

Ivy_World · Teen
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3 Chs

A date with Raymond

I got home thinking feeling nervous about the date I'm having with Raymond 🤧.I sat down thinking about it because this will actually be my first date and I'm actually feeling scared,I'm having a lot of ifs about the scenes that gonna happen. What if e gets bored with my talks,what if I disgust him,what if I'm nt his type of girl,well if I'm nt he wouldn't ask me out on a date right buh I can't stop feeling nervous about the whole date stuff. Well it's nt as if I've feeling for the guy who hit my lady butt at my first day in high school 🏫, I'm just nervous because it's actually my first date. Well every girl will want her a first date to be romantic right??? but can Raymond ever do that,that Jerk!!!😫

He is really a jerk I just hope he isn't this night or else I'm gonna kill him for ruining my first date 🤧.

Lol,what if he asks me to be his girlfriend,would I really turn down first date🤣.Funny ,Elsa thought

I quickly dressed up to meet Flynn who is my ride to the date venue🥵.Hey Flynn 🌚,I'm fine Elsa ready for your first date😏😏.Yeah of course,but I can't help but feel nervous over this whole date stuff you know🌚🌝🥱. Well it's normal for every girl to feel nervous on her first date,but I don't see a reason why they should be 😏.Yah you can't see any reason because you are a guy so you guys don't get freaked out by just a date because you can find another date within minutes😏.

Okay no arguments but that doesn't state that I'm agreeing to your statements 😒

Okay Elsa said

Now you don't have to feel nervous just be yourself ☺️ and he will like you for who you are,now would just get the fuck out my car I gat to go find my own girl you know or do you want to feed me with some of your public display of PDA😏😏,while I'm single. WTF,why do you think I would be in a relationship with Raymond 🤧 Ugh ugh🤧 I don't even like the guy you are talking about 😏.Like hell which girl will like a guy who humiliated her in front of the school by hitting her lady butt😒😒 Elsa said scornfully

Well the Elsa can do that 😜😜.So now just go or do you want to be late on your own first date😒😏 Flynn said. Huh what sort of a best friend do I have Elsa muttered but loudly enough fr Flynn to hear. Well it's seems my best friend is really an ungrateful soul for not appreciating God for a good best friend like me Flynn said with a wink.I'm gone Flynn hurriedly left without waiting from a response from Flynn😜

Flynn just shook his head seeing his best friend behave like a high school girl in love well part of it was true because she is a high school girl but she is actually not in love Flynn thought with a smirk. He left the restaurant and headed home

Inside the Restaurant

Elsa is seen standing, waiting for Raymond 🤧.Ugh it's seem Raymond is a jerk has I said earlier 🤧. I'm really gonna kill that dick if comes anywhere near me. WTF is he up to now,he came asking for my forgiveness in class and I gave him,he asked for my digit and I gave him,he asked for a date and I accepted and now he is no where to be found,making me look like a fool. Hell his balls are really gonna hurt when next time I see him,how dare that asshole😫.Elsa thought scornfully 🤧.She took one last look at her phone maybe she would see any message from the asshole but none came so she called Flynn and told him about it.

Hello Elsa, What's up with your date,where should we meet up so you can tell me about your date with Raymond 😏,how was it though,hope it's interesting and hope that asshole didn't frustrate you🌚

What's with the rush Flynn,the date didn't go well and he never even came to the venue 🥵 .

WTF Elsa are you kidding me,how dare that dick head 😒 such an asshole.Look Elsa I'm really sorry for this cause I'm the one who advised you to go on with the date,I'm really sorry baby😫🥺💔. Flynn said apologetically

Hey Flynn what's with the apology😒,you if I really don't wanna go I won't so stop it already. Let's meet at the game shop I'll be right there 🥵 Elsa said and with that she hung up


Damn, what the fuck is wrong with that asshole, hell I'm gonna kill that Jerk😫