1 Jamie's Souls

We need another force to stop Shad we need another human.

DESTINY-"But who? Who could wield that much power?"


JAMIE-"Ungh, what time is it..."



MOM-"I packed your favorite, fried catfish!"

JAMIE-"OOH I love you mom!"

MOM-"Live you too, now get to school before your late."


I went to school and came home, it was a normal day, I went to my room to find this...dog? It wasnt like any dog id ever seen, it had glowing white eyes and its fur looked like a window into space.

DOG-"Hey man come, sit down!"

And it could talk.

JAMIE-"Wha, who, who are you?"

DOG-"OH! sorry I didnt introduce myself, Im Astral Dog!"

JAMIE-Astral Dog? like space crap?"

ASTRAL DOG-"Yeah, "space crap" is one term for me!"

JAMIE-"Soooo why is there a space dog in my room?"

ASTRAL DOG-"OOH I ALMOST FORGOT TO TELL YOU! The Writer sent me to give you this power thingey!"

JAMIE-"What power thingey and wto is this 'Writer' guy?"

ASTRAL DOG-"Oh yeah we are in a story right now and you are the protagonist for the moment, The Writer writes that story. He has chosen you to get this power and stop the darkness god Shad."

JAMIE-"Wait, stop a GOD, THE DARKNESS GOD? Sounds dangerous."

ASTRAL DOG-"OOOH Yeah its dangerous, he made someone kill their family and when he stopped the guy killed himself. He also made another protagonist kill his parents because they were tainted by the darkness. Your power is different though, you can fully remove the darkness from the host and save them!"

JAMIE-"Frickin heck, I- I dont want my family to die or anyone I know!"

ASTRAL DOG-"Weeeeell Just talking to me is putting you in danger right now so theres no turning back now, you want to save your family right?"

JAMIE-"More than anything!"

ASTRAL DOG-"Do you want your power to stop the darkness?"

JAMIE-"If it will help, YES!"

ASTRAL DOG-"There! youve got it now!"

JAMIE-"I do?"

ASTRAL DOG-"YEAH! Look at that guy walking across the street."


I looked across the street to see a man shrouded in darkness with orbs floating around him. Astral Dog looked at me and he looked down at my feet. I looked down and saw myself lying on the floor, eyes glowing like Astral Dogs.I looked up into Astral Dogs eyes and knew that those orbs, were important points in the persons life. I also knew about Astral Cat, Past, Present, Future, Igni, Shad, And The Writer. I flew down to the man and touched the nearest orb to me. It was a memory of his daughters birth. I let go of the orb and was back in my own... whatever this form was.

ASTRAL DOG-"This is your soul form...Sorry, The Writer just told me you were wondering about that. Here you can view other souls and their orbs, their orbs are important points in their life. One of them is covered in darkness. To save the person you need to shatter that orb by grabbing it and, well, smashing it! The darkness orbs are still a memory and if you break it they will forget about their time in the dark, their memory of that time ereased."

JAMIE-"So how do I get back in my body?"

ASTRAL DOG-"AAAAAAAAAAGH I ALMOST FORGOT! To get back into your body you need to touch it, thats it just touch your body and you will be back in the world of the living!"

JAMIE-"Does that mean im dead now?"

ASTRAL DOG-"NONONONONONONONO! You're not dead! Your just visiting the realm of souls."

JAMIE-"The realm of souls?"

ASTRAL DOG-"Oh yeah, every once anda while you will see a lost soul. they are souls that are half way dead half way living one half is in heaven or hell and one half is in the world of the living. the realm of souls is in between them so the souls are fully in the realm of souls and half way into heaven or hell and the realm of the living."

JAMIE-"So im not in the after life though right? Im just in the realm of souls?"

ASTRAL DOG-"Correcto!"

JAMIE-"Ok so why me? Why do I get this power?"

ASTRAL DOG-"To be honest your power wasnt supposed to exist, the last power got kinda... Well the last power fell into the hands of Shad and he escaped into the real world which is why there are darkness orbs to begin with."

JAMIE-"So Shad is bad news im assuming."

ASTRAL DOG-"He is the god of darkness and The Writer refuses to write him out because it would mess with the story which is your life so he has created warriors to defeat Shad and restore order to the story."

JAMIE-"Im supposed to stop him? How?"

ASTRAL DOG-"There is one last power you have... Please dont use it on me..."

JAMIE-"Why? What is it?"

ASTRAL DOG-"Well... This was supposed to be for killing Shad but it can kill anyone or anything with a soul attached... You can remove souls..."

