
The peculiar case of Hero No.001 Voohoo Dialact


A telepathic message was sent to the 13 founding members of the Companion of Justice.

"What happen?" Hero No. 013 Nafla Summer was the first to reply to the message. He was the only one who was currently not on a special duty.

Soon the special channel that was shared among the thirteen of the original Heroes of the Companion of Justice was flooded with the same question, "What happened?"

"I give up," Hero No. 001 replied, adding the crying emoji at the end of his message. He was the person who sent the telepathic message to the Thirteen.

"What?" Nafla freaked out immediately. His wife was peacefully asleep next to him, snoring rhythmically. He closed his mouth and discreetly left the room, entering the bathroom, locking the door, and replying to the message, "Slow down brother, tell us what happened to you."

"Hang on, wait, what? WTF, let me defeat this Demon Lord first." Hero No.002 immediately replied via an audio message.

"Me too, don't do anything stupid. Wait, I will help you after I defeat my Demon Lord," Hero No.003 shouted out with urgency.

"Woaa, calm the fuck down and tell us what happened." Hero No.004 typed.

"Wait. What kind of Demon God are you fighting against?" Hero No. 010 asked.

"Don't do anything stupid. You are not alone," Hero No. 012 replied. He was the closest to No.001 among the Thirteen.

Soon the entire channel was flooded with encouraging message for Hero No. 001

"I just can't do this anymore," Hero No.001 continued, ignoring all the encouragement from his friends.

"Chill the fuck down Voo," Nafla sent his audio message as soon as he could. He had no idea what kind of foes that Voohoo Dialact the No.001 of the company is fighting against that he became like this.

"Suicide won't solve anything." No. 012 shouted. "Calm down, V."

"Just hang on for three minute. I am using my ultimate on the Demon Lord. Don't do anything stupid." No. 002 replied.

"Who said anything about killing myself?" V typed, all in capital.

"What?" the same message flooded the entire channel.

Nafla sighed out in relief. If Voohoo had enough energy to type his message in capital letters in situation like this, he won't kill himself.

Suicide is a common occurrence within the company and that is especially true with the Ascended Heroes who has managed to become Immortal. There are many reasons that lead to such tragic end for Heroes, boredom, depression, addiction, etc… However, stress is easily the biggest and most common factor among all the factors.

Among all the suicide cases that happened to the Heroes of the company, the lover suicide of Hero No.014 Romeo and the Demon Lord Juliet who he was supposed to dispatch became a phenomenon within the company for tons of reasons. Since, the number 014 was retired and no Hero was allowed to inherit that number.

It's not easy to be a Hero.

"Voo, calm down and slowly explain yourself. If you don't speak, we cannot help you," Nafla told, finally coming to himself. He was so freak out a moment ago, thinking that No.001 was about to kill himself.

"Yes, V. Take your time and speak to us," No. 012 added.

The channel slowly overflowed with the encouraging words for No. 001 to come out and tell everyone of his story.


I bombed the channel with a depressed emoji, having no word to say after listening to Voo's story. I have finally understood why Voo was so angry and depressed at the same time.

Voo was summoned to the Shroom Dimension #30061 to dispatch a Demon Lord by none other than the creator and owner of that Dimension. He was a God and the leader of the Pantheon of the Shroom Dimension. The Gods explained to Voo that a powerful Demon Lord has plagued their dimension and they could do nothing against that. After that, he offered Voo the sword of the Hero to combat the Demon Lord, but Voo declined anyway since he has collected over millions of those. He also turned down the prospect of any god and goddess to join his party to dispatch the Demon Lord since they are more likely to slow him down. After that, it was the usual <Search and Destroy>.

After 23 hours, Voo managed to locate the Demon Lord castle and flattened it with a Level 10,000 magic spell. He felt the vanished presence of the Demon Lord. Just when he thought he was done with the case, he received an anonymous telepathic message from an untraceable source, "Dear Hero, your Demon Lord is in another castle. Better luck next time."

Voo was confused, but he resumed his search for the Demon Lord. This time, he was lucky. He managed to track down the Demon Lord castle within 2 hours. It was the same Demon Lord castle he has just destroyed. Again, with a Level 10,000 magic spell, he leveled an entire Demon Lord castle. Again, he felt the vanished presence of the Demon Lord. Again, he was informed, "Dear Hero, your Demon Lord is in another castle. Better luck next time."

