

( Izuku's point of view )

When Izuku was standing in front of the fallen body of Igris, the system gave him a message.

[ The Boss of the Dungeon has been Defeated. The Job Change will now commence. ]

"The f**k!! " Izuku was in shock.

[ You will gather more points the longer you survive. Your class will be determined based on the amount of points you gather. ]

[     Good Luck.     

        00:00:00       ]

As soon as the final message appeared, a bunch of portals began to open up all around the room he was in.

' So I get more points the longer I survive, so I guess I'll just have to try to accumulate as much points as possible by surviving as long as possible. In that case, I'll use Stealth. ' Izuku though.

While Izuku was thinking of a strategy to survive as long as possible, many of the Knights started to come out of every portals. Soon, most of the hall was filled by the Knights.

Izuku saw this and turned on his stealth to hide his presence and turn invisible to gain as much time as possible.

' I have around 1300 MP left. Stealth takes 100 MP every minute, that means I can gain much time while I rest a little to recover some of this fatigue. ' Izuku thought as he was moving around the ground while invisible.

Suddenly he got another message from the system.


[ Mage is using the passive skill 'Detection', stealth is removed. ]

As soon as that message arrived, Izuku's stealth was removed and he began to fade in. Immediately, every of the Knights saw where he was standing and began walking towards him.

' What, it detected through my stealth. Well, I'll just have to go all out while surviving the most then. ' Izuku thought. He saw two of the Knights come and try to hit him with their swords, which he quickly dodged and punched the knights to defeat them.

One after another, the knights kept on coming towards him without stopping. He was also beating them while trying to dodge as much as possible and using every skill at his arsenal.wether it be bloodlust, quicksilver or any other skill to survive, even though some of them hit him and caused damage.

This was when he noticed something strange. These Knights did not feel like the ones from earlier and felt like they were summoned minions. Their bodies were completely vanishing after they were dying, rather than staying on the floor.

He tried to look around for the person summoning them and found Six Mages standing at the far corners of the large hall. Those were the only ones different from the rest of the group.

While searching for the mages, Izuku got careless and did not notice that a Bigger than average Knight was standing in front of him. The larger Knight quickly punched Izuku which sent him flying and crashing into the wall.

This caused blood to come gushing out of Izuku's mouth as he slumped down, barely standing.

' Should I use Heartstone to escape? That means the quest will end. What's the time? ' He thought as he looked at the timer.

[ 00 : 06 : 48 ]

" No way, I won't do it. I was quirkless just months ago, if I have to become the strongest, I also have to work the hardest. " He got himself up , even thought he was barely able to stand. His eyelids had gotten pale and he looked like he could fall unconscious at any moment. That was when he heard a voice.

" You always get yourself on the brink of death don't you. It must be great for someone like you to be able to grow this strong. " A chilling and ghastly voice said from behind him. He turned around to look at the person, only of find a person who looked similar to him standing in the shadows behind him. It was as if time had stopped and there were only the two of them in the place.

Suddenly as if time began running again, the knights began to move and approach Izuku, trying to cut him down. Izuku pulled together the last of his strength and continued fighting.

" You have changed a lot. You have grown taller, built muscles and even gotten stronger. But this is where it all ends. " The person said. While Izuku was still busy fighting.

" From now on, you'll have to murder more people along the way. And either sacrifice all whom you love, or leave them behind, wether friends or family."

The alter ego said, while standing in the croud of the knights.

By the time the person had finished speaking, Izuku was on the ground after facing a blow to his ribs done by one of the knight's hammer.

" I'm not your enemy. I'm just here to make you strong enough to face those people and not die, or cause the extinction of your race. You see, luck is also a stat of yours. You dying here is a waste, you have to grow much stronger still.

I'll see you again when you are ready. " The person who looked like Izuku said as he fades away.

The hammer, lances and swords of the knights were about to hit Izuku, But with a flash of light, he had vanished and appeared in the familiar desert.

[ HP : 439/13070

  MP : 160/ 4790 ]

[ Fatigue : 98 ]

He was then greeted with the same message he got when he was there before.


[         * Quest Directions *        

( Penalty quest : Survive )

Goal :

Due to failure in completing the daily quest, you have to survive until timer runs out.

