
The Beginning

[1867, Whitechapel London]

A tall man with pale skin was walking down the quiet street with a beautiful woman that smelled like wild flowers. The woman was holding a young child in her arms. The baby giggled and smiled at his mother.

"I'm so sorry sweetie ... I can't believe I'm leaving you here." The mother was barely saying the words through tears.

"Persephone, we don't have a choice. Zeus will kill him if we claim him as our child. Don't you remember the prophecy?"

"He's our son Hades! Prophecy be damned, I can't just abandon him!!" Persephone clung to her baby more.

"Forgive me my love." Hades snapped his fingers, and Persephone disappeared back into the Underworld.


"My boy, you will become a great hero one day. Please know that I love you, and your life will be hard and treacherous much like your past life. Become strong my boy." Hades kissed his boy goodbye, and dissolved into the darkness.

The boy was a child of a prophecy said by the Oracle of Delphi: "There will be born a god, a son of death stripped of all he holds. Only a child of the Big three will unlock the chest, Death everywhere, the world's fall into night. Deep slumber of the treasure loved by the darkness. BEWARE HIS RISE!!!"

When this prophecy was spoken, all the gods shuddered in fear, and they ostracized Hades and forced Persephone to reincarnation as a mortal until the threat of the prophecy passed. Unfortunately, when you try to avoid prophecies you tend to set them in motion anyway. Persephone reincarnated into many different pantheons multiple times: Norse, Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Hindu; you name it. The gods started the process of death by accidentally giving Persephone the bloodline of many deities that stayed with her, reincarnation after reincarnation. So when the son of death was born, he held immense power from many pantheon bloodlines including the blood of Hades.

Zeus was fuming that the prophecy was coming to fruition because he could sense a new power, but he didn't know who and where the child was. He sent all the Olympians to find the child and kill him.

"Father Zeus isn't that too... aggressive perhaps." Artemis had promised a favor to Persephone when Persephone had reincarnated into a hunter of Artemis.

"Are you questioning your father and king?!"

"I don't believe in killing infants father. I cannot cross that line.

"Me neither. I will not be like our father, Kronos. Right now you're no different than him Zeus."

"You dare challenge my authority Poseidon... I am the King of Olympus, and I will not tolerate insubordination!!"

"He has a valid point Husband, and war with Hades will be terrible. Surely, you remember that Hades has access to the worst of creatures and an undead army.

Zeus growled, "Hera... you all.... very well! For peace and logic, I will let the child live, but if he poses a threat to Olympus, I will not hesitate to strike him down. Now leave me!"

The child grew up in the orphanage at Whitechapel London. I was that child. My name is JT, but I'm best known as Jack The Ripper. My life is quite dreadful.

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