
The victory of the Muslims in the battle of Badr


The first military battle of Islam was Badr

By Ferdous Faisal

May 23, 2019 at 11:18 AM

Monument in memory of the martyrs of the Battle of Badr Monument in memory of the martyrs of the Battle of Badr

Today is the 18th of Ramadan. This day has a special significance in the history of Islam. The battle of Badr took place on this day. The battle took place between the Muslims of Medina and the non-Muslims of Mecca on the 17th of Ramadan in 2 AH. Before this war there were several skirmishes between Muslims and non-Muslims. But Badr was the first major battle between the two sides. In this first military battle of Islam, the Muslim forces under the leadership of the beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) won. This victory of the Muslims conveyed the message to others that the Muslims had emerged as a new force in Arabia and that this strengthened Muhammad's position as a leader.

Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) himself conducted the war. Muslim camps were set up at the foot of Mount Al Arisa. As a result, the water wells were under their control. And the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) chose a place for the gathering of the army, where the sun would not shine in the eyes of any Muslim soldier if there was a battle after sunrise. The army of non-Muslims was 1000. There were 100 horses, 600 iron armor and numerous camels. The commander of the non-Muslims was Otba bin Rabia. 70 non-Muslims were killed and 70 were taken prisoner in the war.

Meanwhile, the number of troops in the Muslim army was 313. There were 72 emigrants. And everyone else is Ansar. 61 of the Aws clan and 160 of the Khajraj clan. The number of camels and horses of the Muslims was 60 and 2 respectively. 14 members of the Muslim army were martyred in the battle. A significant event in this battle was the killing of Abu Jahl, the main enemy of the Prophet (peace be upon him). In this context, there is a story of heroism about the infinite bravery of two teenagers. Then a fierce battle is going on.

Everyone is looking for the enemy around. Hazrat Abdur Rahman Ibn Auf (RA) stood in one place and noticed how the enemy could be defeated. Two boys came and stood beside him. They said to Abdur Rahman Ibn Auf, "Uncle, do you know Abu Jahl?" Show us. Abdur Rahman Ibn Awf showed Abu Jahl from a distance. Two boys appeared in front of Abu Jahl while running. Abu Jahl was running on horseback. It was impossible for the two boys to directly hit the body of Abu Jahl, who was riding a horse. One attacked Abu Jahl's horse. Another struck Abu Jahl in the leg with a sword. In an instant, Abu Jahl fell to the ground. He fell to the ground and began to squirm. The two boys hit him in parallel. They climbed on the body of Abu Jahl. Abu Jahl has not yet died. Abdur Rahman Ibn Auf (RA) came forward and confirmed the death of Abu Jahl after seeing the death of Abu Jahl in an unexpected attack of boys from a distance. Maaz is one of the two brave teenagers. The other's name is Mua Waz.

The battle of Badr had far-reaching effects at that time. Other Arab tribes in Medina began to see Muslims as a new force. The victory of the war greatly increased Muhammad's authority as a leader. Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him) was very kind to the prisoners of Badr. He later released these prisoners on easy terms. Many then converted to Islam. The desert road of Badr falls on the old road from Mecca to Medina. It is located between 120 miles from Mecca and 60 miles from Medina. Due to Hajj, I had the opportunity to go to the desert of Badr several times. There is a large monument on the side of the road with the names of the martyrs of the battle of Badr written on it.

The battle of Badr is one of the lessons for the Muslim Ummah. The victory of the Muslims in this battle proves that there is no alternative to hard work, perseverance, patience and endurance besides relying on Allah for victory in righteous deeds. In this month of Ramadan, therefore, our prayer is that Allah Almighty grant the Muslim Ummah the gift of hard work, determination, patience and endurance in achieving success in any endeavor, just as He bestowed on the Muslim forces in the Badr Desert, Amin.