11 Chapter 10 Way out

She held my hand as she ran across the hallway.

Sora: "Didn't you say you suck at hide and seek?"

Lucille: "Oh yea, I did right?"

We both stopped after that exchange.

Sora: "In hide and seek there are strategies-"

Suddenly a loud explosion could be heard

Sora: "Well screw it we don't have time to lose, just hide in a place that isn't "the most" or "the least" anything, like the back alley where you kidnapped me."

Lucille: "Roger that but I'll rather you remember it as the place we first met"

Sora: "I refuse"

We ran along the empty hallways, it's surprisingly really, Im sure we ran for awhile but there's no one here, you could say it's as empty as the heads of antivaccers, then again, it's not something you can beat easily in that category.

We continue to ran. Until finally, or rather unfortunately, we met a humanoid figure

Sora: "Oh look finally, a human being showed up, it was getting kinda weird here"

We stopped and took a good look at it

It was a person wearing the male uniform, it was covered in a lot of red.

Lucille: "Your a bit off there, that's no human, at least not anymore, it's a being with no will except to kill the living: 'Ghouls'."

Sora: "So those things exist huh, what a weird place this is, so what should we do?"

Lucille: "Just trap him what else, it'll be too much of a pain to destroy"

Lucille raised her hand and a circle with patterns appeared out of thin air in front of her hand

Lucille: "Jail!"

Vines grew from the ground and held the ghoul against the wall

Lucille: "RUN NOW!!!"


We ran as fast as we could, we ran as if our lives depended on it, we ran we ran, until finally, we reached the spot.

Lucille, panting: "Finally, we're hear"

Sora, also panting: "My poor legs damnit"

We took a rest in the alleyway.

Lucille: "You saw the ghoul just now right?"

Sora: "Yup, you ain't tripping"

Lucille: "There are only two ways a ghoul can exist, the first, a necromancer brought him back to life, and the other, a vampire sucked his life out, considering its daytime, it's probably a necromancer, tho a vampire that can go out in daytime isn't really unheard of"

Sora: "I don't think human beings can beat 60 people in groups of 20, let alone multiples of 60, so this may be bad"

Lucille: "I guess so, I guess we will just wait it out, besides, even if it's a vampire they can't possibly beat Suzuki even in this barrier, that guys a cheat code"

Sora: "Who the fuck is that?"

Lucille: "A cheat code of a human being, he's basically a shitty main character, he's extremely strong, nice, handsome and has a lot of girls around him but is dense as fuck, in other words, a boring motherfucker"

Sora: "I can see that, talking to stupid scumbags are wayyyyy funner"

Lucille: "I know what you mean"

*They both thought something among the lines of: "You think your normal you piece of shit"*

After that, we waited for a while, actually I lied, we waited for a long time, a long long time, probably around 10-12 hours, it was quite akward in between, we only exchanged a few words that are among the lines of "It's never gonna end is it" and "hahaha we're gonna die" but finally the barrier broke, revealing the dark sky.

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