Time required : 4 hours.

Time remaining : 3Hr 59Min 59sec ]

As soon as Izuku saw this message, he was relieved and happy, yet confused at the same time.

' So, I was saved by the system huh. Though, as I am outside of that dungeon, will it's rules still apply? Only one way to find out. ' Izuku thought as he sat on the sand to rest a little.

" Let's try it out. Accept 'Status recovery' " He said and he immediately felt a jolt of energy run through him making him feel replenished and get his strength back because one of the status recovery he had saved was used up.

He immediately checked his stats, a smile forming on his face because his assumption worked. He had his HP, MP replenished and his Fatigue removed.

The next thing he did was look for weapons that allow him to pierce through armours in the store. He had came across one dagger that piqued his interest. It was named, 'Knight killer ' and was around 2,800,000 G in the store.

It was the costliest dagger he could have bought from the store at that time because he had around 3,000,000 G with him. He then bought the dagger and looked at it's description. It was one of the reasons he had bought it.

[ Item : Knight Killer

  Item Class : B 

  Item Type : Dagger

  A dagger said to be able to pierce through any armour because of the serrated blades it has, which does not allow it to slip against metal.

(Effect) :-

+75 Attack power.

+25% Damage against armoured Opponents .                                          ]

After purchasing the new dagger from the store, he wanted to test the new daggers and the skill he had gotten and so he took out Knight-killer in one hand and Rasaka's fang in the other and got ready for the giant centipedes to come. Suddenly all the centipedes began to come out of the sands and stood in front of Izuku and baring their teeth.

Izuku tried to use the new skill ' 'Ruler's reach' on one of the centipedes to pull it towards himself, but instead of it coming towards him, he got another message.

[     It did not move because       

   Your proficiency is too low.     ]

Seeing this message, Izuku just jumped onto the heads of the centipedes and started defeating them.

He got an idea, he threw one of his daggers towards the centipedes with full strength and after it had impaled the head of one of the centipedes, he used 'Ruler's Reach ' to get the dagger back to his hands. He got another message.

[ Skill: 'Dagger Throw' has been learnt. ]


[ Around 4 hours later. ]

Izuku had defeated each of the centipedes there were in the dungeon and used the skill Ruler's reach again again to increase it's proficiency. He still had free time about 10 minutes which he used to replenish his Health, Mana and Fatigue from various items from the shop.

After defeating every centipede present, Izuku's level had grown about 4 levels. And his stats were like this.

[ * Status *

Name: Izuku Midoriya.  Level: 59

Job: None.                Fatigue: 00

Title: ' Top of the Generation '

HP: 13990/ 13990

MP: 4990 / 4990


Strength: 305 . Vitality: 248

Agility: 210 . Intelligence: 220

Sense : 190.  Luck : 190


Remaining points : 0

Rasaka's steel scales : 20%

Reduction to damage taken.

(Items equipped:)

Power suppression ring.

Helmet of Red Knight.

Necklace of great mage.

Knight's Breastplate.

Steel Armbraces. (x2)

Winged boots. (x2)          ]

As soon as the timer had finished, with another flash of light, Izuku was transported back to the dungeon. This time, it was filled to the brim with hundreds of Knights. And rather the six mages also there.

A smirk formed on Izuku's face as he noticed the timer which was going on and had been running all this time.

  [ 04 : 08 : 14 ] 

Izuku immediately took out his two daggers in each hand and used the 'Knight-killer' on the knights. It began slicing the knights as if they were made of butter. He then jumped and used ' Dagger throw ' with Rasaka's fang at one of the mages, immediately going through his head, and called it back using 'Ruler's Reach '. He then proceeded to get to one mage after another after avoiding as many knights as possible.

Due to being summoned creatures, defeating those knights did not help raise his level, so Izuku tried to quickly eliminate each of the mages. Within a matter of minutes, Izuku had easily defeated the mages because of no longer being low on energy because of the high fatigue he had.

Just as he finished defeating 3 of the 6 mages present, the remaining three formed a circle and began their incantation. Suddenly, a large amalgamation of the knights was formed into a golem. The golem began hurling punches at Izuku which he was trying his best to dodge.

