
A Playful Game of Darts, with Forks?



A tall slender man dashes through the hallways of what seems to be a dilapidated

building. A structure that was the same as the hundreds of other houses sitting right next to

each other like cramped ducks, in a street no wider than a river stream. It was cramped with

gears and pipes running along each house, interconnected. Steam and smoke litter the air,

replacing where clouds would've been. But there were none, but instead a rustic dome covers

the city from above. Lit by nothing but gigantic fluorescent light bulbs scattered miles along its

surface. The streets were buzzing with activities, and just as how its citizens are constantly

running from one point to another, the tall slender man swims past all the clutter in the room, to

arrive to be met with a shattered window.


A pair of huge, doll-like eyes peek through the wooden door. "Sorry.." The door widens and a

small freckled child appears behind the frail oak door. The disparity in their ages were easy to

spot, the tall and slender man appears to be of middle aged. Compared to the youthful kid that

stands before him, looking scared as was caught red handed in the scene of the crime. "So did

the window just suddenly burst into pieces or did you have something to do with, well, this." He

asks, looking more confused than irritated. "I was trying to play darts Uncle Jeremy, but I lost

some of the actual, uhm pointy things.. Saw the fork on the table and the opportunity was too

good to pass by!" She giggled. Then instantly remembering the glass shards lying on the floor.

"Obviously I didn't expect to miss THIS badly."

Sigh "as long as you are well, I shall be too. But don't think I'm forgiving AND forgetting at the

same time, now help me look for something to clean this up before it becomes a part of the

house." They both go through the junk scattered throughout the room looking for cleaning

supplies. Empty bottles and paper boxes, relocate as they both move the mess to find even

more mess underneath. "Why don't you ever find time to clean all of this up?" Jeremy turns to

her looking slightly offended "Pardon me for working all day and night and not having the time to

clean any of this up.

"I mean, we're doing just fine. Why do we need all of that money anyways?"

He stops for a bit to answer her. Looking at her with such sincerity as her blissful ignorance

lightens his mood a bit. "Indeed we are fine right now, but that is because I have you with me.

My child, we may not have a lot but we have each other."

"And a million other bottle's apparently" she laughs, while turning her back towards him

continuing to look through the mountains of trash. "Hey look at this! I found mail." He goes to her

side of the pile to pick up a small red envelope floating on top of the mountain of white crumpled

pieces of paper. He presses the button underneath the mail and it opens up projecting a

hologram of a white haired woman, looking about in her seventies yet speaks with the utmost

power, of which a twenty year old in his prime would possess.

His eyes widens as he is greeted with a familiar but not so welcome face. "Greetings, I

acknowledge the time difference between our last conversation to now, however I do seek your

presence in an upcoming dinner together with the rest of Sacramondt family. We await your

response, hoping to see your face once again, otherwise we would have to arrange a visit to

you. "

His face now twisting to more of a nervous scowl. Closing the envelope shut before the

message has fully ended. He stands there with his thoughts growing deeper, not realizing how

Lim was now inches from him, having heard the invite, she immediately greets him with, "Can I

come? Can I come?" Repeatedly, waking him up from his trance, she jumps up and down with a

wide smile on her face as she asks. The spark of enthusiasm replacing the once bored eyes

she bore. Before he could say anything, she continued to ramble, "I bet there's going to be other

food there aside from onion soup we have everyday! It sounds really fancy! Who was that lady?

How did you meet someone like her?" Her energy is not running out, in contrast to his very

drained face. He looks at her with his droopy eyes. Debating on what to do, he holds her small

hands and tells her with a stern and firm voice. "No, I do not want to poison your young and

impressionable mind, but these are really bad people. And we are not to be associated with


"But why??" She tilts her head, trying to gauge Jeremy's expression. He takes a deep breath,

and looks away for a bit before answering. He turns his head sharply, back to her, "Plus, you're

a scholar, you need to be in school most probably on the date of which this will be held!" He

scoffs. "You don't even know when the date was!" She raises her voice at him. Lim may be

young, but she is great at analyzing people and is very quick to her toes when she's faced with

a situation where she'd like to come on top off. As the tenseness of the conversation continues

to thicken. Jeremy was quick to shut her down immediately, "my decision is final!". Jeremy may

be cold in his demeanor towards her, but deep inside he cares about her. He cares about her

more than he's cared for anything else in his life. She was his world, and like a mama bear to

her cub, he would do anything to keep her safe from harm's will.

She was taken aback, she was used to him speaking to her with a monotone voice at best, but

he has never raised his voice like that at her. But she wasn't ready to give up yet. She clasped

her fists and held her composure together firmly, "Why do I even need to go to the academy

when I can do this!" His thick bushy eyebrows twisted into a scowl,"Do what?" Words seeping

through his clenched teeth.

"This!" She smiles, ear to ear, as each individual broken piece of the window starts to shake, the

tiniest pieces beginning to float towards their original place. The shards were dancing in the air

as they followed the path towards the window, each one gluing each other seamlessly. Jeremy

stood and watched with his eyes wide open, but his eyebrows furrowed. His eyes darted back to

Lim, to his horror, Lim's eyes went from normal black and dusty pupils with whites surrounding

it, to a glowing neon blue. Her face contorting as she struggles, her limbs shaking, nearly

trembling from exhaustion. He rushes to her, shaking her to stop. She snaps out of it, her face

slowly returning to normal. She passes out on his arms, he quickly catches her and carried her

to a nearby sofa.


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