
It seems my best friend's girlfriend have a crush On me

Chapter count per week is 2-3. Cale and Brian were childhood buddies who had recently started high school with big hopes. Brian was proposed to by a popular girl in the first month of their high school year, and Cale, being his best friend, was overjoyed for him. Everything was going well for the two of them until that happened. _____ NOTE :Our MC is called Cale. I don't want to ruin your enjoyment by delivering a spoiler-filled summary. That is why you should add it to your collection. I don't believe I need to go into detail. If you read the title, you already know what it is. Adiós for now and hurry put this to your library.

SK_YUNJUN · Realistic
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13 Chs

Chapter 8 : Karaoke

Following our choice, we three and Catherine's group headed to the nearest city, where we found and entered a suitable karaoke place.


As soon as we walked inside the karaoke, David and Nathan ran to the desk and began booking a room for two hours, while Catherine went to the tiny café inside the establishment to get some food for us.

Lucy, Maisha, and us three made our way to the vacant karaoke room.

We sat in a corner after entering our own room, while the females sat in the other way.

As the minutes passed, Catherine arrived. Nathan and David have returned with snacks and beverages.

Nathan and David sat next to Lucy and Maisha, and Catherine sat next to Brian.

"Who's going to sing first?" Catherine enthusiastically questioned the entire group. but the direction shifted as David asked a question to Catherine

"Have you called Janet, Catherine?"

"She's on her way, and have you called Sam?"

"Yes, he just texted me saying he finished his work with the teacher and is on his way here. It will take him around 8 minutes to get here."

"So he'd best hurry up and come here. Our Lucy is upset since he isn't present." Catherine gave Lucy a naughty look as she turned crimson and said, "What exactly are you saying, Cathy? I don't miss him."

"Oh, don't be shy, come on."

"I had no idea you had a thing about Sam, Lucy," Alex replied, nibbling on popcorn.

"It's not exactly surprising. Our Lucy and Sam are quite close, and they are both very bonded to one another."

"So they are in a relationship? "

"Hey, Cathy, why are you bringing this up?" Lucy flushed as she nestled up to Maisha, all scarlet as Maisha stroked her hair.

Catherine simply smiled and answered to Alex.

That is, after all, the issue. These two have not yet expressed their feelings."

"That is sed, like super sed."

Catherine and Alex both laughed.

Catherine then shifted her focus away from Alex and said, "Cale, were you in a relationship in the past?" So now I'm stuck. Should I tell the truth? Should I tell the truth? No, I shouldn't tell a lie. Let's be honest with her.

"He's had two girlfriends." As he ruffled my hair, Brain remarked.


I was going to say anything when he put his palm over my mouth, rendering me speechless.

"Just go on with it," he said into my ears.

"Wow, dude, I knew you were a playboy from the start," Alex replied, his smiling faintly.

Brian, why did you have to lie about that? I understand you intended to assist, but this isn't working. It's referred to as a lie.

"T-That's impressive," Catherine said as she gulped a glass of water.

The door opens at that point, and two recognizable individuals enter.

"We've made it!" As Janet and Sam entered the room, everyone cheered them.

Lucy stood up and walked up to Sam. She grasped his hand in hers. She then sat him next to her.

Janet sat alongside me because there was no other available seat,

"Hey, something smells strange," Alex commented as he sniffed the air.

Janet's face stiffens from behind as she hears Alex's statements and adds, "What are you on about? There is nothing stinky." She said, comparable to screaming.

"Hey, relax, I was only saying..." Alex declared his surrender.

"Janet, what happened after the school council meeting?" we looked everywhere, but couldn't find you, and the most important thing is that you left us without saying anything," Catherine pouted cutely as Janet held her hands and apologized in an attempt to calm her down.

Feigning a cough in order to bring our attention to himself, David takes out a polythene-wrapped bottle with the word "alcohol" inscribed on it.

"How did you get this in here, Dude?" Nathan was taken aback.

"The owner of this karaoke is my father's cousin. That's all you need to know. "Now shall we drink? "

"B-but we're still teenagers, we can't have alcohol," I said, hoping to prevent them from consuming alcohol.

Janet said, "Tsk, what a child you are." If you don't want to, have this drink instead and leave us alone. " She handed me a Coca-Cola can. Seriously, ugh.

"Hey, David." I'm not going to drink either. "Alex, do you want to drink?" Brian stated as he asked Alex for his thoughts.

"I'd want to—"

We both looked at him, motioning for him not to drink it.

He started with an unattractive pout before grabbing the coke and drinking it.

