
High Speed Movement

「You have gained the skill: High Speed Movement

Description: By burning some of your current stamina, you can enter the very folds of the universe to move quickly between two points.

Remark: "Nothing personnel kid."」

"Well that explains it. Damn…" Hunter complained indignantly, dusting the dirt and broken splinters off my body. 

Thank whatever deities existed here that his Fortitude was so high, otherwise these splinters might have turned him into a porcupine.

As for Hunter's quarry, well…

If you were happily stuffing your greedy face and a tall, sexy being of death and destruction flew over you, there was very little doubt that you'd take the only course of action available.

Still, the skill would be useful, especially since the moment Hunter learned it, he also gained a rough idea how to utilize it properly. 

The next time shouldn't be so… rough. However, Hunter despaired over the fact that out here in the wilderness and without a trainer, he was going to have to learn his abilities through trial and error.

"Oh well, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger." Hunter stated as he shrugged nonchalantly, suddenly pausing when his assertion sparked a faint memory in his mind. 

A word… no a very familiar term came to his mind with a vague understanding of what it meant.

"Zenkai boost…" Hunter muttered what he remembered out. 

It seemed that he did, as a matter of fact, have a good grasp of what he was and how he worked. Hunter just had to struggle and find out how to access his memories because he had a strong feeling that things would go a lot smoother if he did.

Still, he moved on and searched for a new clue to pick up. After a bit of hunting, he did find one, but this wasn't a small critter. This was the trail of bigger prey, one that set a hint of anticipation surging through his body. 

It seemed like a buck was in the wild.

Hunter followed the new tracks with the kind of zeal a famished predator had when it sensed deliciously unaware prey. Despite the knowledge Hunter had of his target's cautious nature, he blazed the trail as fast as his eyes could make out the path he needed to take, which was faster enough to leave afterimages. 

Luckily, he halted immediately, sensing a despairingly weak energy signature, not even reaching 0.1 on the power level scale.

Now crouch walking, Hunter agilely climbed the tree beside him, perching on a branch overlooking a tiny clearing that had traces of habitation, but one that was aged. 

Hunter's instincts told him that this would probably be – and had likely been – a natural camping spot for humans. There was even a small blackened patch of earth, probably where the campfire had been set.

Within the clearing was his target. A full grown buck who was happily grazing, but with the air of caution surrounding it like a thick blanket. Hunter chuckled internally at the thought of a dear possessing an aura until he suddenly had another flash of remembrance.

An image came to him of a humanoid with similar features to himself, with arms outstretched and roaring, a white spiky aura surrounding him and empowering him. 

Filing it away for experimentation later, Hunter focused on his definitely suspecting prey, letting the inertia and power build up before activating the 'High Speed Movement' skill, this time through the proper way.

The results were actually quite grand.

Hunter King practically instantly materialized on top of the poor creature, grabbing its neck with one hand before it could even cry out in horror. Its reaction was to flail about in absolute terror, trying to escape and attack him at the same time. 

Admittedly, had Hunter been a measly human, its hooves would've done some real damage. Currently, at best, it was as if someone was using their fingers to tap him softly. 

Unlike with the snake, a foolish predator that had thought to challenge Hunter and so was dealt with accordingly by a stronger predator, he snapped the panicking animal's neck to make its death as painless as possible. 

It fell limp in his grasp, its life quickly leaving its body. 

「You have gained 0.5 experience points to the next level.」

Hunter looked around the clearing, planning out how he was going to prepare his meal. Despite his lack of recollection, Hunter still – thankfully – had access to certain snippets of basic knowledge and information, so he knew how to prepare the meat in an edible way. 

He was thankfully not yet savage enough to be eating raw meat.

Gathering the necessary materials took him but a few minutes with his high speed movement skill – which absolutely beat walking – as he placed the dry wood in a conical shape around the blackened spot. 

Using three thin pieces of wood, he constructed a crude spit. He realized he had no knife with which to skin the animal before me, so he opted to use a more… direct method. 

Grabbing its neck, Hunter started ripping its skin of with his impressive strength, the skin coming off wetly and unevenly. It was messy, it stank and it was uncivilized, but when the pangs of hunger reached their peak, most would end up like that anyway.

Hunter tore chunks of meat off its hunches and legs, ripping them into smaller pieces that wouldn't overburden and break the small branch he used as the rack. Once that was done, Hunter stood over the improvised cooking spit and nodded his head with satisfaction, trying to ignore the single problem he identified almost instantly.

"How exactly am I supposed to light this on fire with what I have now?" Hunter muttered to himself with depression.