
Chapter 1: Onwards The Mountain, We Go!

Chapter 1: Onwards The Mountains, We Go!

It is currently night. In front of a group of tall and small trees with shadows lurking underneath them, a young man can be seen standing near the trees.

"If nature can hear me, my name is Landuo de Bingwen," the young man said.

Hence, he decides to move forward to the trees until he hears a group of loud laughs from the trees. He ceases his movements and repeatedly stomps his feet on the ground and proceeds to yell loudly.

"STOP LAUGHING! CRAZY TREES! I CAN TALK TO NATURE! YET DON'T TREAT ME LIKE THIS!" he told the trees only for the laugh to get louder.

"What's funny in my name?! If all of you are laughing about 'Landuo de' in my name! Well, it isn't hilarious—"

He got cut off after the laughter of the trees got louder than before, Bingwen just rolls his eyes in annoyance and continues to walk inward the trees.

Yes, his name is Landuo de Bingwen. He's a young man but his age differs from what his look is right now. His age is more than what you think.

The gods are cruel for not letting him have an evolution on his look and that's why he always has this "baby face" which he doesn't like.

After some minutes had passed, Bingwen is now walking on the stone pathway; many leaves from fresh to dried are scattered on it, molds can be seen attached to the stone pathway, and many trees are surrounding it.

A gentle cold wind blows over Bingwen and it sends a chill to his whole body, hence he raises his hands and hugs himself using them.

"Gosh, darn it. I planned to cultivate alone, yet I didn't bring any stuff with me," he whispered.

His upper clothing is only a dark t-shirt, his bottom clothing is a pant made from cheap materials, and he only wears wooden sandals.

"This doesn't matter! What matters is that I can cultivate alone! Those bastards." He gritted his teeth and narrowed his eyes.

After a few minutes of hiking through low and high terrains, he has reached the peak of a mountain. There he moves his joyful eyes everywhere only to see trees, a few spots of grass, and then stone-ground.

"Darn... It..." He let himself fall to the ground only for a loud, sharp cry of a girl to occur from his lip.

"Stop being vulnerable to pain!" he told himself.

Bingwen stands up and goes to one of the trees. There he lies underneath its leaves, the ground where he's laying down is made from grass.

Soon afterward, his eyes close slowly along with his alertness.

A wide fire can be seen eating what seems to be a temple, a boy can be seen standing in front of it whilst people around him are fighting; some are wearing full armored attire while using their swords and shields against those who are using sorcery, their attire isn't an armored one; their attire is likely to be farmers' attire.

The child shifts his whole body behind him, a line of blood hits his face and his ears hear a crumbling sound nearby.

He swiftly turns around only to see the burning temple with roots collapsing, one of its gigantic pieces reaches his eyes.

Then a pair of eyes open, Bingwen, who seems to be sweaty is breathing rapidly while looking around him.

"I see," he inhales deeply and moves his hand to his forehead, "it is what it seems to be a horrible dream."

Then his eyes go wide, he immediately stands up but an unexpected big red energy hits him; the smoke can be seen everywhere on the mountain and it disappears slowly.

A tall humanoid wearing a full set of dark armor with red glowing lines on it is standing above a big dark grey sword which is floating above the mountain.

The tall humanoid speaks, "Look what I found, a loner cultivator, what are you going to do here?"

The smoke disappears completely, a blue barrier covering the whole top of the mountain surprises the tall humanoid.

"It seems that you are not what it seems to be a weak one," the tall humanoid spoke calmly.

The blue barrier fades away, and Bingwen is standing on his ground while glaring at the tall humanoid. He raises his hand and points his index finger to the tall humanoid.

He speaks angrily. "Don't hurt the mountain!"

"Oh, you seem to be protecting something—!"

The talk humanoid moves aside causing a green sharp wooden object to go across him. The tall humanoid controls its big sword forward to Bingwen.

Bingwen moves his eyes down and sees a big rock right next to him, hence he picks it up and moves his eyes up, and sees the incoming tall humanoid getting closer to him.

"Take this!" Bingwen swung the big rock upward.

Then Bingwen immediately moves forward. A blue barrier covers the big rock and then Bingwen springs from his ground and lands on top of the blue barrier of the big rock.

Bingwen inhales deeply and leaps from the blue barrier. The tall humanoid moves his hand to the sword which is inserted into its sheath; he holds the handle of the sword and pulls it out.

The tall humanoid rotates it. Slowly, the blade is radiating a dim red light until it gets bright. The tall humanoid laughs loudly. "I'm afraid, this is where it all ends! Will you cultivate again... Or shall I say will you get the chance to be a cultivator?"

"I say... I'll live a lot of life than you!" Bingwen remains very serious.

"Capture!" Bingwen pointed his hand at the face of the tall humanoid.

All of a sudden, blue particles appear around the tall humanoid, the blue particles reflect a brighter blue light that pierces his eyesight. Henceforth, the tall humanoid's eyesight gradually becomes clear and he yells in agony upon finding out about his situation.

