
Chapter 1 Shinigami and the box

1812 England unnamed location

Flames are scorching agony raining down from above. The night catching up to the day covering it with shadows illuminating hell's flame. "Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack." Said a voice climbing out of these flames as the moon and sun switched. "the box lives, so the jack lives" whispered a voice within a ghostly wind. " the jack lives now but he won't live for long, I have the box but not the jack but the jack will die. Due to his cursed life, this once beautiful mansion is now ash along with all in it but me I will avenge them all as the final descendant of the Portaria family Arthur Portaria. I WILL AVENGE ALL THE WAY TO JACK ILL CURE THE WORLD OF HIS ROTTEN ILLNESS CURSE HIM AND FAMILY FOR YEARS TO COME THEY WILL ALL PAY THE PRICE!!!!!!!"

"The box you have it be an item of death you possess however it cannot inflict death upon the one it curses it can only make the cursed kill. Kill both its insanity and others who find it" echoed a windy voice. The moment then Arthur dropped the box he realized something there shouldn't be anyone talking to him, in fact, he shouldn't be alive he was buried under the rubble. Then he began to turn but at that moment he froze, no time froze. Suddenly dropping were black feather above, the moon illuminated the figure yet it remained cast in the shadows. "Shinigami, that's what they call us down here if I am correct" said the figure, " no, you're just a legend and even if you are here why did you save my life why are you here before me" said Arthur as he came to his knees cowering in other worldly fear. " call me Ashtaroth, I am here to help you the balance of life and death is out of sync the jack is responsible for this and it must be fixed, however I require you for it" explained the Shinigami as its wing cast out and it came down to Arthur. "the box it possesses the power to curse him however he stole it from me, that caused the shift in life and death trapping the souls he killed but now you have it, it belongs to you now."

Arthur rose up and belched into uncontrollable laughter as his eyes changed color as his pupils changed red and the rest a color unknown to man his body grew greyer and his face reduced to bone, but no that was not all of it feathers came out from behind him. Ashtaroth grinned and said these final words "so you understand now, I know you will get the job done then,".

Arthur opened the box. The box laughed but not with one voice but many as if a whole legion was celebrating a victory. Arthur smiled "no longer Arthur I am Portarusion a, a, a, a.......". " a Shinigami" replied Ashtaroth. The box was shut yet the laughter did not cease it just echoed. But the echoes suddenly ceased as the Shinigami saw it the man with the scythe standing above them it was Jack. Jack grinned.

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