
Chapter 4

Damon's POV

I just killed my girlfriend, well ex-girlfriend. I killed her, but nobody else will know that. I'll tell them Klaus did it, he's killed a lot of people in Mystic Falls.

I got in my car, Stefan already seated, "So where's Alex?"

I made myself look more sad than guilty, "She's dead, Klaus killed her. Let's go home."

"Are you okay? Do you want to talk about it?"

"I'll be fine and I don't want to talk about it."

We drove the rest of the way in silence.


When we pulled into the drive way I saw Liz's car was there, well I guess it would be easier to tell everyone at the same time. We walked in everyone turning to look at us, watching the door. The only person that walked in after us was Alaric, not Alex.

Liz looked at me a bit confused, "Where's Alex? You said you would bring her back."

I sighed, "Liz, I'm sorry, she's dead. He killed her, I tried but I couldn't save her."

Liz, Caroline,Bonnie, and Elena stared crying as Caroline said, "Where's her body Damon?"

"He has it."

"How are we gonna have a funeral without her body?"

"I don't know, I'm sorry." I walked over to the little bar in the living room, I poured a glass and drank it in 5 seconds, and poured another.

I just grabbed the bottle and said, "I'm going up stairs to get drunk alone, I'll talk to you guys later."

Alex's POV

I sat in the car pissed, I had a scowl plastered on my face. Klaus looked over at me for a second before saying, "Don't be so hurt love, he's tried to kill me a many time."

I scoffed, "I'm not hurt I'm pissed." That's when a thought came to me a way to get pay back. "Turn around."


"We going to Mystic Falls, to kill a vampire."

"Really that's your plan just walk in and kill him."

"He didn't seem to have a problem trying to kill me. It can be fun, since you know he thinks I'm dead." I started laughing, "I could say that I'm there to haunt him for killing me."

"Love, are you sure about that? Do you really want to kill him?"

"Hell yeah! Plus I need to let everyone know that it wasn't you that killed me, because we know he's putting that blame on you."

He sighed changing lanes so he could do a u-turn. "Alright, I'll do it for you ."

I smiled, "Thank you."


After driving for hours we arrived, I had him drop me of a few blocks away from the boarding house, so it wouldn't be so sketchy. I walked to the boarding house, through the back door. I walked up to Damon's room unnoticed, and sat on his bed.

After a few minutes he walked out of his bathroom looked at me confused, "Alex? I...I thought you were... um dead?"

I smiled and laughed a bit, "I am silly, remember you killed me."

"If you're dead how are you here?"

"I'm a ghost D. Since you know you killed me."

"Alex, Your not here I'm just drunk, leave me alone!"

"Damon, I am here, just in a ghostly way."

He walked closer to me putting his hand out to touch me, thinking I was still a ghost or some figment of his imagination. I reached my hand out letting him touch my hand, which he then grabbed pulling me into a hug.

"You're alive, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, so sorry. How are you alive?"

"Klaus saved me,"I let the stake fall from inside me sleeve into my hand, "I'm sorry too," I pulled back holding it to his heart.

He looked down seeing the stake placed on his chest, "Alex, please don't do this. This isn't you, this is him."

I smirked, shaking my head, "No Damon this is all me. Me getting revenge since you tried to kill me! Who does that? Who gets dumped and tried to kill the person that left them?"

I pushed the stake into his skin, "Alex please, don't do this. What would your mom say, or your sister?"

"I don't think it'll matter once they find out what you did?"

I pushed the stake in more I could see his blood, it hurt me to do this because at one point I loved him. But he deserves it, deserved to have the person that loved kill him. I pushed it in more as he said, "Alex, don't. You don't want to kill me."

I scoffed, "Why not? You had no problem killing me."

"Lex, I only did that to save you, I didn't want you have to be stuck with him. I love you, I just... I"

"Save it, because you don't love me, if you did you wouldn't tried to KILL ME! You don't kill the people you love, you save them." By this point the stake had to be close to his heart. Good.

As I was about to finish him off I heard Caroline, "Alexandra, you're alive? What are you doing?"

I turned me head, "Caroline, yes I'm alive and I'm getting revenge, you might want to leave."

"Alex, don't."

"Why not? He tried to kill me, I'd be dead if it wasn't for Klaus!"

"What are you talking about? Klaus was the one that... Damon what's going on?"

He looked at her as I gave a wicked smile, "Tell her Damon, or I will!"

He looked at her, "I...I was the one who tried to kill Alex, but I only did it to protect her from Klaus."

I pushed the stake in more, "I don't need protection from him, but it seems I needed it from you."

Caroline was shocked still, "Alex, don't, if you kill him, you'll be just as bad as him."

"Caroline, he tried to kill me. I almost died!"

"I know, I know, but you can kill him. Lex don't, you don't want to do that."

My hand was shaking, "Yes I do."

She walked over to me and grabbed my hand away from the stake, "You don't have to do that, it's okay."

We watched as Damon pulled that stake out, it healed automatically sadly.

Caroline walked me down the stairs into the living room. Both of us taking a seat on the couch, "Alex what happened?"

I huffed, "Damon tried to kill me, because I told him I love Klaus and not him. He almost drained me, I would have died if Klaus hadn't saved me."

She squinted at me in shock,"Are you still wearing vervain?"

I sighed and pulled my necklace from my shirt, "Yes, I'm not stupid."

She nodded, "Okay, good. Let's go tell mom you're alive and back."

"I'm not back for good, just for a day."

"What? No, we haven't even graduated, and we have to go to prom."

"I'm sorry Care but, I can't."

The door opened, we saw Klaus, I smiled, "Love, are you ready time leave now?"

Caroline answered for me, "No she isn't , she's staying here."

I shook my head, "I'm not staying, but I can't leave till after I tell my mom I'm alive."

He nodded, "Alright, let's go inform your mum, so we can be on our way to New Orleans."

I hopped of the couch, "Alright let's go, Care you want to come with?"

She shook her head, "No I'm good, tell mom I'm at Elena's tonight."

I smiled, "Even though you'll be here with Stefan." I ended with a laugh causing her to smile and blush at the same time. 

I walked out with Klaus, "So did you kill him?"

I sighed, "No, Care stoped me."

"Do you want me to kill him?"

I smiled up at him as he was way taller, "That's sweet but, no."

"Are you sure because if you want me to I will, Damon and I have never got along."

"No it's fine, let's just go tell my mom I'm alive and that I'm leaving." I took a deep, "Thats gonna be a fun conversation."

"Don't worry I'll help a little bit.", he said as he winked.

I shook my head, rolling my eyes, "you can't compel her, there's vervain in the bottles of water. So probably don't mess that either."

"Thanks for the warning, love."

Shit I think I'm actually fall for him. I couldn't help but smile every time he walked in a room, talked, smiled, or even looked at me. I think he's falling to because he does the same thing.