
Janitor King Von Damien Of Hero High

Author: Masky
Ongoing · 13.8K Views
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In a world with heroes and villains, there is a man who cares nothing but about taking care of the hero high school, that man is the janitor of the hero high school, King Von Damien. This is King's story who will do anything to keep the school clean and tidy.

Chapter 1The Janitor At Hero High

"So you are the one who stole my cakes?"

A dark-skinned teenager, he has blonde hairs and wears a black school blazer. His name is Nathan Brick.

Nathan has cornered a boy in a tight corner, the boy's name is Owen Trace.

Owen Trace, he has black messy hair, a nerdy but good-looking face with glasses on them.

Nathan seems to be questioning Owen with one hand in his pant pocket while he uses the other to press Owen by the wall.

Owen has both his hands folded.

"I really don't feel like answering to a lowly prick like you and to steal from you even worse." Owen says as he arrogantly adjusts his glasses and keeps his hands folded.

"Why you!!!" Nathan busts his palm on the wall in anger creating a palm-like structure on the wall.

"You want to go, so let's fight." Owen says as he smirks arrogantly and stands still without any fear in his eyes.

"Oye, ya two needa get ya feet moving, I just cleaned that floor ya know."

This is our main character, his name is King Von Damien, he has black slicked down hair with a touch on blonde and purple at the tip of it.

Damien seems to also have dead eyes which don't suit his face and he wears a white shirt along with black jeans.

He has been working as a janitor here for a week and is on trial work. If the chairman likes his work, he will be selected to work here permanently.

"Fucking hell...It's the janitor." Nathan says.

"So what if it is? Didn't you want to fight me?" Owen smirks as he looks arrogantly at Nathan.

"Not today, some other day, my mood to fight someone is a complete goner." Nathan says then he leaves a sigh.

"Hey, that's not playing fair, you don't seem to have the guts to hit me or what?" Owen seems to be getting frustrated by Nathan's actions.

"Ya two done fighting?" King asks.

"Shut up you lowly janitor! Don't you know who I am?" Owen arrogantly questions King.

King gives a dead look.

"Sorry, who are you?" King asks Owen.

"SERIOUSLY?!!!" Owen seems to be in a shock.

"That's just how he is." Nathan says as he gives Owen a mocking smile.

"Imma take my leave King, so don't worry, I won't be causing any trouble." Nathan says as he leaves with both his hands in his pant pocket.

"What the hell?! Hey, come back here!" Owen screams as he follows Nathan.

Owen stops and looks back at King.

"As for you, I will be sure to take away your job as a janitor, I have that kind of power, you get that!" Owen says as he points his finger at King.

"Kids these days..." King says and then leaves a huge sigh.

"I agree, kids these days are quite a nuisance."

A gruff voice.

King turns around.

King looks at an old man in a suit with all his hairs turning grey along with wrinkles all over his face.

"Chairman George Lloyd, eh? Whatcha doing here?" King asks the old man.

"I am just having a little walk around. Plus it's my school King, I am free to do whatever I want to." George nervously says as he sweats and looks at King who is looking at him with dead eyes.

"Ah right...I forgot, sorry about that " King says as he rubs his hair.

(For real...His dead eyes are so deadly...If you don't know him, people might take him for a villain.)

George thought to himself.

"Oye George, wake up!" King snaps his fingers in front of George's face.

"Sorry about that, I was kinda thinking about something." George says as he nervously sweats.

"Jeez, why do ya always sweat when ya talking to me? I ain't gonna eat ya or anything." King says as he folds his hands.

"I am sorry about that!" George says as he nervously smiles and sweats.

(Can't do anything about me sweating, you look so scary...)

Geroge thought.

"Oye George, can I ask ya something?" King asks George.

"Sure go ahead..." George says with a surprised face.

"The kids in this hero school, are they any different than the other schools?" King asks as he leans by the window feeling the fresh air outside.

"I don't know what experiences you have had with the kids in the other schools but I assure you, we have a unique bunch of kids, you might like them." George says with a smile and some sweat.

"I see..."

King looks at George with his dead eyes.

"In the week, I have been here, I think so I will take the job, I feel like this school would be perfect for my job as a janitor." King says with a cold tone.

