


She will be the one to bring disgrace and shame to this family ,she is bad news ;That what my grandma told my mum when I was six years old ,a lot of thing went through my mind that day at such a young age,after that day my mum kept a very close eyes on me, given that am the first daughter of my family I was restricted to so many things;like visiting my friends, talking to boys, going out alone,having a phone and many other things you can think of ,this made me a loner and I find it hard to talk to people especially people who are the same age as me,thing went pretty bad that I felt really shy on the out side but so social on the inside ,my life at this point was a total mess.

High school was another different world,I felt free from my family for the first time. My mum decided to enroll me into a boarding school which was scary at first and I soon grew to like because I made friend and for the first time I could be that crazy person I am who always seek for attention. My grades were pretty impressive and things were going smoothly until senior here I had a boyfriend ,he was so handsome and cute and one of the popular kids in school he have a twin sister, so by now you should no that me and his twin sister were friends ,we did almost everything together but things got really ugly when I had my first kiss, the kiss was so amazing but what happened after the kiss was so terrible that at such a young age i fell into depression.