her lips looked so scrumptious, and red as I floated towards her, I wrapped my arms around her, ready to be engulfed by her. "Wake up! Wake up Jesus-Chan!" I awoke to the form of my teacher Mrs. Elizabeth standing over me, with her ruler plummeting towards me. "Sleeping in my class again are you Jesus-Chan? For that you deserve a punishment." She lifted her ruler, swung her back towards me, and began to pace towards the clock. With her ruler she tapped the base of the clock, it read 5 O'CLOCK! "Oh my gosh! I'm gonna be late for bible study." I jumped from my chair and ripped my bag from the chair's back nearly spilling it's contents, sprinting from my classroom, and directly into the bustling streets of Akita, quickly turning down my usual back-alley shortcut.

Just as my legs began to burn, and give way I ran across the neighborhood bridge, but something odd caught my eye, on the usually clean, and completely trash free river bank a shiny golden object. Taking the 5-foot leap down to the river's edge, I stared down at the object. Quickly realizing I should continue on to bible study, but letting my ADHD take control I grabbed the shining coin and ripped it from the dirt. Quickly I realized that this wasn't like the long discontinued twenty year old yen coins that my grandfather still carried around, but something different entirely. As in my hand was the course and leather binding of a book, with this coin etched into the center of its cover. Not wanting to waste a second, I opened my new found discovery to the first page, but what I found was nothing I had seen before, the entire page was filled with writing I couldn't comprehend, what were these characters? I don't think I could translate this in a thousand years! Despite my clueless, I knew I wanted to explore through and read the entirety of the book. I will figure out what all this means I told myself, and then in excitement I flipped to next page. And then I only saw black....