
Chap 29: Frontlines I

A/N: I don't know a lot of details about WWII so I'll be making up some battles and towns and if I use an actual battle the wrong way let me know.

"So how what'd you do with Hiroto?" Devion asks Arthur as they both walk through a forest, "It was pretty easy to deal with him, killed the guards then used illusion and now Hiroto will surrender as soon as we defeat red skull" Arthur says

"So does that mean Pearl Harbor will still happen?" Devion asks right back "If everything works according to plan then the bombings should still happen" as the sound of the word bombing Devion frowns "Should we really allow these things to continue?, we have the ability to save all those people why don't we just do that" Devion stops Arthur as he frowns at him "You weren't saying that when we killed all those sailors" Arthur smirks at him.

"Yeah, but those guys were involved in an undercover slave trade" Devion defends himself, "Well. I guess these won't really change history anymore, except you know... doing exactly just that, now can you open a portal and let us leave this place" Arthur says as he backs up. Devion frowns even more at Arthur's response but nonetheless strikes the air with his tonfas creating a shockwave that ruffles the tree branches with a *BOOM* a blue portal appears "It still doesn't feel right" Devion says as he walks into the portal Arthur simply just nods.

*U.S.A Military Base Vancouver* (A/N: I have no idea if there is a military base in Vancouver, but let me know if there is actually one)

Steve Rodgers walk and Peggy Carter walk through a bustling military base as Steve discusses a topic. "I just don't know if we should be allowing them to be out of prison" Steve pouts with Peggy just smiling at him "Steve, they're working for us," Peggy says as they ascend up a flight of stairs "Yes, I know that they work for us but what's to say the don't go on to the other side and work for those Nazis" "A legal contract has been set and that's what stops them from switching sides"Peggy quickly replies

"We had a contract during WW1-" Steve is cut off by Peggy "Yes we had a contract last year but we betrayed them which led to what they did, now come on the general wants to see you". The duo quickly ascends up the stairs before reaching a door, 'I wonder what he wants to tell me' Steve thinks as Peggy knocks on the door, "Come in" a voice replies from inside.

Steve walks into the general's office with multiple medals hung up on the wall, the general looks down onto a file ignoring the presence of Steve who stands at ease. "You want to go to the frontlines Steve?" the general looks up questioning Steve, "Yes sir I believe that I would be a lot of help in the frontlines" Steve replies with a firm tone.

The general sighs at Steve's resilience, "Well you've got your chance now" the general sighs as Steve's eyes bulge with shock.

"The higher-ups saw something in you during the Arthur incident and want to send you on a mission in Italy" The general stops letting Steve soak in the news, Steve calms down and the general continues on, "Your friend Sergeant Barnes and his squad have been captured in Italy and you have been assigned to go help rescue them, but you'll be joined with Arthur and Devion" at the sound of the name of the demons that plagued the battlefield in WWI Steve freezes.

"I thought they were in Japan?" Steve asks with anger in his voice, the general sighs at Steve "I understand you don't want to work with them but they are needed in order to ensure your safety, so if you want to fully join the war you need to work with them" Steve looks the general in the eyes, salutes him and leaves the room. The general stares at the doors as it closes, "Don't die Captain, America needs you" the general says before returning his attention back to the papers on his desk.

"What did the general say?" Peggy asks, Steve replies"I'm heading to Italy for a mission" Peggy's eyes bulge as he jumps up "YEAHH, you're finally going on a mission, but why don"t seem as excited as I am?" Peggy's voice tones down as she asks Steve "The Wardogs will be coming along with me in order to ensure my safety" Steve says. "Is that what got you all down, look Steve don't worry about them they won't do anything against us as long as we don't break the contract." Peggy says, "I know but I just don't want to work with them." Steve says.


Peggy Carter and Steve Rodgers disembark off a plane at an airfield in Italy as a young man approaches them, "Mr. Rodgers, Mrs. Carter welcome to Italy, my name is Alexander Ross please Follow me?" Alexander politely asks for Steve and Peggy to follow him into a tent, inside the tent is another man, him looking much older than Alexander, "Took you long enough" the old man says in a stern voice, "We're gonna have to get you going right now, You'll be moving to genoa" the old man move towards a table in front of him where a map is laid out.

"I need you to take over the town, you'll be going with 20 elite troops which should be more than enough to complete the mission" The old man looks up at Steve "Any questions private?" "NONe-SIR" Steve yells, "Then what are you waiting for MOVE!"

"Does anyone want to explain what just happened?" Steve asks no one specifically as he, Peggy, and Alexander rush to a jeep. "You guys arrived late so we have to start the mission" Alexander answers, "Late, how are we late? according to the file we're quite early" Peggy asks with a puzzled expression. "There must have been a mix-up in the files, but it doesn't matter, we need to get to Genoa now," Steve says starting the jeep and driving away kicking up enough dust to cause asphyxiation.

Took too long to return but I'm back.

Jackson_Barecreators' thoughts
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