
It Just The Beginning

"I will stopped this false rumors about me.. but it'll taken times to gain the other's trust." Danny Brian, a quiet little boy who scored A in every subjects. His parents died in a car accident. He lives alone with his older sister, Hilda. Milly, his enemy, the one who spreading those rumors but some of the students didn't believe and some believe it. Danny thought he'll had to deal with this alone by himself but little did he knows. 4 people will be coming into his life.

ZizzyAlphaPie · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Ch 6: D@π

"damnit, there's no use.." Danny looks disappointed then turn his head to the shadow person, "I'm assuming that you got the wrong person..." awkwardly said Danny. "how many times have I told you?" questioned the shadow person "I'M. NOT. HERE. TO. TAKE. YOU" added the shadow person. He let Danny go then the light turned on, now Danny can see clearly. It looks like he's wearing a hoodie? (idk what to call that😭😭) then his weapon disappeared. "who even are you?" asked Danny, "before I answer that, do you know Little G?" replied mysterious guy. Little G? does he know him? then Danny nods "Hm, I see.." said the mysterious guy "that's mean you have met Gigi's past soul" added the mysterious guy. "past soul?" questioned Danny, "I'll reveal my identity, my right eye might be a little disturbing" said the mysterious guy. Then he took off his hood, it's ..... what? "why does he look like me...?" questioned in Danny's mind. "seeing your past soul for the first time? I'm not even surprised" said Danny? then the room became quieter, "if you're my past soul, can I call you Dan?" uncomfortably said Danny "hm, sure" said Dan. then they both went silence again, "Hey Danny, are you doing okay in there?" questioned Hilda from the outside of Danny's room "I'm fine sis, don't worry" replied Danny. Then Danny turned to face Dan "Let's start a basic conversation since this is getting a little awkward" said Danny, "yeah, okay then" replied Dan. The next day at the school library, Danny was reading a book while spying on Zappy with Milly. They looked really happy, "I hope nothing bad happen to Zappy..." said Danny's mind "what are you reading?" said Dan who appears out of nowhere "oh, it's you" said Danny, "I'm studying, can you leave me alone?" added Danny. Dan sighs and then he noticed Milly, Dan started to feel his blood boiled then disappear. Danny takes a look again to see if Zappy and Milly are gone yet but instead, he saw Dan holding his weapon. It looks like he was ready to kill her, then Danny quickly ran as fast as he can to stop Dan. Luckily, Danny made it in time and stopped Dan. Danny noticed Zappy looking at him, "Hey Zappy.." said Danny "Hi Danny, wanna hangout??" asked Zappy excitedly, "I'm sorry but I can't hangout with you right now.." replied Danny. Even if you say no, she won't take a no for the answer. (If Danny had a good reason). "DANNY, YOU ALWAYS SAYING THAT!!" shouted Zappy "okay okay, there's no need to shout in the library" said Danny, "uhm, I'll be going then.." upsetly said Milly, then she left "WHY DID YOU LET HER GO???" Dan shouted angrily "shh" Danny hushed Dan, Now Dan looks even more upset. After school, Zappy found a place that they all can hangout which is a cafe shop. They bought some drinks then sat outside, well, none of them have any topics to talk about so they went silence. Gigi and Kelvin were looking at the sky, Zappy is trying to find some topics to say meanwhile Danny is thinking. "uhm, Danny.." someone called Danny from behind and sounds so quiet, it's Dan "I'm sorry about earlier, I just—" Danny cut Dan's sentence "it's fine, I'm mad or anything but don't do that again" upsetly said Danny "y-yes" replied Dan, "Hey Dan, how's your day?" Dan recognized the voice, Little G is behind talking to him "Not well and how about you Little G?" replied Dan, "why is everyone always called me Little G but whatever, I guess.." said Little G. Then Dan looks at Danny who is still thinking "Why....?" questioned Dan then he disappeared, Little G looks really worried after Dan left. A few hours later, Danny arrived back home "I'm home" said Danny. He noticed his sister sitting on a couch, she must be waiting for him "so, what's for dinner?" asked Hilda, "Let me go check the ingredients we have left" answered Danny "Let me help too!" replied Hilda, then they headed to the kitchen. ... "they looked so happy..." "why.. why can't I be happy...?" then Dan sat on the floor and hide his face "why..".

Ends of chapter 6

I am still a newbie :)

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