
Ivy's Seduction

Ivy, a twenty-four-year-old virgin, explores her sexuality with both men and women for the first time. Learning passion, seduction, manipulation, and lust that come with sex. Is sex power? Is love? She Enters the world and learns that sex controls everything. Win an argument, stop a fight, get what you want. Follow her journey as she dominates through sex

Fystyblaze · Fantasy
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101 Chs


"So, I was right after all?" Eric beamed.

"Maybe half right," I corrected. All we did was kiss, but it was intense and intoxicating all at once."

"I was still right about it," he argued, "You wouldn't have given it a try if I hadn't planted the thought in your head."

"You know it passes right when you state you're right?" I retorted.

He turned and narrowed in at me before shaking his head from side to side, "Bring me my drink and stop with that sassiness."

I walked around the bar and handed him his Jack and Coke before slinking on the couch beside him, "How about you stop acting like a constant know-it-all?"

"When I'm wrong ever comes around, I will," he boasted.

"I am frustrated with you, though," I confessed before drinking my water.

He sipped his drink, "Why? What did I do?"

"Took away my toy!" my voice grew louder, "Or did you forget?"

He giggled, almost choking on his drink, "Someone finally knows what it feels like to be horny and frustrated."

It was so annoying, and he was right to top it off. When I got home that night, I felt a frustration I'd never experienced and couldn't find the will to sleep. When my hand searched for my vibrator, I remembered it was no longer in my possession. Being drunk on top of this realization didn't help; it only added to my burning frustration that night.

"That doesn't help your case right now, asshole," I shoved him on his massive left bicep, which he barely moved an inch.

"Now you know how other people feel when they get horny and don't go out and get laid," he smirked, "So an older woman caught your attention?"

"Yes," I felt my cheeks flush, "She was very- I don't know how to word it correctly."

"Look at you!" he pushed my right knee, sending my crouched legs to the side, "I've never seen you act this way before!"

"Well, I'm not used to this feeling," I giggled.

"What was she like?" he asked and finished his drink.

"Older," I started off. She maturely carried herself. Her poise and elegance made her look like a painting in amber lighting, and her voice was so deep and sensual that it could take my breath away. She looked at me hungry like a lioness about to devour her prey, making me weak."

My eyes shifted to Eric's, and I could see some intensity glimmering behind his strong facade. He was very handsome; too bad he was gay.

"What was her name?" he asked while placing the empty glass.

What was her name? Did I even ask for it? He will have a field day when he realizes I don't know her name.

"Ashley," I lied.

He narrowed in on me and looked, "You're lying."

"How would you know?"

"I know your tell, that's why."

"My tell? What's my tell?"

"You can never look me in the eyes. You can lie to everyone else, but I've known you since we were younger, and you can't lie to me."

He was right again. It's so annoying sometimes.

"I don't know," I confessed.

The silence was deafening. How could I have forgotten to ask? I kissed her and maybe even went home with her, not knowing her name. What's wrong with me? What was he going to say? I can only imagine what he's thinking right now. His face didn't show much amusement, more of understanding.

"It happens," he spoke, "Not the first person you usually feel passion with, but I've done it too. I didn't just kiss him, though."

"I'm confused. I thought you would laugh and joke at me for being such a rookie or something," I replied.

He took a deep breath as his chest expanded and retracted. His gaze turned to mine, and nothing but kindness looked back at me. I remember seeing them every time I needed someone after my parents died. His left hand touched my right thigh with a gentle, comforting rub.

"I'm the one who encouraged you to do something out of your comfort zone. What type of friend would I be if I embarrassed you? You'll make plenty more mistakes. You'll hear me telling you I was right again when you start repeating them."

I didn't respond and curved my lips, "Thank you."

His hand rubbed my thigh slightly, and my eyes shifted downwards. His hands were so massive compared to my thighs that they covered almost the entire surface. The roughness from his callused hands caused friction, warming me to his touch.

"What are you doing tonight?" he asked before leaning back on the couch.

"Tanya wanted to go out dancing and drinking," I groaned, "We work in a bar."

"It's different when you're enjoying yourself rather than working and dealing with the drunk people."

"True. I don't even remember when I drank with some friends. You guys usually just come here."

"You always have alcohol, and this place is nicer than any bar. Why pay for it when you don't mind making drinks for us?"

"Aren't you so nice?"

"I have to go home and get ready," he stood and stretched out his entire body.

"Where are you off to?" I asked.

"My client," he reminded.

"Is this the same one you've seen for nearly a year?" I teased.

His body tensed as he turned to glower at me. His narrow eyes and angled eyebrows amplified his intensity as he rotated, ultimately facing me.

"You know?" he asked in a softened tone.

"I mean, it's not rocket science," I smiled, "You leave around the same time whenever we see each other because of your friend."

"I wanted to be sure how I felt first," he blushed. For the first time in my life, I haven't seen him blush since I've known him.

"Is he more than a friend?" I pressed.

There was a brief silence. His eyes moved back and forth, like he was trying to weigh the pros and cons.

"I mean, I've never seen you in a relationship before," I continued, "I've never seen you go quiet over someone either, and usually, you have a lot to say. Maybe he could potentially be someone you could care about?"

"You've never been in a relationship either," he diverted.

"We aren't talking about my messed-up love life. We're talking about yours," I laughed. Why don't you tell me about him?"

He remained standing like a statue. I reached my right hand up, grasped his left, and tugged him back onto the sofa. His expression looked like that of a scared child afraid of telling the truth and making someone mad or hurting them.

"I don't know yet," he confessed, "The sex is amazing. He's the first guy who didn't need me to do everything, and what he did know made my mind spin."

"That's how good it can get?" I asked, "Sex, I mean."

He turned and locked onto my eyes. There was a deep, burning intensity of yearning and desire behind them, "Sex can be so intense that sometimes your body won't respond. To the point where you're gasping for air like you just ran a marathon. The intensity thrumming throughout your body is intoxicating and addicting all simultaneously."

My cheeks flushed uncontrollably, and my body reacted, "Okay, now I need a drink."

"I have to go," he reminded.

His footsteps approaching me grew louder and louder before I found his embrace. He was nearly a foot taller than me, and his massive arms caged me into him. His body was warm against mine, and his hold on me was firm but not too demanding, and it was comforting.

"I hope one day you find it," he whispered in my ear.

His breath trickled down my neck as a shiver ran down my spine. My eyes flew open as his warm embrace left me, and my front door unlocked. I looked over my left shoulder to see him looking back at me. I smiled.

"Bye, beautiful," he said before leaving my home.