

This is a modern fantasy world where monsters from legends are real. They rule this world from the shadow under the jurisdiction of Gods. These beings are known as Other siders.


Varks: They are mortal beings with power similar to gods. Read the novel to find out more about them.


Prana: Prana is the internal energy released by the souls, it charges the blood. Mage storage of prana requires on his soul quality.

Mana: Mana is prana released by the planet. A mage could absorb energy from the planet to make up for his own energy intake. The planet decreased producing prana for some reason so this option isn't used very often. A person's mana depends on the quality of soul and bloodline.

Mystic network: its a network of intertwined flowing prana channelling energy of soul (Ether). It could be used for magic.

Runes: Runes are pre-programmed magic spells described as symbols. Runes could be engraved on a hunters body to insta-cast spells and it also takes less ether to use them.

Mystic arts: Magic spells as programs. That "program" is a set of universal rules that interfere with nature once they are enforced. The power that enforces those rules is the magical energy of the magus and the command to do it is made through his sthe oul. The greater the interference, the greater will be the amount of magical energy consumed.

Charge: Reinforcement of an object with prana to increase particular function like strength, speed, and dexterity.

Charged bullet: Bullets filled with compressed prana. These bullets will explode upon impact.


DE: the Dark Eye is a secret organization entrusted by governments around the globe to contain and study anomalous individuals, entities, locations, objects, and phenomena operating outside that break the contract made by humans and Other siders. If left uncontained, the objects would pose a direct threat to normal human society.

HTF: Hunters Task Force is a group of combat-trained magicians; they work under the DE


How varks gain their power?

Every human on this planet is connected to Gaia; it's the spirit of the earth. Long ago a mysterious divine entity gave Gaia the powers of varks. It's Gaia's job to give these powers to humans selected by her; when the ritual is done.

A person is selected the day he is born. He is given powers after performing the ritual. Conditions of awakening the power is innate high-level prana

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