
Two days ago

"I can only see you as a friend."

Spaced out for five seconds, smiled and said ". . . it's OK!" While inside her rumbling brain her neurons are shouting, "What the F***K have I done wrong??"

While Jero is driving he glanced to Ayi and saw that she is looking down while unconsciously playing with her hands. "Promise! I'm so OK!" Ayi defends but Jero just kept quiet.

Upon dropping Ayi in front of their house, She took her phone from her sling bag and texted in a group chat saying. "Guys! let's drink! I WAS FRIEND ZONED!"

Not more than thirty minutes three of her tons of close guy friends came to there favorite bar and sat to their personal spot. "Game! game! tell us! tell us" Rondo asked one of Ayi's guy friend.

"Well, just like everyone says, I should confess my feelings to him since its been six months when we started working as partners in the company. So, I did it and he's answer is, I can only see you as a friend."

"Tell us the whole story! I think He is not that harsh." Kevin said.

"Ok, Ok, fine! so this is what happened. Yesterday I texted him saying, Do you think we have a future...? Then I brought it up in the car after our meeting on our way home. He thought it was just a drunk text so he didn't mind. Then I asked him, I guess you knew that I have a crush on you since college. My feelings for you just buried before, since we lost our communication for 8 years, then, meeting you again, at first I already lost that feeling and was just happy to see you again as time goes by that feeling is rising from the grave."

"He knew?" everyone asked.

"Well, He said yes but didn't want to take it seriously."

"Ouch! that hurts! why not?" Ed asked.

"He thought it was just a puppy love. Then, he started to talked."

"Was it to early to answer your question?" Jero asked, as Ayi reminisced their conversation.

"How come?"

"I've been to several relationships before and all didn't turned out well because the both of us were too hasty to be in a relationship and when they see more about me, they start to get cold and distant themselves that leads to breaking up. We're now old enough to keep on jumping to relationship without assurance." Jero explained.

"Maybe Its better if we stay friends for now." He added.

"Yes, we can stay friends but do you think we can be more than friends? Ayi asked.

A moment of silence after that question and Ayi is eagerly waiting for his response.

Then he said, "I can only see you as a friend." Then Ayi ended the story.

"So, what are your insights guys?" Ayi asked

"At least the both of you are still in good terms." Rondo commented.

"The question here is, what is he hiding?" Ed analyzed.

"Agreed. he said, when his exes get to know him more they start to feel different." Kevin added.

"So this will be your challenge Ayi, to unveil the real Jero then its up to you if you will still pursue him or not." Rondo stated.


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