
Its a world of blending with group chat

I do not know English, so I used the translator to translate the story, and now this is a vulgar embodiment story in the anime world with a group chat and travel between the worlds of anime and novels . For more chapters please visit my patreon p@treon.com/Akasaki_Ryujin

Akasaki_Ryujin · Anime & Comics
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94 Chs

Chapter 55: Setting up the typical protagonist and new member

"Status screen" Akira commanded, his heart full of curiosity about the new status screen.

[ the Status ... ]

[Name: Akira Nefuji]

[Main Race: Divine Spirit]

[Sub-race: Human]

[ age 16 ]

[Gender: Male]

[Title: Incarnation of the King of Heroes, Favorite Person of the Goddess of Fortune, Master of the Gate,The master of the house, Person from Another World]

[ Template - Gilgamesh - Progress - 54% ]

[ Class : None ]

[Bloodline: ???? (not awake)]

[Soul Connection: None]

[Blood Connection: None]

[ Active Buff : ?????? ( -90% Stats ) ]

[ Cultivation : None ]

[Cultivation Technique: None]

[Body Technique: None]

[Physique: Babylon Physique]

[Aura: None]

[ Level: 22 ]

{basic abilities}

Strength: 5.400 > 540 (+105)

Agility: 5.400 > 540 (+50)

Endurance: 5.400 > 540 (+67)

Intelligence: 5.400 > 540 (+17)

Magical Power: 54,000 > 5,400

Spiritual Strength: 54,000 > 5,400

Luck: MAX

[ Innate Skills: Gate of Babylon (EX), King's Aura (A), Status Window (B), Manipulation of Lust (S), Zaphkiel (SS), ?????? ( ? ) ]

[Active Skills: Physical Manipulation (A+), Clairvoyance (EX)]

[Passive Skills: Weapon Master (S), Presence Concealment (A+), Self Regeneration Low (C), Energy Mastery (A+)]

[Acquired Skills: Cooking (S), Housework (S), Basketball (S), Acting (S), Toxicologist (A+), Disguise (A+), Literature (S), Hacking (S)]

[Resis Skills: Magic Resistance, Spiritual Attack Resistance]

[Martial Technique:


"!!!" - Akira was surprised by his condition, which is completely different from before.

"There are many things I want to inquire about, but first let's hear your excuses for this buff" - Akira said with clear anger in his voice.

[I'm sorry, Master, but I can't answer you because this is something you have to find out for yourself.]

[But you should know that Buff was -95% before you came to the SAO world.]

"Then do you have a way to find out this buff" - Akira asked and his anger decreased by a few degrees because he could sense his helplessness and apologize in Akane's tone.

[Master needs to communicate with his Zanpakutou, she might know something.]

"Okay" - Akira nodded and decided to follow Akane's suggestion - "So what is this Unawakened Race?"

This puzzled Akira, as he did not remember having a Roulette bloodline.

[Master, you should know that this is the traditional setting for the protagonist who finds out that he is the adopted son and his family is a great power and his parents were killed because of an forbidden love between a human and a supernatural race...etc.]

"Well, that's right," Akira agreed, ignoring the obvious sarcasm in her voice.

"So what's this Babylon Physique?" - Akira asked and could guess a little bit about her.

[Name: Babylon Physique]

[Type: Physique]

[Class: EX]

[Description: It is said that the Babel Gate contains all the treasures of the world, and this structure can contain all the treasures, bloodlines, and Physique without backlash or rejection.]

"Wow…" Akira didn't expect him to get something like this, which was a better version of Yun Che's Physique of Nothingness.

Why does he say it's a better version?

Because he saw Yun Che's Physique nothingness in the shop and it was only rated SSS and not EX as his.

In the end, Akira decided not to inquire about Innate Skill ????? .

"Then why did so many of my skills disappear?" Akira was puzzled because he was sure he had many skills.

[Similar skills have been combined into one skill whose rank has been raised.]

"Well, that's definitely better," Akira nodded, satisfied with Akane's work.

"Akane, how many points do I have?" - Akira asked curiously because he should have more than 150,000 points thanks to his sub system and killing monsters in SAO.

[193,634 points]

"Finally I can buy my Acnologia Dragon Slayer Magic" - muttered Akira, remembering that he saw that the price of this magic was 150,000 points.

[Master advises you not to do this for now]

"Why?" - Akira was puzzled and stopped his hand that was holding the phone to buy magic.

[It is recommended to purchase magic in the world of Tensura for more benefits]

"Well that's right" - Akira nodded and decided to buy a Dragon Slayer Magic later when going on a mission to the Tensura world because time is stopped and it doesn't matter how much time it takes to evolve.

ding dong*

"It must be Mito or Asuna" - muttered Akira and walked to the apartment door.

"Welcome, Mito, come in," said the blonde, upon seeing the purple-haired woman.

"Excuse me for intruding," exclaimed the purple-haired woman, and entered the apartment.

Akira closed the apartment door and walked in with Misumi, who was looking around curiously.

"Where are Asuna and the others?" Misumi asked in bewilderment, as she did not sense anyone else's presence but them.

"Asuna has gone home and the others have returned to their worlds," Akira replied casually, sitting on the sofa.

"Oh" - Misumi couldn't help but say this and sat down on the sofa in front of Akira.

"Well, let's introduce ourselves again. I am Gilgamesh, and my real name is Nifuji Akira." - Akira introduced himself, the aura of a king radiating lightly from his body - "You can call me Bakira."

"Nice to meet you, I'm Mito, and my real name is Tozawa Misumi." - Misumi introduced herself a little nervously upon feeling the aura radiating from Akira - "You can call me Misumi."

"Okay, now let's exchange our phone numbers so that I can invite you to the chat group" - said Akira, pointing his phone at Misumi.

Misumi pulled out her phone and they quickly exchanged phone numbers and email addresses.

[Ding, you have received an invitation from Akira to join the group chat, do you want to accept the invitation?]

[ Yes No ]

"..." - Misumi pressed on yes and felt her heart going to explode with excitement.

[Ding, Mito has joined the interdimensional chat group]

[Ding, Installing Chat Group Information]

Misumi felt a dull ache in her head and a torrent of information appeared in her head explaining everything about the chat group.

"Wonderful…" Misumi muttered as she digested the information and had to admit that it was unbelievable.

[Ding, you've got the starter pack, do you want to open it?]

[ Yes No ]


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