
growing up

being born into the arc family is quite interesting you have servants bustling all over the place trying to make sure their clients are pleased

although i quickly became the prodigy of the family learning to talk and a measly three months old and walking just a month later i started to learn to read and write at six months and by the time the year was out i was already picking up a wooden sword to learn how to fight

i was such a prodigy i scared my retardedly over protective parents who were forced to actually start teaching me in fear i'll hurt myself which was doubtful in my previous life i wasn't just a software engineer i was also a kendo hanshi the highest grade possible to get in the art

so i just moved that over to here training my ass off over the years my parents fear abated and they became very proud i also began to meditate so i could train with my zanpakuto i was fortunate to be able to unlock him without an asauchi however i wouldn't be able to learn her name for it was a she until i got one

when i turned ten i began learning blacksmithing so as to properly use this armory i forged the armor i would use in the future (cover of story for art) when i finished forging that i was eleven and my parents were desperately looking for a way to get me out of my want to be a huntsman and failing miserably however i never let them know this i made it look like i was considering so they would get off my back

when my eldest sister saphron took me to argus in hopes i'll find something else as a career which i won't but this was a good opportunity to train without my parents hounding me

"i mean i would love to go but are sure you want me intruding i know you and terra are trying to make a family" i said

"oh no you don't have to worry me and terra would love to have you" saphron said although i can see in her eyes she was pleading with me a bit confused but i agreed but what surprised me more is that saphron knew very well i wasn't gonna find anything so i simply kept my mouth shut

when we got there i saw boxes everywhere which made sense they just moved into the place terra suggested me the mistral tournament that was in just a few months and i was grateful to her

since it was still a few months away and since i had recently forged my asauchi i began to meditate and train with it to properly unlock my zanpakuto he was grateful he had unlocked his aura already although he rarely used it so as to not rely on it as he was walking through town he found a dusty old crow and his maiden friend

"hello your a huntsman right" i asked

"yeah" he said

"how about a trade" i said

"oh" he said

"i can enhance your semblance in return i want a spar" i said qrow nodded i took a vial out

"drink it" i said he did so

"what is this" he asked

"whiskey" i said in reality it had the tiniest amount of black blood in it mixed with several other things as i found a way to better make use of it

"your semblance causes bad luck" i said he looked shocked

"your from team STRQ i'm not stupid i have done my research on legendary huntsman teams and yours is interesting anyway the vial you drank just made it possible for you to activate and deactivate your semblance at will also it will give you the ability to control who is affected by it" i said black blood was so useful when you know how to use it i thought

he looked towards the maiden who nodded her head and he activated his semblance the moment she moved she fell onto her back

"proof enough" i asked qrow nodded

"thanks kid" he said i nodded

"where do you want that spar" he asked i led them to my training field in reality i wanted to test if i had mastered the breath of water properly

"ready" he asked i nodded pushing the guard of my zanpakuto with my thumb and he charged me

"breath of water, first form: water surface slash" i said slashing out horizontally with sword

"amazing you have a water semblance" the maiden asked

"nope that was all technique my semblance is aura amplification" i said

"WHAT" qrow said he manipulated water and that was just technique

"i can manipulate many of the elements with technique you just need to know how to do it" i said

"impressive kid" he said

"thanks now i noticed you were wandering so i am assuming your looking for a place to stay sooooo" i went through the hand gestures

"mokuton: shichūka no Jutsu" i shouted and in an instant i created a house i was very glad i had learned jutsu and could use it

"this place has barriers around that should protect you against any unwanted guests consider it my thanks and your welcome to stay as long as you like" i said

"thanks kid i'm qrow and this is amber" qrow said

"names jaune, jaune arc" i said

"i want to give you something" i said

"this is the masamune" i said pulling out a katana i had created combining the imperial arms murasame and the demon sword yamato

"what so special about it" qrow asked

"it can cut through and kill anything in one hit even immortals will die as this blade can cut through immortality" i said qrow and amber's eyes widened

"why don't you use it" qrow asked

"not skilled enough this sword can cut through anything so i can accidentally kill myself because as long as it makes so much as the slightest cut so long as the blade enters the opponents bloodstream they are dead" i said qrow nodded i was lying i could easily wield the blade without killing myself however if ozpin had it he may stop playing chess with peoples lives and actually do something himself

"what else can you do" amber asked

"my secret anyway i should be going my sister and her wife will probably start worrying if i don't show up soon" i said qrow and amber nodded

"if you need anything use this to contact me trust me i have many more tricks up my sleeve" i said as i handed each of them a star trek style communicator merged with a starwars holocommunicator and left

these first couple of chapters are heavily inspired by the embodiement of arc just shortened a bit as i like how he does things although it will only be for like two to three chapters that it is like this i have big plans for amber and beacon as a whole also while it is inspired it is not a complete copy there are changes i made so as to still be at least somewhat original

jexisherecreators' thoughts
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