
man fuck you

man fuck you there aint no bitch ass story here, the only story there would be is the one on them newspapers when Im done wit yo ass. fuck outta here dodo lookin ass motherfucker. oh and ya boy riley? nicknamed barkday or sum dumdass shit? Fuck outta here! He a chicken shit bitch ass, and he can get his monkey ass down that colorful fucking dome, put on some make up with a thick ass foundation but no thicker than all the bread I've stacked, wear a green ass afro that puts him in his place, which is wit them blue haired bitches, cuz he a clown, bitch! And he has the right to remain silent and kiss my dick! Fuck you and fuck this bitch ass system! I meant the real world one, boi, none of that retarded ass, clown ass, self insert, "I will beat my meat to a bunch of drawings/words and cry my fatass to sleep", rpg bullshit. And dont be telling me you got a life just cuz you do dumbass dances on that site called tiktok. All you got is a bunch of bored, autistic ass cunts, and people who either be laughin at you or furiously be masturbatin, stupid. Best thang you do is go skydivin without a parachute. Fuck you, bitch.

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