"That makes seven of us in need of this divine nectar." He began to fill the little glasses he had brought while everyone in the room, except for three of us, began to consume it.

I looked across at Catherine, who was likewise drinking without a care in the world. They are, after all, buddies, which implies they have been drinking for a long time. I was foolish to believe Catherine did not drink.

Brian was astounded to see Catherine consuming booze.

Janet, who was already drunken, was sitting near me.

"Hello, you three," "Are you certain you don't want to taste this sweetness?" Nathan stated.

"I'd like one," Brian remarked, as David grinned in his way.

"Don't blame me if you puke later," David added as he pushed a glass of alcohol toward Brian, who clutched the glass nervously and peered over my side for a split second before gulping it down in one gulp.

"Wow, Brian," Catherine exclaimed, pressing her chest against Brian's hand, "I'm impressed that you can gulp it in one go."

"Y-yes, thank you."

"Hey, David, give him another one."

"OK, ma'am, here you go." Catherine then poured a considerable amount of alcohol on Brian till he couldn't take it anymore.

"I think i ca~n" Before he could say he passed out.

You might be asking why I'm not saying anything, because there isn't much to say. It's his life, and he can do anything he wants with it. I don't wish to meddle in the affairs of others. That would be unprofessional and might jeopardize our connection. There are several limitations that I am completely aware of.

When Alex saw him, he requested for a glass of that item as well.

Nathan and Sam suddenly rise up and make their way towards me.

"Hey, what—"

Getting near Sam holds my two hands and Nathan holds my two legs, preventing me from moving. David then rushed forward with a bottle of booze in his hands after they both held me.

"Hey, I told you I didn't want to drink it." But my protests were unheard as David pushed the bottle into my lips and the liquid began to seep within me.

"Drink this, my brother, and be a man."

I looked over at Alex and Brian, who were clearly inebriated, and then across at Catherine, who was... smiling and giggling and murmuring something.


Something was pressing down on me. My legs were sluggish. It appears as something is sitting on it.

I slowly opened my eyes. I could barely make out a figure whose face was touching mine. I can't recognize who it is, but it's a girl, that much I can tell.

"Whhat aru duing" I tried to stop her, but my tongue was numb.

She then started licking my lips and softly caressed my hair before unbuttoning my shirt. I barely moved my hands to stop hers, but it was in vain. My mind was racing. I could feel my body heating up and some strange phenomenon going on inside of me.

She pressed her face against my neck and began licking it with her tongue.

"What is it, araa yu doihg?"

Then she ran her tongue over my ears, causing my entire body to quiver.

Her hand was down there frantically probing my entire body while she was licking me.

Her hand traveled down to my pants where my thing was. She began rubbing it over the cloth after finding it, and I felt something that i've never felt before.

As I lost myself in this unfathomable euphoria, I was unable to sustain my resistance.

She then shifted her gaze to mine. She kissed me, and I took it without protest as her tongue penetrated my mouth and began to search for mine. As we kissed fiercely, I entangled my tongue with hers.

Something was becoming bigger down there and striking something moist.

"What the heck are you doing,?" Someone yelling in my way could be heard shouting quietly.

My hazy vision only allowed me to see the shadow of someone walking.

The Shadow approached and pulled the individual off my lap, followed by the sound of a door opening.

After that, all I could hear was stillness as I fell back asleep.


"Cale, wake up." "It's getting late," Brian murmured to the sleeping Cale, who was leaning over the sleeping Alex.

Seeing them Brian snatched a nearby water bottle and sprayed a few trickles of water at their faces as they slowly opened their eyes, pushing their heads.

Cale Asked in a strained voice, "What time is it?"

Brian said, "It's 7 o'clock," checking his wristwatch.'' ''If we don't hurry, not only will you be punished by your sister, but I will as well.''

Cale Rubbing his eyes, he looked around the room and found only Sam, Nathan, and David still asleep.

"Hey, where are Catherine and the others?"

"Don't know. When I woke up, they were long gone. Don't ask questions and drink this. " Brian pushed Cale a hangover drink as well Alex, then they both drank it."

"It's bitter!" they both exclaimed.

"What do you expect? It's not honey; it's a hangover cure. Stop whining and hurry up."

"What about them?" Cale asked Brian, pointing to the three.

"I tried to wake them up, but they told me to go first."

After that, the three departed the karaoke and went to their respective homes, with Alex taking a cab and Cale and Brian walking.

But what occurred at karaoke was a fact that Cale was aware of, and he was also aware that it was one of the females in Catherine's group, with whom he had been intimate when he was drunken.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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