(Wait! I am the one to give you this job not you to accept this job!)

A chill went up George's spine.

(Is giving this job to him a good idea?)

George seems to be shaking in his boots while thinking about what to do.

"Hmm? Ya good George?" King asks George who is shaking, sweating and has completely fallen pale.

"OYE GEORGE, DON'T YA DARE DIE ON ME!!!" King screams as checks George.

"I gotta get em to the hospital! Oye George, don't die, I need this job boi! So your staying alive at any cost!" King says and then takes George out of the school and to the hospital.

It turns out George was weak to heart, looking at King's face gave George a severe heart attack.

George was admitted to the hospital.

A few people visited George to the hospital until the next day when King showed up again.

"Yo George, how have ya been?" King asks George about his health as he keeps a basket of fruit near his bed.

(What does this idiot want now?!)

George can't speak because he needs to get the breathing from the oxygen tube.

"Ya don't needa answer, I got some fruits for ya. Be sure to eat em, ya will feel a lot betta when ya back up." King says as he keeps his cold face.

(Does this guy ever smile?)

"Oye George, about that job...Ya gonna give it to me, right?" King asks.


George's pressure seems to be increasing along with his heartbeat.

"Oye George, ya ain't dying on me now, are ya?!" King asks as he looks at George's health.


"Anyways, I am taking it that you want me to work as a janitor at ya school, so I will do exactly that, thank you!" King says as he gets up with a dead face.


"Another thing, I need your thumbprint on this janitor acception letter." King says as turns around and shows the janitor acception letter to the dead George.

"Here, done!"


King takes the thumbprint and leaves the room.

George begins to cry in agony.

(I am so dead...Why am I even alive? Just kill me now...I don't want to live this miserable life. Just kill me before they do.)

King makes it out of the hospital.

He looks at the acceptance later.

"I guess my new life as a janitor might just be as fun as my previous life...Maybe, I don't know." King says as he looks at the sun setting.

"What's fun about being alone, King?"

Shadowy figures,

"What's fun ya ask? The fun about being alone is that ya just have no one ya care bout coz once ya start caring about someone, they become a hindrance to ya an' once they become a hindrance to ya, ya are nothing but dead meat."

King's eyes were cold as ever when he made the statement. He looked like a criminal who was ready to kill without no mercy. His eyes stung like a knife and pierced like a bullet. King looked like a real killer.

The morning alarm,

King hits the alarm button as he gets up in his sheets which are made of teddy bears.

"Just a dream." King says as he gets off his bed.

King brushes his teeth and then has some toast and tea for breakfast.

He then washes his dishes, cleans them and keeps them aside on a stand.

King then takes a bath in hot water for a while.

It seems that King lives alone and does all his chore by himself. Be like King and do your chores, you lazy bumpkins.

King makes his way towards the hero high school early in the morning and waits outside the hero high gate for a while.

"I gotta open the gate at 7 in the morning, huh?" King says to himself as he looks at his watch.

King turns on the T.V. in his watch.

He turned on the news channel which showed that some heroes were able to fend off villains and their heroics in glory.

King immediately turned off the T.V.

"Some hero shit, tsch."

King seems to be annoyed by the hero news.

"Hello mister, it's 7 already, so can you open the gate?"

A cute girl in pig-tails and the black blazer that belongs to Hero High School, she gives King a cute smile.

The cute girl's name is, Zandra Melly

"Sorry about that, I will get on that immediately." King says and then opens the school gate.

(Jeez, I was so much into that hero business news, I forgot my job)

King then thinks,

(Well this is a hero school which means having knowledge on heroes is essential)

"I saw you talking to Zandra."

A young boy, he is about the same age as Nathan and Owen. His got navy blue hairs and they are long and spiky.

The name of the boy is, Lewis Vizer.

"Oye kid, what da ya want?" King asks.

"That girl she's mine alright, so hands off!" Lewis says as he pouts angrily and folds his hand.

"What that girl ya girlfriend or something?" King asks Lewis.

"N-Not at all! But I see your dirty eyes staring at her." Lewis says as he angrily looks at King.

King sighs.

"Then lemme give ya an advice kid, ya gotta stay away from her, she a real sharp fox if I had to put it correctly." King says.

