

Leo always said that he loved the sunrise and sunset, in fact, I grew to love them too. Its funny how they seem had the brighter lights. Never thought that he'd be one of them. And as I kissed his forehead while we watched the sunrise, we were back to where we started, alone.

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158 Chs



"Why do I have to answer that questions, it's all nonsense and useless." I mumbled and went to my cabinet to get some clothes before I take a bath.

"Yeah?! The heck, of course it will give us sense. Care to explain what was that for? What's with those sweet things Lucy, and he even kissed you!" Lea the overreacting girl mumbled and went close to me.

I glared at her to make her stop on teasing to asked me about what we are doing. Elthon should be given a hints to his friends tol but we don't think it'll be good.

Our plan might be sabotage and we don't want it to be like that. So as much as we could save this plan and hid it to our friends we will.

"We are just good friends and to ttell you botb frankly, that kissed has a purpose so stop giving some explanations of it." Mumbled in a serious tone.