He is being encased in a blue sphere, with 4 blue energy swords pointing at the blue sphere. The tall humanoid begins to throw multiple punches at the blue sphere, yet he couldn't cause a single crack on it.

"Who are you?! If you have any tender loving care for every inch of your being! FREE ME FROM THIS, YOU UGLY UNGRATEFUL BRAT!" The tall humanoid furiously demanded to Bingwen.

"I am Langduo de Bingwen... AND I AM NOT A BRAT! YOU PIECE OF—" Bingwen looks aside, "nevermind... By the way! It's your fault for being put in that kind of situation that you have!

"If you didn't just assaulted me, you'll be just roaming around. But look at you!"

Bingwen moves his eyes to the blue sphere and sees the tall humanoid sitting while looking down. Bingwen sighs and talks to him once again.

Bingwen speaks, "You know, I just hate cultivating with other cultivators, you know?"

"You're just unindustrious and doesn't have cooperation," the tall humanoid speaks, "even I, I am a cultivator. I just don't want to have this role nor asked for it... I just want to experience a normal life."

Bingwen smiles slightly and look at the dark skies, there he sees the bright moon with the twinkling stars.

The wind gently blows over them, then Bingwen speaks calmly. "Well, if you look at that... I, who desires to have a secluded cultivation meets an armored dude whom I don't know, but hates being a cultivator."

"DUDE?!" The tall humanoid stood and moves his hands to his dark helm.

Therefore he removes it whilst Bingwen shifts his eyes toward the tall humanoid, his eyes go wide and a red tint appears on his cheeks.

The tall humanoid's hair is yellow and it reaches her back, her eyes symbolizes a sleepy eyes contrasting to her beauty which is striking.

"Hé Fangsu's the name," the tall humanoid or the female humanoid, Hé Fangsu said.

Bingwen raises his hand and a leaf falls on his hand, Bingwen closes his hand and insert it to the pocket of his bottom clothing. Bingwen shifts his attention to Hé Fangsu.

"You said that you hate being a cultivator? So, see you in the other life," Bingwen said.

"Wait what?!" Fangsu asked panickingly. Her hands and body are shaking in fear while staring at Bingwen.

Bingwen raises his hands and point it to the blue sphere, the floating blue energy swords fly so fast toward the blue sphere but a loud, sharp feminine cry was heard.

The blue energy swords halts, Bingwen who's smirking, speaks, "Why shriek? My swords was halfway from ending your life."

"I-I love cultivation!" Fangsu began to smile widely.

"If I'm not mistaken," Bingwen tells Fangsu, "you said that you hate being a cultivator, so the trees told me to end your life."

"WAIT! YOU CAN TALK TO NATURE?!" Fangsu asked shockingly.

Bingwen narrows his eyes at Fangsu, he raises his hands and hug himself using it. "But not always for I can mute this ability of mine."

"Aside from summoning barriers! Constructing your energy, what else can you perform?!" Fangsu asked.

Bingwen moves his eyes upward and rubs his chin, then he moves his eyes down to Fangsu.

"Oh, we're still levitating?" Bingwen asked.

Fangsu rolls her eyes and sighs. "Yes, yes we are, idiot."

Bingwen smiles mischievously. "How about I move my swords further inside? Will it kill you or will it just cut any of your body parts?"

Fangsu holds her hands and bows repeatedly while saying, "YOU'RE HIGHNESS! PLEASE SPARE ME! OH PLEASE!"

The blue energy swords fly a bit away from the blue sphere causing requiescence to Fangsu, at that moment, Bingwen's mischievous smile vanishes from his lip and both of them begins to descend back to the top of mountain.

The blue sphere and blue energy swords vanishes. Henceforth, Bingwen lays underneath the leaves of a tall tree. His eyes start to close slowly whilst Fangsu is sitting beside Bingwen.

"Why?" Bingwen serenely speaks without opening his eyes, "why are you still here?"

Fangsu moves her large dark sword to her armored thighs. "Once I got defeated by a person, I need to choose which path that I should take: be his companion and follow his command, or die by his hands."

Bingwen yawns and ask Fangsu "And what will happen if you refuse to do the choices that you mentioned? Or your companion's order?"

"We will turn into an animal, a tree, or even a small stone," Fangsu replied to Bingwen.

Fangsu moves her red eyes to Bingwen. "After our fight, what should we do now?"

"We will head— no, I want to cultivate on this mountain," Bingwen opens his eyes and looks beside him only to see the calm stare of Fangsu on his eyes, "I command you to leave me alone."

Fangsu arises and her large sword floats from her thighs, hence she nods at Bingwen. Fangsu steps onward to the large blade of her sword, therefore she jumps and successfully lands on it.

"I won't feel gratitude because you save me, but see you later, cultivator." Fangsu moved her eyes from Bingwen.

Henceforth the large sword begins to move swiftly while Bingwen, remains sleeping on the grass spot of the mountain.

I don't know if you'll like this book. I just want to join this writing prompt because this is the first time that I'll be participating in it.

If you'll like this story, hence can you kindly donate a power stone to it? Yet reading it would be much appreciated, thank you!

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