It has been 12 years since the tournament of power was ended by universe 7. But on a distant planet bardock and gine made a home to watch kakarrot's strength they were training another legendary super saiyan jake another of their sons. It was time for jake to test his brother him and raditz head off to earth for vegeta and kakarrot's suprise. 2 days pass and kakarrot and vegeta are training when they feel a power stronger than their own and a familiar one "but he can't be that strong can he" vegeta says to himself. Goku finally announces loudly "yes raditz seems stronger than super saiyan blue evolution. Vegeta says "the guy with him might be stronger than your mastered ultra instinct (ha) he might even call it mastered ultimate instinct you clown. Just then the ship has arrived and the door opens to step out raditz and another kakarrot? But then the saiyan speaks "hey brother I'm jake the legendary super saiyan here to test you then bring you to father he says your power is amazing for a normal saiyan but he says you might beat me but I doubt that you ready bro and prince vegeta I didn't want you to be bored so I brought you an old friend". Goku looks at vegeta they smile then he says "let's go".
coming soon