"What?" Lewis seems to be confused.

"Now get going to ya class, ya getting late." King says.

"Oh shit! Your right! I will be back so don't go anywhere!" Lewis says as he leaves.

"What was with that kid?" King questions Lewis's actions.

"What in the world?!"

A familiar voice.

"Oh, its ya kids, what was ya name again Nathan and...?" King thinks as he looks at Nathan and Owen.

"I never told you my name, you lowly janitor." Owen says as he looks angry.

"That doesn't matter, what in the world are you doing here!" Owen says with an angry face.

"Doing my job." King says with a straight face.


"What do ya mean how? I officially got this job is the perfect way to put it." King says.

"WHY THOUGH?!!!" Owen screams.

Nathan walks past the conversation.

"HEY YOUR AN IMPORTANT CHARACTER! DON'T JUST WALK BY!" Owen screams at Nathan who is going inside the school.

"Sorry, got no time for chitter chatters, I actually want to be a hero unlike you who just wants to be attached to your father's name." Nathan says as he ignores Owen.

"What did you just say?!" Owen was ready to fight Nathan but King stops him.

"Oye kid, to ya class." King says with a cold face and tone.

"Tsch! Fine." Owen says and then leaves with arrogantly ignoring King.

King sighs.

"Seriously, that kid needs to learn some manners." King says as he looks at the time.

"Well, it seems it's time to close up." King says as he closes the gate.

King opens a book from his pocket and then begins to read it.

King makes his way towards the school campus where he looks at the students who have gathered around.

"So many students who dream to be heroes...How many of them truly want to be a hero though?" King questions as he looks around.

(Heroes, they are the embodiment of justice in this world. Whoever is a hero is respected and they can gain fame when they defeat a villain or even stand up against them but even heroes have rules and restrictions and to learn those rules and restrictions young bois and gals decide to go to a hero high school. That is if they ever want to be heroes.)

"Hey, the class is about to start!"

(There are other high schools too where the people who don't want to be heroes go to but mostly if ya got powers, ya gotta use em. That's the very reason why ya got the hero high schools. Through what I know, this is the very first hero high school and is really famous. That is the reason why this hero high school is called Hero High because they couldn't come up with a stupid name for it.)

King begins to walk around the school.

(Who am I? My name is King Von Damien, I was looking for the job of a janitor. The reason you ask, well, it's because I wanted to put my past behind...)

"Oye kid, don't dirty the ground." King says to two boys who litter the ground.

"Yeah, sorry..." Two boys leave.

King picks up the empty packet of chips then sighs, he then throws the empty packet of chips in the dustbin.

(A janitors job is to look afta the school, it also means that I will have to open the gates for the school on time and then even close them, look that the students behave when they are in the hallways and also clean the school.)

King sits on a bench and drinks a can of soda.

(On the contrary, a janitor's job seems simple but it's more than that considering that villains will try to attack the school and I will havta be the watch-guard during that times)

King throws the can of soda in the dustbin nearby.

(Even now I should be guarding the gate or cleaning some ground but the school seems to be so clean and the teachers around the campus are some super strong heroes that I don't feel the need to worry about anything.)

King leans by a window.

(That's one of the reasons why I chose this school, I get a lot of free time here.)

"Hey, you're the janitor, right?" Zandra asks King.

(The other was because I had heard that the students from hero high needed some lessons and by lessons, I don't mean hero lessons but rather some discipline.)

"That is correct, that would be." King says as he looks at Zandra who makes a cute face.

(Zandra Melly, I was warned about her by a friend of mine who teaches here.)

Zandra seems to be speaking about her studies to King.

(Zandra Melly loves to play pranks on the adults and they are just not any pranks, her pranks are pranks which are capable of firing teachers and other workers here. Everyone wants to be on the good side of her for that very reason.)

"So I was hoping that you could help my friend over there by showing her around the school." Zandra says with a cute smile.

King looks at a shy girl behind Zandra,

The girl wears glasses and has long orangish hairs along with a mole near her right eye, she also seems to be wearing the same blazer as the other students of Hero High.

"Her name is Jane Craventail, she is kind of shy so she doesn't speak much." Zandra says with a cute smile.

