
It Just The Beginning

"I will stopped this false rumors about me.. but it'll taken times to gain the other's trust." Danny Brian, a quiet little boy who scored A in every subjects. His parents died in a car accident. He lives alone with his older sister, Hilda. Milly, his enemy, the one who spreading those rumors but some of the students didn't believe and some believe it. Danny thought he'll had to deal with this alone by himself but little did he knows. 4 people will be coming into his life.

ZizzyAlphaPie · Fantasy
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8 Chs


The next day, after Danny woke up, he feels himself heavy. He even feel like he needs to puke.. what cost him to be like this? He thought he can't go to school today but he got an idea. He called Dan, then Dan appears "yes?" replied Dan "can you go to school while pretending to be me?" asked Danny, Dan was surprised after hearing this "wha, are you sure?" asked Dan "don't worry, just do what you do but not something unusual, the others might think you're suspicious" replied Danny, "okay, I guess.." unhappily said Dan. After Dan left to school, Danny started to feel even worse "damnit, what's happening to me...?" questioned Danny, then someone knocked the door. Danny didn't notice someone knocked his door cause of his pain, then the open "DANNY!" a girl screams, probably Hilda "Danny, are you okay???" said Hilda while looking really worried, then Danny noticed her "what are you doing here?" asked Danny "I was worried cause you didn't come out of your room" said Hilda worriedly, "I'm fine maybe I need some medicine, sorry to worry you... and I already let Dan go instead of me" replied Danny, "Eh, Dan?" questioned Hilda "he's already at school, you need to go to school too before you're late" said Danny calmly "uhh, okay then.." said Hilda.

(Dan's POV): After the bell rings, Dan take a seat in History class. Teacher was explaining about some history while all the students except Dan were all feeling sleepy and bored, Dan may pay good attention at the teacher but he doesn't understand anything. Dan decided to open the history book, while flipping the paper he saw this page said "The History Of The Unknown White Flower" he was excited cause it talks about the white flower he had, he decided to read it. Then the bell rings, it's time for lunchtime. Dan heads to the cafeteria, after getting the food he saw someone waving at him. It's Zappy, he walks to her then sat besides her. "I'm happy, we get to have lunch together!" said Zappy happily, "mhm" agreed Gigi. Dan was feeling anxious right now.. since he's not Danny. Then the bell rings, after finishing the food, they were all rushed to the biology class. Two hours later, Dan heads to the library. Dan stood there looking at the stack of books instead of taking a book to read cause he doesn't anything much. "what books does Danny like?" asked Dan's mind, he's thinking about what books to read. "where's the others though?" questioned Dan, "Zappy is probably with "her" right now..." thought Dan. Then all of the students walked out of the library, "alone... is this how Danny felt?" questioned his mind "well, I guess you're still me... Danny" said his mind. Then the bell rings, "the last bell.. I guess it's time to go home" said his mind. While Dan was about to head home, a girl called him "Hey, Danny wait!" screamed person, Dan turned around to see who was it. it's a green haired girl? "wait, isn't she... Wendia?" questioned Dan, Wendia took a deep breath for a second then asked Dan "Hey, uhm.. wanna walk home together?" "walk home together...?" questioned Dan's mind "uhm.. sure" answered Dan. Then they started to walk home together, it quiet and also awkward then Wendia broke the silence "so, how's the others?" then Dan stopped and Wendia accidentally bumps into him and was about to fall but Dan catches her in time "oh, uhm thanks.." said Wendia, "the others? is she talking about Zappy, Kelvin and Gigi?" thought Dan "yes, they're doing well" replied Dan. "That's good to hear but uhh, can you let go of me?" said Wendia, then Dan let go of her "sorry..." apologized Dan "it's okay.." replied Wendia. After Wendia make it to her home, she waved at Dan farewell and headed inside, Dan looks around to see if the road clear when it's clear, he disappeared. After made it back home, Dan change back to his form then went up to check Danny "what cost him to be like this...?" questioned Dan then he disappeared again. He teleport to Zappy but ended up scaring her, after Zappy calming down she asked Dan "so, what's up?" "uhm, it's about Danny.." said Dan.

(back to Danny's POV): "please... stop.." mumbled Danny, he started to sweat a lot "I SAID STOP!!" he woke himself up while he's shouting. Danny feels even worse then before "I'm really tired..." thought Danny "why.." questioned Danny, "why won't it stops..?" then Danny passed out.

Ends of chapter 8

I'm still wondering, I don't know what type of this novel is.. fantasy might not fit it-

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