
What's The Highest Grade?

"Ivy Harvey. Ivy Harvey please stand up." I couldn't believe what I had just heard. The head master called my name out through the microphone. That means I got the highest rank. Wow!

I got up confidentiality and bowed to the crowd and clapped to them as a thank you. "Ahh. Ivy Harvey could you please go the vice princpal Gorby over here. Thank you." He ordered me. I quickly gathered my bag and the rest of my clothes and calmly walked up to Ms. Gorby who was beside Head Master Jones.

She was small and had a cute figure. Her round flushed cheeks squished up as she smiled. Her eyes could barely be seen with her warm, welcoming smile she gave to me.

"Ivy please follow me." I did as I was told and followed her out to the hallway. We stopped out side door to the hall and waited until the door closed shut.

"Right we've seen your resume and all of your experience, that we, as a team, decided that you will skip to grade 3. Which means you will have a grade 3 roommate. Is that alright?" She asked as she handed me a booklet and a card. "No that's absolutely fine thank you. I do have one question though, do you mind if I ask?" I enquired. "No problem honey, ask away." He reassured me. "What's the highest grade?" I quirked curiously.

As I already skipped two grades there must be many more. I'm not that good at dancing, that's why I'm here.

"There is 3. You've skipped to the highest rank honey. You're a talented one. I have to go so if you need any thing just ask your roommate." Annnd she left. She left me there dumbfounded in the middle of the hallway, not knowing where to go or to do next. I looked at the booklet that Ms. Gorby handed me.

The booklet was an off white or cream color and didn't have anything printed on it other than black lettering. On the front of booklet, at the top, it read 'Information book for new comers' and at the bottom is had 'Ivy Harvey'. I flicked over the page once I sat on the windowsill behind me.

Dear Ivy Harvey,

It is our pleasure to welcome you into our Dance Academy.

It is clear that your qualification is beyond acceptable for this academy ,?that's why me, Head Master Jones, and the rest of Dance Academy staff decided it would be best for you to skip to grade 3, the highest grade. With your experience and skills we all think and hope that you will accept this offer.

If you have any questions do not hesitate to ask your roommate as they are also a grade 3 dance student like you.

We hope you enjoy your time here at Dance Academy.

Signed: Head master Jones.

Rules, terms and conditions are on page 2 and 3....

Reading this I decided to head to my room and read the rest once I was unpacked and settled in. My roommate. I hopes she's nice.

I switched my focus onto the black, rectangular card Ms. Gorby had given me with the booklet earlier. On the card was bold, gold writing. '274' was my room number.

Noticing this I got up and head towards the stairs. I followed the multiple signs on the walls and they brought me to a long, steep stair case. On the wall infront of me informed me on what was on each floor of the Academy. My room was on the third floor. With that in mind, I proceeded to mount the dreaded stair case.

After my cardio workout, walking up them stairs, I reached the third floor. Walking up the hallway I noticed the hallway was very elegantly decorated. Beige and a grey texture complemented the view of the busy city through the glass on the other side.

I reached my room after about five minutes of slowly strolling down the corridor. I admired the interior decorations and the magnificent view of the bustling city below. As it was starting to become dark the city was lit up with different colored lights coming from different sources. The veiw was mesmerising.

I whipped out my card and scanned it on the screen under the handle of the door. The screen turned green as I heard a click in the door. Turning the handle I pushed the door open and peeked inside. No one.

I let my self in and quietly closed the door behind me. "Hello?" I yelled loudly. A door slamed in the distance followed by another yell "Shut up! Your room is the one open. Now shut up. My god." An annoyed voice shouted at me. What surprised me the most was that the voice was owned by a MALE!

This is not going to go well!

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