"I am just a normal janitor, so why should I show her around? Isn't that a teacher's job?" King questions Zandra's actions.

"Well, you see...All the teachers are busy, so I was hoping you would show her around." Zandra seems to be sweating.

(Ya just want to get me fired somehow...Well, imma just play into her trap.)

"Fine, let's just get going, I will show ya around." King says and then sighs.

"Thank you very much!" Zandra gives a cute smile as King leaves along with Jane.

"Good job Zandra!" Owen says as he joins in along with Lewis.

"Yeah, you did an awesome job tricking that janitor there." Lewis says.

"Hmph! I did better then what you two could do." Zandra says as she arrogantly swirls her pig-tails.

"It's all up to our good old Jane now." Owen says with a smirk.

"I must say though when that janitor called you a sharp fox, I was sure that he was a smart one but he just seems to be another dimwit." Lewis says with a smile.

Both Owen and Zandra's eyes widen.

"What did that janitor call her again?" Owen asks Lewis.

"Yeah, he called her a sharp fox, lemme see what did he say again? Oh yeah, "here is an advice fer ya, she a real sharp fox." He said something like that." Lewis says trying to imitate King.

"What...?" Zandra seems to be on guard.

King walks along with Jane to an empty classroom.

"So tell me, what kind of plan have ya got this time?" King asks Jane.

Jane's eyes widen.

"What do you mean?" Jane asks.

"I know all about ya, ya a great actor but ya can't fool me. I can see right through ya." King says as a cold atmosphere fills the room.


Zandra tries to order Jane through some kind of telekinesis but it doesn't seem to be working.

"Ya know, ya haven't had someone like me in this place before now or else this place would've been quite a different one fer ya." King says as he looks at Jane with a cold face.

"You speak like your some kind of teacher but your just a lowly janitor, what can you of all people do?" Jane questions as she sweats standing in front of King.

"Nothing, that is for now at least." King says as he leaves the room.

"What?!" Jane seems to be confused.

"Just remember, if ya trying to pull one up on me then ya better don't coz the King is always on the top." King says as he leaves and closes the door.

"There he is!" Zandra points at King.

"Oye kids, whatcha doing here?" King questions as he looks at Zandra, Lewis and Owen running around.

Zandra pouts and moves towards King who is standing calmly with his cold face.

"Where's Jane?!" Zandra questions King with a pouted face right in King's face.

King points his thumb finger towards the door to his right.

Zandra opens the door.

"Hey, Zandra...Hehe...Sorry...I couldn't do it...I failed..."

Jane seems to be sad.

King looks towards Jane and Zandra and then leaves.

"How can you fail? You were supposed to be our main line...Didn't I tell you that one mistake and your out?" Zandra questions Jane.

"Hey Zandra, can't we just let her go this time-"

Zandra looks angrily at Lewis who seems to be defending Jane.

"We have never been defeated and thanks to you for the first we were defeated...WHY DIDN'T YOU RESPOND TO MY TELEKENISIS?!" Zandra screams at Jane.

"You could hear it, couldn't you? And yet...Yet you didn't...if we knew you were all alone with him here...WE COULD HAVE WENT FORWARD WITH OUR PLAN!" Zandra screams at Jane again.

"I am sorry...Zandra...I didn't pay attention..." Jane says.

"I AM SORRY MY ASS! We couldn't get him because of you so why don't you walk out, of this room and never come back in front of my sight, EVER!" Zandra says as she angrily points the way out of the room.

"Please...Give me one more chance..." Jane says as she tries to get Zandra to accept her.

"You said it yourself, right? You agreed to this, right? You were the one to say that if you ever do a mistake, you will be the one to make amends for it, right? So why don't you make amends and leave us alone? We don't need failures like you." Zandra says as she walks out of the room.

Jane's eyes widen as tear gush down her cheeks.

King looks up in the sky as he cleans the school, "It's raining but it seems to be a sad rain."

At evening, King completes cleaning the school and then begins to leave the school.

"Gotta close up the school and then there ya go. Perfect!" King says as he finishes up closing the school.

"Don't you think that Zandra was a little harsh on Jane?" Lewis asks Owen.

"Little harsh? She exploded like a full atomic blast on her." Owen says as he walks along with Lewis.