Finally, he used ' Ruler's Reach ' and one of the mages was pulled towards him which had it's head smashed by one of Izuku's punches and Izuku swiftly used 'Vital-Point strike' on the other two. Immediately, all the knights fell down and vanished away. Izuku looked at the timer.

[ 04 : 19 : 59 ]

' Finally, it's finished. ' Izuku breathed a sigh of relief. As soon as he finished of the last of the mages, he got a message from the system.

[ All the monsters in the room have been defeated. The quest will end now. ]

[ You will now be granted a job based on the Player's actions and total points accumulated. ]

' Wait just a second. Granted? Will I not be able to choose my class? This can completely screw up my stats if I do not get a propper one. ' Izuku thought as he hoped for the best.

[ Wherever the Player goes, The Reaper follows. ]

[ Player's path is littered with corpses and the smell of blood. ]

" I don't like where this seems to be going. " Izuku said as he was reading the messages.

[ Player possesses huge strength and prefers working alone. ]

[ Your strength burns strong enough to even call those who wonder the valley of the dead. An army of the dead follows your commands will make a path where what you say will be the law and you won't need anyone's help again.  ]

[ Your Job is Necromancer ]

' Wait a minute, necromancer. But I have used very less points on intelligence, necromancers usually summon their undead minion to fight for them while hanging in the back. If that's the case, then these magicians here can also be said to be necromancers. Something doesn't seem right. It's as if the system wanted me to have this one. Well, until now, going with the system's decisions have always benefited me. If I have their powers, I can back up the lack of physical strength with my strength and be an all rounder necromancer who can easily solo dungeons. So it is pretty usefull. Well, OK I've decided. ' Izuku thought for a while mumbling in his head, while a screen was floating in front of him.

[ Will you accept?

[ Yes ]    [ No ]   ]

" Accept. " Izuku said.

[ Your class has been chosen. ]

[ Based on the points accumulated, you will be given a chance to be promoted to a superior class of the job. ]

[ • You exceeded the expected time, points will be added.

• You did not use heartstone, points will be added.

• All enemies defeated, points will be added.

• Final health above 80%, points will be added.     ]

[ Total points exceeded the Feat limit. ]

[ You will be promoted from 'Necromancer' to ' Shadow Lord ' ]

' Shadow Lord? Promotion? I think I got an instant promotion because of all the points I earned.' Izuku thought.

[ Job specific skills have been acquired. ]

[Bonus Stat Points have been given]

[ You acquired the title : ' The one who overcame adversity. ' ]

Suddenly a dark aura started to surround Izuku's body. He started to see black fog rising form the dead bodies of the monsters nearby. He could also hears screams of pain coming from every corpse around him. Each of them had a screen above them.

[ ' Shadow Extraction ' can be

used on this target.  ]

'Hmm, as expected of necromancer skills,it seems like I can use it on them.' Izuku tried using the skill on the corpes but another message popped up.

[ Please enter Command phrase to be used to activate 'Shadow Extraction' ]

' Let's see, I want something good... I got it.' Izuku thought.

" Arise! " Izuku said.

End of Act 1.

To be continued.


[ * Skill : Dagger Throw *

( Lvl 1 )

Throw your dagger at the target at full strength. Higher level has increased impact and accuracy.

( For daggers only )

30 MP required to use skill.  ]

[ * Skill : Shadow Extraction *

A shadow soldier is created from a dead body by taking its mana.

Chance of failure increases the more time is passed after a target's death and decreases the higher your intelligence stat is.

No MP required to use skill.

Shadows able to be extracted : 0/50 ]

[ * Title : The one who

overcame adversity *

You have suffered great adversity and overcame it with your sheer willpower and strength.


+1% Increase to all stats with 1% Decrease in HP ]

A/n : finally done with the stuff same as solo leveling. if you felt the story till here be similar to solo leveling, that's because I wanted to start UA part after izuku received his class, and also make sure that those who don't know about solo leveling can get to know about it from the story. if you were getting bored or didn't liked till now, I say you will see better ones from now. thanks for reading. hope you all enjoyed it.

p.s. also check out solo leveling if you liked this. thanks again 😊

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