

Here the day started again ,same like waking up ,getting ready and rlushing towards the college.

Thank god I  am in class before the lecture starts , 1st two lecture went smoothly teachers started with their portion and here bell rang for the break. I dont want to go outside but reena the girl who sit beside me forcefully pulled me out of class. We headed toward our canteen and order  two cup of coffee for ourselves . In sometime the canteen man called me to take the things which we ordered. I was just enjoying my coffee when I heard girl behind me started shouting , hey look there he is john na head of "LET WORK "club .shit he is so handsome .

I placed my coffee and look around really there he was,girls were looking at him like they were ready to go out with him if he ask them. I just rolled my eyes in their behaviour and continued with my coffee. Reena had also seen john started praising about his looks and style ,I had no choice just seating their and listening her talks.we were back in class after the break time over and lecture continued  after lecture ended and quickly packed my back and ready to leave after saying goodbye to my friends. Suddenly reena pulled and told me to be prepared for the interview for sometime I was blank and then remembered that tommorow is the day of interview for the selection of members of LETS WORK club. I  thanked her for reminding me and leave after that. Standing in front of mirror and I continuously practising for the interview I was damn Nervous I had never ever given any interviews.  This is not big interview but I was nervous.

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