A young teenager suffering from Deuteranopia (Green colour blindness) dreams of being an artist despite his obvious problem. But what happens when he spots a girl whose Green hair he can clearly see?
I've always been a slow learner . I took time to do anything even as a child . My parents , however , never complained once . But when I couldn't recognise the colour Green even at the age of 5 , they knew something was wrong .
I remember the day clearly . The doctor had looked at us in a sullen way and announced ,"Your child has 'Deuteranopia' . He isn't able to see the colour Green . I don't think he will be able to even in the future ." He had then said some complicated words and my parents had nodded . We had gone home in utter silence and not spoken of it . Till I reached the age of 7 .
When I had joined Kindergarten , a sudden emptiness had swallowed me . I wasn't making any progress in studies and other criterias . It felt as if my brain was clogged . The teachers were used to slow children but I remember vaguely my Headmistress telling my Dad to look for a special school .
Fortunately he didn't have to . I had suddenly developed a knack for art . While other children my age were busy finger painting , I somehow had learned holding a paint brush . One of our teachers Miss Lane had praised me highly and recommended that I became an artist in the future .
And so began my journey of colours . However , when I reached middle school the positivity in me faded . A child who can't see the colour Green ? At all ? How will he paint nature ? How will he capture the true beauty of life ? How will he even mix colours ? These questions were asked daily . My little brain couldn't handle so much . I thought I might explode .
I half-heartedly joined high school with below average grades and depression . The artist in me had fallen asleep way back . I was passing days , months , years like a zombie . No , I was worse than a zombie . Not quite dead , not quite alive . My parents had given up on me and focused on my sister instead .
My sister Nancy was the perfect child . She was good at academics , a fast learner , a gymnast , pianist and most importantly , full of life . The polar opposite of me . Did I envy her ? I suppose I did . Which child wouldn't want their parents and teachers to pat their back and say ,"Good job" ? But I didn't give much thought to it back then . I was slowly drifting into another world . A world of darkness and loneliness .
I was bullied daily at school . My physical strength was nothing to brag about . But my bullies took advantage of my mental strength . Their blackmailing and brainwashing had no end . And I thought I had almost lost . I had almost succumbed to the darkness . But one day in junior year changed my life . Forever . I feel goosebumps even when I remember it .
Her long hair swaying in the Autumn breeze....My eyes were glued to her...Her hair was a shade that burned my eyes , slithered into my heart and rested in my memory forever . Her hair was Green .