Jack Smith was walking home from his usual routine and a crazed truck-kun suddenly decided to claim his life. Yadda yadda yadda god gives him 1 wish, but was interrupted by by author-kun and changed it to 10 because that would be unfair. He is also told that when he goes to other worlds he has to be reborn again in that world to be accepted by the world laws.
Year 2019, October
We find our young hero here on the sidewalk in Japan, he was doing some charity work for different places like the children hospital, animal shelters, orphanages, was cleaning up some of the plastic from our oceans, and finally he planted some trees. You might be thinking what he does for work then, well in truth, he is a hobo, yea you read right he is a hobo. But he is also a huge weeb like most people thought he was already. He got started when he was in highschool because some friends showed it to him. So as a weeb he disappointed his parents and they disowned him when they saw him so a trap cosplay. Some might wonder if he pulled it off, yes, yes he did which angered his mom because he looked better than her.
He is currently 22 and is about 6'3, 210 pounds, has a face that puts any women to shame if he tries hard enough. He is the type to get hit on even by other men that are strait. He is wearing his usual clothes which are a pair of black jordans that he got when he was hit on by a girl with a broken heart about a month ago, with a pair of jeans, and a navy blue shirt. His hair is in a traditional man bun, which can turn into a ponytail anytime he wants.
Anyway back to the plot our main character is doing some charity work by picking up any trash that he can find on the sidewalk while he was walking by, when suddenly he heard a scream from the alleyway he, the nice person he is, goes and heads toward the alleyway and finds a robbery going on, bla bla bla he defeats the robber and turns him in, while he is waiting he hears a sudden honking behind him and suddenly, cliffhanger-kun arrives.