After that, Voo destroyed no less than 30 Demon Lord castles in similar manner. Still, he received the same telepathic message from an untraceable source, "Dear Hero, your Demon Lord is in another castle. Better luck next time."

It was the same message all over again.

He started to ditch the idea of destroying the Demon Lord with the castle, thinking that maybe the Demon Lord possessed a special skill that allowed him to cheat dead. Voo challenged the Demon Lord castle just like the time he was a newbie Hero, fighting through hordes of demons, traps and dungeons, and finally reaching the Demon Lord.

Voo scanned the Demon Lord, did not see any special skill that would allow him to revive. He erased the Demon Lord while the bastard was grandiosely conducting his Demon Lord's etiquette speech to Hero.

Again, he received the same telepathic message, "Dear Hero, your Demon Lord is in another castle. Better luck next time."

Voo repeated the same procedure again for ten more times until he had enough. He came back to meet the Gods and demanded an explanation from them.

They replied that they had the same problem dealing with that Demon Lord. No matter how many times they destroyed the Demon Lord, the bastard revived. Thus, they had to summon Voo to deal with the problem.

After that, Voo spent weeks, trying to hunt down the bastard, experimenting with different methods of dispatching him. He took time to study the Demon Lord, though, the arrogant bastard kept repeating his lines before attacking Voo. Even Voo could not understand why the bastard has nothing else other than repeating his introduction lines over and over again every single time they met. It was like he has no other line to say. As soon as the Demon Lord finished his lines, he would attack Voo and immediately die due to the unique reflection attribute of Voo. Again and again, the Demon Lord kept dying from the reflection of his own attack. He kept committing suicide in the same manner over and over and over again. It was as if the bastard had a death wish or too stupid to learn. Again and again, he revived. Again and again, Voo received the telepathic message "Dear Hero, your Demon Lord is in another castle. Better luck next time."

Then, weeks became months and months turned into a year. Voo gave up on his usual <Search and Destroy> method and developed a cheating system to kill the undying bugger. He weaved countless words of power together to automatically kill the little bugger every time the bugger revives.

The result?

His head was overflown with a universe of spams "Dear Hero, your Demon Lord is in another castle. Better luck next time."

That message came into his head non-stop, ceaseless and endless, until it bugged out. He could only hear the word "Dear" repeated over and over again inside his head. Voo could take it no further. He demolished the cheating system he painstakingly created.

"Dear Hero, your Demon Lord is in another castle. Better luck next time."

The bastard is still alive. Voo could not kill him and thus the message "Help" on the channel.

I think I would have gone insane if I was in the same position as Voo. He was a fucking hero for being able to stick with his job for an entire year.

"Brother, just take a day off to relax. You need a break." I suggested, thinking that I might have to end my honeymoon sooner than I have expected.

"And therapy as well," No. 012 added.

Then, No. 003's telepathic message broke the channel.

"Have you tried destroying that dimension? Maybe that Demon Lord would not come back after that? Ps: I was <Emergency Summoned> again for a different case. How many times is it? Give me a break."

"What?" I was completely stupefied by the message.

"V, absolutely do not do that," No. 012 immediately followed, typing the message in all capital letters.

"Woa, hang on, are you sure you are a Hero?"

"What the fuck is this insane woman suggesting?"

"That's a Demon Lord's thing to do."

"Can someone check the past record of her works? We might have a Fallen Hero among us."

Everyone expressed his or her doubt for No. 003's sanity. They thought that he stress must have done her in.

"V, don't listen to that deranged woman. I have killed my Demon Lord. Send me your coordination, I will teleport to…. Ah….What have you done to me, bastards? Why must you summon me at a time like this?"

This time it was No. 002. His screamed split my head and probably everyone else who was listening. The poor bastard was so shocked that he leaked that information into the channel by accident.


I heard Voo's laughing voice. He doesn't sound okay to me.

"Voo?" I asked.

"Hahahahaha," he laughed again. He sounded like a broken man.

"Voo?" I asked nervously, no longer having the time to type, sending an audio message.

"V?" No. 012 asked.

"Hahahahaha, I will kill them all," Voo muttered.

"Phuck," I cursed and so did No.012.

My honeymoon ended just like that. It's never easy to be a Hero.