"I feel bad for Jane, it wasn't like she could do anything, most probably that janitor guy made it so that the telekinesis would be blocked in that room or some shit." Lewis says as he genuinely feels bad for Jane.

"Just so ya kiddos know, I don't have that kinda weird ability." King says as he looks coldly towards Owen and Lewis.

A moment of silence


"WAAAAAHHHHHH!!!! IT'S THE JANITOR!" Lewis and Owen scream.

"Ya kids really needa get ya shit right." King says as he locks the school.

"What do you mean?" Lewis asks King.

"Whateva ya friend did was her doing, I don't have any kinda ability to block telekinesis or anything of that sort." King says as he completely locks down the school entrance.

"But Zandra said that someone was blocking her telekinesis and the only other person I know who uses telekinesis is Jane. That's why Zandra and Jane team up is always a strong one, they play people with their minds." Lewis says.

"Unfortunately, that Zandra chick, that Jane chick was nevah a friend." King says.

"HEY WATCH YOUR TONGUE!" Lewis screams as he clenches his fist ready to punch down King.

"I know, the truth hurts." King says as he looks at both Lewis and Owen.

"He's right, you know...But still...You are pretty cold to put it just like that Mr.Janitor." Owen says as he looks at King with angry eyes.

"I am not cold, I just like ta say what I honestly see and I see fake friendships and stuff like that in this school. That goes in my not cool book." King says as he begins to walk towards Owen and Lewis.

"I am done here fer today, you guys want me to walk ya home?" King asks Owen and Lewis.

"No, we will be fine!" Lewis says with an angry pouty face.

"Alright, take care on ya way back." King says as Owen and Lewis says.

King looks back at the school.

(Something that was blocking telekinesis, I don't remember a device or anything of such sort there in the school...So what could be blocking telekinesis in that school?)

King feels a drop of rain,

"It seems like it's gonna start raining again." King says as he looks at the blue sky.

At the school,

"It seems that everyone has left."

Jane seems to have been left behind.

"I need to get out of the school and fast...Plus it's already dark due to the rain..." Jane says as she holds herself tightly walking a dark corridor.

A lightning strikes,

"KYA!" Jane seems to have gotten scared by the lightning.

"This is bad...If someone finds me here, I will be in huge trouble." Jane says to herself.

"Jane? Is that you?" A man in shadows.

He sprinkles light all over the place with a flashlight.

"That is you, what are you doing here so late?!" The man questions.

Jane takes a glimpse at the man.

The man is a pretty tall guy with blonde slicked back hair, he seems to be holding a flashlight and a bag. He wears a white suit which goes along with his white pants and a black vest to go along with his red tie.

The man is indeed quite a handsome one and is in his mid 30's.

"You're our class teacher..." Jane seems to be surprised.

(hero rank number 131, gravity cleaner, his ability is the power to manipulate gravity, his ability can hold down toughest villains that can't be defeated by normal means. His also very clean guy and hates being dirty.)

"Sir...What are you doing here at this time?" Jane asks the man.

"Nothing much, I was just about to leave after I had done some work but what are you doing here Jane? The school gates are closed and there is nowhere to go if you don't have the key." Gravity cleaner says to Jane.

"Well...You see, I fell asleep in one of the empty classes so I guess no one paid attention to me." Jane says with a nervous smile.

"My god, what was the janitor doing when he was cleaning the school?!" Gravity cleaner questions King's actions.

"Oh...So the janitor was cleaning the school huh..." Jane looks to be saddened by that news.

(I guess that after what I did to the janitor...It's obvious he's gonna act like that towards me)

"Anyways, I think so we should get you home and immediately." Gravity cleaner says to Jane.

"Thank you, sir! Thank you very much!" Jane says with a cheerful tone and a smile to her face.

"Let's get out of here before it's too late." Gravity cleaner says with a smile.

"Oh, I completely forgot my bag, I will get that and be right back." Jane says.

"WAIT!" Gravity cleaner stops Jane.

"What's the matter, professor?" Jane seems to be confused by Gravity cleaner's action.

"I will get the bag, why don't you get to the entrance?" Gravity cleaner says with a smile.

"But professor, I have got to get my books and stuff inside my bag, you don't know where I keep my stuff. So obviously I would need to be one to put the things in my bag." Jane says with a smile.

