
Chap 24: Dominate 2

"What just happened!?" a bubbly pink-haired walks out and ask the shocked GOM, "Daiki just got beaten by the new students and then we were called trash," a blue-haired boy says to the girl, the girl listens on in shock as the blue-haired boy explains how the match between Aomine and Devion after the blue-haired boy finished the girl ran and hugged Daiki telling him "It's okay Daiki-Kun", but Daiki simply pushes her away as a smile appears on his face, "Are they joining the team," a red-haired boy said as he looked at the gym doors, "They asked if they could but not as players, they want to join as trainers," Sanada says to GOm which earns him a "HUH!".

At the residence of the player Tekio was freaking out about, the basketball player returned to their home, "Hey Mom I'm back!" Devion yells as he enters the house, "Don't yell in my house, you boys go get showered there's some food on the dinner table" Devion's mother Cynthia says to her kids. The boys rush to get showered and taste some of their mother's food, when they finished their father returned and a showdown had happened between father and sons, "Dad, you need to shower before you eat" Jackson politely says to his father but his dad just keeps walking towards to dinner table, seeing this the boys now rush towards the table, chaos ensues as they struggle to get a seat to eat the delicious food set before them, "EHNM!" a cough is heard behind the boys and their dad causing them to instantly freeze.

while everyone was frozen Jackson quickly takes a seat which gets everyone to grumble about him but suck their teeth and take the other seats, "How could you guys fight over seats, there are seats enough for all of you" Cynthia starts complaining about the behavior she had just seen "Yeah honey but only one seat is in front of the pie giving them power over the shares that everyone else gets" Emerson explains to his wife, justifying everything that had happened with his sons nodding behind him, "PIE, PIE OH YOU BOYS LOVE PIE RIGHT" Cynthia says as she takes the strawberry pie on the table and puts it into the freezer, everyone looks at the fridge sadly as if they had just lost a fallen brethren.

"so how was your day?" Cynthia asks her husband seeming calmer than she was earlier. "Oh, you know same old same old, did some drills, exercises, and jogs." Emerson says as he digs into the food on his plate, "Okay how was your day boys?" Cynthia asks her sons who all look up at her with smiles, "it was lovely mother, went to classes, talked with students and made some friends" they say to her to which she just smiles and asks "What about basketball?" Emerson looks at his sons when the question was asked "Dev played a match against a basketball player on the team, it was first to 10 and dev won" Jackson says politely but his father doesn't smile at the news of his son win, "How many points did the basketball player make?" Emerson asks sternly but Jackson just smiles and says "it was make it take it" Emerson nods as he had just gotten the whole story from that statement, the dinner table then goes back to other topics.

"Alright boys, remember to stay out of trouble and play friendly," Emerson says to his son as they follow along with him, The brothers get dropped off for their second day of school, and instead of heading straight to their homeroom class the instead to the gym where basketball is being commenced. They walk in and take in the sounds of the gym, towards the end of the gym a group of color-haired people can be seen talking when one of them, a short skinny blue-haired boy steps out and points towards them and says something, everyone in the group looks towards the brother who had just entered the gym.

"what are they doing here?" a blond boy says aloud, the brothers begin heading toward the group who stare at them like prehistoric creatures, "Hi my name is Jackson I was wondering if we could bother the stars of the team to play a match against us" Jackson politely says, everyone looks in shock at what Jackson had just said as they all start thinking the same thing 'why're you acting like you suck at basketball!'

"Hi my name is, Satsuki Momoi the team's manager, are you still looking to join the team ?" Momoi puts out her hand, "Oh hi ms Momo, me and my brothers aren't too sure whether or not we should join the team, so we want you guys to determine if we're allowed" Jackson says to Momoi whose face gets a little scrunched up 'I don't like that smile' Momoi thinks.

"Let's play" Aomine suddenly says as grabs the ball and walks towards the free-throw line, "Oh!" Jackson says shocked "So who are we playing against?" Jackson asks, "Me, Testu, and Murasakibara," Aomine says which causes Arthur to frown, the blue-haired Testu looks shocked at the fact that he would be playing, "Hey why's he frowning?" A blond-haired asks, "Oh, sorry about him, he likes to read and since you put mu, mura, murr, the purple-haired guy, Arthur would now have to play" Jackson replies not being able to say Murasakibara's name.

"TWEEEEET" Momoi blows a whistle signaling the start of the game, she tosses the ball into the air and before Murasakibara can jump, Arthur had already passed the ball to Jackson, "why are we doing full-court" Devion grumbles as he heads up the court, Jackson walks up to the three-point line with no one in front of him, "isn't this a 3v3," Jackson says, as he easily cruises to the paint and lays the ball in, Tekio's basketball members smile as Jackson scores, they begin their own attack, Midoriyma strolls down with the ball and at the half-court line he shoots and a swish is heard, Jackson smiles as the 3-pointer goes in.

"you know, you shouldn't use your skills as soon as you get the ball," Jackson says as he quickly passes the ball to Devion, who shoots and gets it in. The other Tekio members look shocked including the players on the court, "does he have your skill, Kise," someone says, to which Kise just frowns at Devion. Instead of Midoriyma going with the ball again Aomine does, as he speeds down the court.

Jackson guards him closely, barely giving him any space, Aomine jumps and leans back attempting a fadeaway, the ball flies over Jackson who starts moving down the court much to the surprise of Aomine who goes with him, Murasakibara looks at the ball as it flies towards the net, but a hand suddenly grabs it in mid-air, it was Arthur, he had jumped and grabbed the ball, he lands down and tosses the ball down the court to Jackson who is guarded by Aomine, Aomine tries to steal the pass but, "You know I'm faster than Dev, right" Jackson says as he reaches the ball before Aomine can, but the ball suddenly moves away from Jackson towards Aomine, "I said I'm faster than Dev" Jackson says as he grabs the ball that was moving to Aomine and runs to the basket and lays it in, "Get better at basketball Blue hair" Jackson says as he walks down the court.

Everyone looks shocked at the statement Jackson had just made, "How did you know?" A blue-haired boy suddenly appears and asks Jackson, Jackson turns around, and as he opens his eyes, blue iris appear, the wind suddenly enters the gym as everyone looks on in fear "I knew because I'm better" Jackson says as he turns back around and the serious face he was making turns back to his usual closed eye smile "Let's go boys, bells about to ring" Jackson says he leaves the gym with his brothers, "You know, you guys shouldn't be so arrogant" Devion says as he walks out of the gym, Arthur just looks at Murasakibara and frowns.

(A/N: Finally GOM is being put in their place, now before you start commenting I want you to know that yes, I probably used these characters wrongly, I apologize I don't really know Kuroko no basketball so I'll definitely make mistakes, let me know what the mistakes were (nicely, okay nicely)and I'll try and fix them.

Have a great night. Peace)

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