
Victory Food

After that fight, I could eat a horse. Well, maybe not a horse since I heard horse meat tastes disgusting but I've never tasted it myself so I honestly can't give a proper judgment on it. I'm walking with my team through the fairgrounds but my team seems to be a constant mixture of emotions at the moment.

Jack: What's up guys, you don't seem to happy?

Olga: You didn't get shot in the head!

Jack: Why are you so upset? He caught you off guard, just be more prepared next time.

Olga: Says the guy who hit me in the back.

Jack: My bad, I'm honestly sorry about that.

Eve: At least you weren't punched in the stomach. I have to deal with being hungry alongside the pain in my stomach.

Kim: It seems that we better get some food to lift everyone's spirits.

Jack: Hey, at least we won right. This is our victory food and no one can take that away from you.

Eve: I guess your right.

Olga: As long as I get to sit next to Eve I'm good either way, just hope this headache goes away soon.

We walked around and explored the different stalls they had to offer. Every stall was unique and made choosing one place out of all of them a harder task than I anticipated. There was a sushi stall, a ramen shop, and even a pizza stall. I was thinking that the pizza stall would be boring but they had every single pizza you could think of alongside the classic cheese, pepperoni, and pineapple. They had a macaroni pizza, a pickle pizza, and the breakfast special pizza. I'm assuming that the breakfast special is supposed to have things like eggs, waffles, or grits on top but that honestly sounds more disgusting than appetizing. It's not anyone going to eat something like that anyway. Olga sits down and orders the special. Why? He said it looks tasty. I don't think I'll ever understand Olga. Olga orders his food and starts digging in with a blissful expression on his face. Eve wanted pizza as well but instead of the breakfast special, she ordered a plain cheese slice of pizza. I separate from them and head over to another stall that caught my attention with Kim. There sitting at another stall was Emerald and Amber sitting down eating shish kabobs. I made my way over and introduced Kim to them and bragged a little bit about our victory. Amber said something about sensing us coming but I'm guessing that's because Kim has some of the Fall Maiden power. Hopefully, that doesn't come up since that particular can of words is something that I don't want to open right now.

Amber: I know you could do it, Jack. I'm not surprised that you managed to help out your team and secure the win.

Emerald: Yeah, fighting in my match was harder than I thought.

Kim: Oh, why is that?

Emerald: I lost my memories and I'm basically fighting using my instincts and muscle memories. I still can't use my semblance yet either even though I know what it is. My team did most of the work securing the win and it felt more like I was needed to fill in numbers than to actually contribute something for the win. I guess it doesn't even matter now since I won't be participating in the doubles portion of the tournament.

Amber: Don't worry about it Emerald, it's their loss. Besides, I'm sure you'll figure out some way to activate it when you need it most.

Jack: Wise words, Yoda.

Kim: Yoda?

Jack: Don't worry about it. Just thought of a franchise that been in the news lately. Anyway, did you have any suggestions on what stall I should eat at since I can't decide?

Amber: Not really, they all look pretty good but I did see team RWBY head to a ramen stall not too long ago. Maybe you could enjoy some of their company while eating some ramen.

Jack: That sounds good but what about you Kim. Where do you want to eat?

Kim: I think I'll stay here and eat with Amber and Emerald.

Jack: Alright, if you need me then I'm only a call away.

I walked toward the ramen stall and saw team RWBY sitting there eating their food and chatting about the tournament. I sat beside Weiss and ordered myself a bowl of ramen as well. Their portions were a little on the big side but they are giving more for less so who am I to complain.

Ruby: Congratulations on your win, Jack.

Jack: Thanks. Congratulations to you and your team as well. I'm sure that if I wasn't competing then you guys would win the tournament.

Yang: Keep dreaming. No one could beat me in a serious 1v1 match.

Jack: Yes, it certainly would be a challenge and your semblance definitely won't things easy for me. So does that mean that you are competing in the doubles match?

Yang: Yeah, I and Weiss are gonna kick butt.

Weiss: Obviously.

Ruby: What about your team?

Jack: Kim and I are going to compete in the doubles match.

Blake: Jack, I wanted to ask what happened in the arena?

Jack: The arena? What part?

Blake: Your creature flashed a red light before disappearing.

Jack: Yes, I did find that somewhat concerning since nothing like this has ever happened before.

Weiss: Maybe you should ask Winter for some advice. I still can't summon Grimm from our semblance yet.

Jack: I think I just might have to consider that since I don't want any problems in the tournament. Bagels is my strongest ally on the field other than my teammates. It might be weird to say but I feel like he's learning and growing the more he fights alongside me. Besides that, I just like fighting side by side with him.

Weiss: Just remember that...

Owner: Your card has been declined.

In superhuman speeds, he picks up all of team RWBY bowls and there left speechless. I still had my bowl because I paid for it with my money.

Weiss: I don't understand, I didn't even use all my monthly allowance yet.

I whisper into Weiss's ear, "Could be that he cut you off for some reason like leaving home to become a huntress".

Weiss responded, "Then why didn't he cut you off?"

I replied, "There's nothing to cut off since he doesn't give me anything. Even if he did, I wouldn't accept any help from him unless I had no other choice".

Coincidently or should as I say fate would have it, Pyrrha came over with the rest of her team and offered to pay for everyone's food including mine. We sat and talked about various things. Even though I expected it, it still is a bit jarring to see everyone talk about Calamity without actually knowing that I'm him. Either way, I still get insight and information on what they know about Calamity and the other events that are going on around Beacon. Afterward, I walked toward the Atlas security to talk to Winter about earlier today hoping that everything is fine with my power.

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