
Chapter 3: Harrassment

The next day, Yuri Misaki acted like nothing had happened yesterday but his mind is in chaos.

The bell rang and the sign that the morning classes has ended, Yuri went straight to the cafeteria to buy some lunch. When Tora Mikazuki the pres happened to be in line in front of him but he still hasn't yet notice Yuri's presence, Yuri can't do anyrhing but wait for his turn.

After purchasing his lunch he went to the corner if the cafeteria where someone will not notice him sitting.

"What a coincidence!" Tora said, Yuri can't helped but startled, "What are doing here?" Yuri asked looking at him with his cold eyes, "To eat lunch?" Tora said as he sat beside Yuri without any permission, Yuri fastly ate his lunch in a minute and left Tora alone.

"Where are you going?!"

"Nowhere, why ask?"

He replied "nothing..." as he curled up his lips and grinned his teeth, when he secretly followed Yuri "Now little lion where are you going?" He thought when he saw Yuri sleeps on a chair at the rooftop, "Why is he sleeping here? He is so cute<3" he said staring at Yuri's sleeping face.

"He looks so innocent compared to how he usually looked." Tora said, "he must be tired i felt sorry for him...*sigh*" he added.

"Should i try--!!"

"Try what? Do something ibdecent to me again, you pervert..." Yuri opeed his eyes looking at Tora furiously,

"Calm down now kay?"

"How am i suppised to calm down when your face is a bit closer to my face."

"It's just observation and nothing else...he he" Tora said as he grinned his teeth secretly without Yuri noticing it.

"Well can you move away, i can't lift up my head."

"Sure!" Tora replied as he covered Yuri's eyes with his left hand, Turi forcefully insisted.

"Sh*t whata are you g-going to do to m-me again." Yuri said as he struggled with all of his strength.

Yuri stopped struggling, "So what are gonna do?", "I want to make you mine" Tora smiled brightly in reply.

"H-huh!" Yuri flustered


While covering Yuri's eyes he kissed him in his lips thoroughly without stopping and started to suck it really hard, Tora slowly puts his right hand inside Yuri's pants.

"A-ah...W-what are y-you... do-doing, ah...ah... S-stop!" Yuri moaned as he felt like his strength is slowly leavibg slowly away fron his body,

"That's a no..." Tora said,

"P-ut hands... away...i-im going t-to c-cu--!!"


"That was fast, we were just getting started..."

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