"So I will be right back in a moment." Jane says with a smile.


Jane leaves as Gravity cleaner tries to stop her but fails.

"Tsch! Damn it!" Gravity cleaner grits his teeth in anger.

Jane runs towards her class but stumbles onto something and falls off.

"What the-"

"Ow...That hurts..." Jane says as she tries to get back on her feet.

"What in the world?" Jane looks at a leg in front of her.

Jane seems to be sweating and shivering.

Jane gets on her feet and opens the door from where the leg is displaying.

"N-no way..." Jane looks at the body of a woman wearing a black dress and having long brunette hair.

Jane's eyes widen as she looks at the dead body.

Jane falls back on her butt and slides back towards the wall behind her.

"T-this is a...A dead body...A dead body...She was the law teacher and hero number 72...Fear she...Why is she dead? Why the hell is she dead?!"

Jane seems to be a scare and is quite unstable at this point.

"Good question...Why is she dead? What happened to her? Who killed her?" Gravity cleaner appears near Jane.

Jane gets jump scared and goes sliding back.

"Now, now, what's wrong Jane? Why are you so afraid? You don't think I was the one who killed Fear she now, do you?" Gravity cleaner questions Jane with a creepy smile.

"W-who else can? T-there is no one else...No one else can kill her...I know no one else can, only you can..." Jane says as lightning strikes and Gravity gives a creepy grin.

"Is that so?" Gravity cleaner questions Jane who is sweating with a creepy grin.

"If you think like that I guess I will just have to kill you gracefully." Gravity cleaner says with a smile.

Jane's eyes widen and she begins to run but is soon stopped due to the gravity manipulation power that Gravity cleaner has.

Jane gets stuck to the ground due to Gravity cleaner.

"Why? Why did you kill her? Why are you going to kill me?!" Jane questions.

"Everything is fair if you try to mess with the mafia." Gravity cleaner says with an evil grin.

"Mafia..." Jane's eyes widen.

"I see...Your someone from the mafia and a hero as well...What a joke...A villain and a hero huh..." Jane says as she looks sad.

"Don't worry, I know how bad your life is, your an orphan to begin with, you had a fight with your friend and were lonely all day, no one came to your aid today and that is why you were all alone crying in a closet not wanting to see the world and now that you are out, you just have nothing to live for. Isn't that exciting? Dying peacefully and hoping that in the next life you would be a better person?"

Jane gives a sad smile.

(His right...If I die now...All my problems will go out in an instant but still...I have this urge...Urge to live and because of this urge to live, I wish someone was here. But miracles only happen in T.V. shows no such miracles occur in real life...)

"Ya know, ya heroes really disgust me but what really disgusts me is that ya heroes just throw around the villain's name just like that without even knowing anything bout them."

(That voice...It's...)

"Oye kiddo, whatcha doing here at this time and why is there a dead body near ya?" King questions Jane who is pinned to the floor duty to high gravity.

"You can walk even in such a high gravity?! What in the world?! How...?! That's impossible...No one should possess that kind of crazy strength...Just who in the world are you?!" Gravity Cleaner seems to be in a shock.

"Who you ask? M' ya new janitor, that's who I am." King says as he looks around.

"Why are you here? I thought so you locked the school and left..." Jane says to King.

"I thought so something was strange coz those two kiddos mentioned that the chick's telekinesis wasn't working here, so I came to check that out." King says as he looks at Gravity cleaner.

"I guess I know the root cause of it now." King says as he looks at Gravity cleaner with his cold eyes.

Gravity cleaner is taken back by King standing still when his ability is still active.

"I will just have to produce more gravity." Gravity cleaner says as he makes the corridor even heavier.

Jane feels even more pressure.

"Oye kid, you good?" King asks Jane whose on the ground.

"I can't getcha up coz your body will rip apart but I can defeat that guy there." King says as he points at Gravity cleaner.

"You do that...I will be fine..." Jane says as she says looking at King.

"How...This shouldn't be possible...Not even in the slightest...The corridor is so much heavy, so why aren't you going down?! What's kind of ability do you even possess?!" Gravity cleaner questions King.

"Ya with no mafia." King says.

