
it started with s kiss


themyisticmoon124 · LGBT+
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2 Chs

the first meeting

one day a young man named ace, was walking down the street around 8:00 about to go to the bar with his buddy's but when he got there... it was a shocking sight for him it was a gay bar " but im not gay!" ace thought to himself as he bumped I to a tall light brown skin tone man with black hair and blond tips and well dressed " I.. I'm so sorry! " ace said nervously the man bends down a bit to take his hand "need some help up?" the man said with a bright smile on his face, ace grabs his hand as the man pulls him up " my name is kai it's a pleasure to meet you" the tall man said and bends down do kiss aces hand... " e...ehh?!" ace squeals as his face goes into a deep pinkish red color "ace!" as a guys voice comes from the bar, ace sees his friend Josh "u..uh oh! josh! sorry if I'm late " ace said while pulling his hand back from the man's grip walking over to the bar! when he gets there his friend Josh stands up and gives him a big hug " h.. huh! what a... are you doing?!?" as ace said in a muffled voice, okay so let's stop here for a moment, so ace is in his twentys to be exact he his twenty one years young and he is as short as a fifth grader he is 5'3 and his old buddy josh is 6'2 so uh ya now you know why his voice is muffled! okie dokie by to the story! ace pushes josh well he try's but it works josh is no longer holding onto ace "jeez dude you almost killed me!" ace yelled as about seven people stopped to stare at the to friends messing around, even the guy ace bumped into not to long ago, the man slightly laughed a bit the ace turned around to see the man looking at him. The man winked at ace ace blushed a bit "huh? oooo!" josh said with a wired face giggling a bit, "do you have a crush hm?" as josh slightly bumped his hip against aces "eek!" was the sound ace made when Josh bumped him. "N.. NO!I.. I dont have a crush on him! we just met!mand i have something to ask you mister wise guy!" ace said in a slightly angry tone, Josh stared at him with a blank face "um... ask away... unless it's you asking me to fuck you then no." "of course not! your my bestfriend dong my sex friend! but!" ace grips onto Josh's ear he can barely do it but he does " why the hell are we in a gay bar I'm not gay" ace whispers into Josh's ear

I'm sorry this comic is my first comic ever so plz dont mind spelling mistakes, cussing, 18+reading parts etc ty if you read this comic will take a while but plaese if you enjoy please keep reading! I would love if you guys could help me out by telling me some stuff to do! have a wonderful day or night! ??

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