JAMIE-"So that will kill things right?"


JAMIE-"Relax im not going to kill you, but how do I use it?"

ASTRAL DOG-"Umm you just go up to them in soul form and rip it off of them, they will die leaving their soul in the realm of souls until the soul destroys itself and is no more."

JAMIE-"I reeeeeeealy dont want to do this but can we practice on like my hamster or something?"

ASTRAL DOG-"We can but it is impossible to put a lost soul back into a body, so if you do your hamster is dead forever."

JAMIE-"He is gonna die soon anyway may as well."

ASTRAL DOG-"He has like 2 months left."

JAMIE-"How do you-"

ASTRAL DOG-"Astral Dog!"

JAMIE-"Ok here goes."

I floated up to my hamster and pinched its skin and ripped its soul out! holding it, I saw it was screaming and squirming. It was in pain."

ASTRAL DOG-"I for got to tell you, the process of removing a soul is the most painfull way to die."

I saw my hamsters soul begin to rip apart and bleed light in to the air. He was dead, well him and his soul.

ASTRAL DOG-"I guess his soul was weak... He was a hamster afterall..."

RIP Sprinkels

ASTRAL DOG-"You need to find some people, It requires you leaving home, perminantly. I will guide you, if you need to think for a few days thats fine but if-"

JAMIE-"No its fine I can always come back right?"

ASTRAL DOG-"I dont know if you will ever see your family again."

JAMIE-"If this is for the greater good, il do it."

ASTRAL DOG-"Writer can you make a portal to the other dimention?"

Yes, and Jamie, get back in your body

JAMIE-"Who was-"

ASTRAL DOG-"The Writer."

A portal of light opened and three figures walked through.

???-"So Zachary you said The Writer told you to walk through?"

ZACHARY-"Yeah Arc he spoke to me, sorry about pulling you away from that computer Ivory."

IVORY-"Its fine, if its The Writer than its fine."

ARC-"So what did The Writer tell you?"

ZACHARY-"He said to gather you guys and walk through the portal to save everything i guess."

IVORY-"Who is that on the other side?"

I put on my body and looked at the people who walked through the portal, the one called Arc was like a super sayan from dragon ball and the one called Ivory was tall and had white hair.The one called Zachary was normal looking, average hight, brown hair, brown eyes. he had what looked like a pip boy but more modern on his wrist. They looked around, then at me.

ARC-"Sooooo what do we need to save, thats why we are here right?"

This was the weirdest group of people id seen in a long time, I thought I needed to tell them something, but what?

JAMIE-"Hey, uh, guys, um. The Writer sent you?"


JAMIE-"Um he like just told me I have soul powers like an hour ago, sooooooo he said I need to assemble some people to help me kill this guy name Shad, um do any of you have fighting experience?"

ZACHARY-"Um we fought our way through video games to save Arc and kill Cra."

JAMIE-"Cra, thats just Arc backwards."

ARC-"Yeah he was my evil counterpart."

JAMIE-"You seem to have been through some stuf."







IVORY-"Yea we decided not to coment."

ZACHARY-"So what is your name exactly?"


ZACHARY-"Oh sorry should have specified, yeah you."


ARC-"You know thats a guys and girls name right?"


Jamie-"No its fine, its hard to tell with me, im a guy."

ARC-"Ok sorry, but thanks."

JAMIE-"No problem."

You need to come to my realm, all of you. I have two more.


You will all see.

Another portal opened as the previous one closed. We walked through and found ourselves in a completely white place with no walls or a ceiling.

Welcome to the light dimention. here is where the last two of you reside.

They and Jamie here have power names.

Jamie is sol, Jake is Port, And Jade is tiim.

You all need to kill Shad, the darkness god. Jake and Jade have fought him before and it didnt go well.

You all need to work together to defeat him. I had to combine the system stories to have the power to defeat him.

Shad has already taken a man named Sean and fooled him, letting him take his form and kill Sean so now Shad has the power to move freely in any dimention or universe.

He is now in the soul realm with me unable to see him so jamie you need to tell me where he is and then I will transport you and everyone else to the soul realm.

You will kill him.

JADE-"Do you have control over him?"

No this plan has a chance of faliure because I cant control all elements of the situation.

JAKE-"So we could die there?"

Yes. Its not ideal but my story has gotten out of control, Jamie you have seen the soul realm but you havent see the Shad side of that realm. its full of your deepest fears and phobias.

Shad can tap into your mind there and he can minipulate you if think he is getting to you leave asap.

Dont let my story become a tradgedy, kill that son of a bitch.