Gravity Cleaner's eyes widen.

"No mafia would ever want someone who is as weak as ya." King says as he puts both his hands in his pocket.

"Ya not even capable of being a lackey's lackey, that's how weak ya are." King says as he begins to move towards Gravity Cleaner.

"A mafia is no place fer weaklings like ya." King says as a cold atmosphere is felt building around as he walks towards Gravity cleaner.

"And a mafia is definitely no place for someone who doesn't even know how to respect their own kind." King says as his eyes widen with anger.

"H-ho-how do you know...So much about the mafia?" Gravity cleaner questions King with sweat building all over his face and his body completely shivering from fear.

"That's none of ya concern, what's of ya concern is that whether ya will survive this kick or not!" King says as he knees Gravity cleaner in his jawline breaking his jawline and knocking him off.

"Ya don't fuck around here." King says as he looks calm and composed.

"A knee to the face huh...That was one strong shot he gave him there..." Jane says as she gets back up and sits down.

"Ya gotta phone?" King asks Jane.

Jane nods.

"Ya better call the police." King says to Jane.

Jane calls for the police just like King says.

The police waste no time and Gravity cleaner was arrested.

Jane was considered the hero for catching Gravity cleaner but Jane tried to find the true hero which she couldn't due to all the crowd around her.

Turns out that Gravity cleaner was having an affair with she fear behind his wife's back.

she fear was about to expose him but she fear was silenced before that.

After all, Gravity cleaner's reputation was on the line.

A few days later,

King is cleaning the floor with a broomstick while reading a book.

King's broomstick begins to feel someone in front of him.


King stops reading the book and looks in front of him.

There sat Jane crying all alone.

"Oye kid, whatcha doing here?" King asks Jane.

"You know...now that I think about it, you shouldn't have saved me..." Jane says.

"Huh? Whatcha saying kid? Ya the one who had made that face of 'Someone save me' not me." King says.

"Yeah...I guess I owe you one for that but...I really don't feel like I deserve to live after all that has happened." Jane says with a sad smile as tears gush down her cheeks.

"Huh?! What has gotten into ya?" King asks Jane.

"You know, Zandra, Owen and Lewis we all knew each other since we were kids but I was the one who always had to play the catch-up game to them, they were so cool...But now, it all has changed...They have changed...For whatever reason, since they got all that popularity, they have become more...I don't have the correct word for it..."

"More like jerks, ya wanna say." King says it for Jane.

"Yeah, that's right...You know, I thought if I was a part of their group I would be as cool as them but...I just don't feel like myself. I feel like I am straying away from my ideals..." Jane says as she gives a sad smile.

King remembers something,

"Hey, King...Someday, you are going to find heroes who will actually be heroes and won't just be acting for fame and glory. They will be heroes because they want to be heroes."

King smiles for the first time and it's beautiful.

King begins to laugh.

"Huh? What's so funny? HEY! I AM TALKING ABOUT SOMETHING SERIOUS HERE AND YOUR LAUGHING?!" Jane seems to be getting angry.

King stops laughing.

"Sorry bout that, it's just funny that I found ya talking bout ideals and stuff." King leaves a smile.

"What's wrong with having ideals?" Jane asks King as she pouts.

"Nothing actually, having ideals is good." King says with a smile.

King sits in front of Jane.

"Ya know if ya feeling like ya they don't care about ya and yer always playing catch up game to them, then, give up on them. Ya don't needa play catch up game with anyone and ya don't needa care bout anyone who doesn't care about ya." King says with a calm smile feeling the calm breeze around him.

"Ya do what feels right to ya, don't do it because someone else is doing it, do it for ya." King says as he gets back up on his feet.

"That's my advice for today." King says as he gets back to his work.

Jane's eyes widen,

(This is the first time...Someone has said it to me upfront...The first time, someone has told me to think what's right for me...)

Jane smiles,

(Maybe...He's not such a bad person like Zandra was trying to make him sound after all)

"Now, get back to ya class, I needa get some cleaning done." King says as shoos Jane.

Jane chuckles, "I will be back!" She says and then leaves.

"Sure...Whatever." King says as he cleans around.

(I guess I found myself a mentor, not someone who will teach me about my powers but rather someone who will always guide me in my life)

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