
Worst day ever!

April 5th, 2002. 7:00am

Chapter 4

Right after I woke up I heard yelling down stairs. I might have lived in a small house and didn't even have a bed but it was better then waking up to this! I looked around the room and Zachary was crouched up hiding is face with his legs in the corner of his bed. I got up and sat down next to him on his bed. "Are you okay, did they hurt you or something?" I asked while looking at him with unease. He looked at me and I could tell he was crying. His eyes were red and puffy and still had two tears rolling down is face. But really caught my attention was the huge red slap mark on the side of his cheek. I leaned over and gave him a hug. I comforted him and until he stopped crying. "I'm sorry that I'm such a bother, you can go back to bed." he said to me while wiping his tears. I said no, grabbed his hand and ran down stairs for breakfast.

April 5th, 2002. 12:00pm

After his parents left to work we left the house and went on a cafe. We talked thenn went for a stroll around the park. Someone shouted something at me but it wasn't nice, as I stood there in shock and me and my emotional self started crying. Over that one small word someone called me.