
Chapter 4- First Travel

<Pls Enjoy>

-3rd Person POV- -Sam's home-

Sam arrived home, his bike securely locked outside. He swiftly entered his house, ensuring the door was tightly shut. The exhilaration from his bike ride still lingered, evident in the wide smile adorning his face.

Now within the comfort of his own home, he could freely engage in conversation with the System.

"System, am I allowed to bring anything with me?" Curiosity filled Sam's voice as he pondered the possibility of bringing along some survival tools for assistance.

[No, the User is not permitted to bring any belongings. The System will create a new body for the User in the other world. If the User perishes, the body will vanish. If the User completes the assigned quest(s) and chooses to return home, the body will be saved for future use in that world.]

Sam paused, absorbing the information. "So, I won't technically be in my own body, but in one created by the System? Like a character in an RPG or game?" he mused, seeking clarification.


"Hmm... And the world I'll be sent to is chosen randomly, right?"


Sam let out a sigh, realizing that further contemplation would yield no answers. The System was indeed remarkable, but he couldn't shake the feeling of being average, lacking any exceptional talents. If the System assigned him a significant task, he feared he would fall short. However, his excitement remained unwavering, reflected in the determined gaze he cast upon the System window.

"Initiate Isekai!"

As the words left his lips, the world around him faded into shades of gray, gradually disappearing from view.


[Initiating Isekai System...]

[Loading world from memories...]

[World chosen.]

[The Rising Of The Shield Hero]

[Period: 2 years prior to Naofumi's summoning.]

[Creating body...]

[Adjusting features to match world...]


[User's "First Isekai Package" will be utilized.]

[Additional benefits have been granted.]

[This body will have all stats set to 4, increased learning speed, and is not restricted from learning skills or abilities outside of their race or status. An innate talent of the user will either be unlocked or maxed out.]

[These bonuses will not be retained unless the User completes the quest(s).]


[Become known as an adventurer: 0/1]

[Learn a fighting style: 0/1]

[Survive until the hero summoning: 0/1]

[Difficulty Calculation: C+]

[Recommendation: User should exercise caution.]

-Sam's POV-

I gradually fluttered my eyes open, greeted by a surge of information that invigorated my mind and momentarily made my head throb.

"So... this is the first world I'm in..." I murmured, my gaze sweeping across the unfamiliar surroundings of trees and bushes.

"Well, no point in dwelling on that. System, do you have a map function or a scanner that can help me navigate?" I thought, seeking a glimmer of hope in this unknown environment.

[As part of the "First Isekai Package," the User is equipped with a 5-meter scanner and 1 gold for currency.]

"That could come in handy... 1 gold is equal to 100 silver, and 1 silver is equivalent to 100 copper. And how do I activate the scanner?" I asked, my voice echoing silently within my mind.

[To activate the scanner, open your Inventory, select it, and it will apply in this world.]

Following the instructions, I accessed my Inventory, which displayed an interface reminiscent of a game. I swiftly located the scanner and tapped on its icon, unveiling a set of options.

[5 Meter Scanner (16 feet)]

[Use? Y/N] [This change cannot be reversed and will only apply in this world.]

Without hesitation, I selected "Yes," fully aware of the scanner's limited range but hopeful for future enhancements or skills that would expand its capabilities.

A translucent gray screen materialized in the top-left corner of my vision, resembling a game radar. "Currently, there doesn't seem to be anything in close proximity. I'll gather as much information as I can for now," I silently contemplated.

Suddenly, a thought struck me. "System, can you convert that 1 gold into 1000 copper and 90 silver? It would be best not to draw unwanted attention if I stumble upon a town or settlement." It seemed a practical choice given the circumstances.

[Understood, User.]

As I perused my inventory, the single gold coin transformed into two additional slots containing 1000 copper and 90 silver. It was a sensible adjustment to ensure my financial situation didn't attract unnecessary scrutiny.

"Now that I think about it, 5 meters isn't really a large area, is it? System, is there a way to increase the scanner's range?" I pondered, conveying my thoughts silently to the System, wary of potential eavesdroppers lurking within the forest.

[As the User explores the world, the scanner's range will naturally expand. Once the User has thoroughly explored a significant portion of an area, the option to access a map will become available in this world's menu.]

I adjusted my position, settling into a cross-legged sitting posture, and continued my conversation with the System.

"System, please open the menu and provide warnings if there are any nearby dangers, if possible."

[Understood, User. New options are now accessible.]

I examined the window carefully, immediately noticing three distinct new features. Two, for obvious reasons, were absent from my current circumstances.






"Let's begin by checking my Status. Display only my name, stats, age, and a brief description of my current appearance. I'd like to experience this world firsthand without delving too deeply into the details," I decided, eager to embark on the journey that lay ahead.

[Name: Sam]

[Age: 10]

[Average Stat Number: 4]

[STR: 4] [END: 4] [AGI: 4] [INT: 4]

A smile graced my lips as I absorbed the information, my vibrant blue hair, now cascading to the length of my neck, perfectly complementing the hue of my eyes. I wore dark blue shorts and a light blue tunic, the colors seamlessly blending with my transformed appearance.

"I may not fully grasp the meaning behind these stats, but at least I have a new look," I remarked with a sense of wonder, standing tall and casting a determined gaze upon my surroundings.

"Wait a second..." I look at my light blue hair again and young appearance. "I look like Cirno... wait, that means I can trap people!" I new but daring revelation.

I can do what most pranksters love to do, 'Wait... I'm no prankster, what's wrong with me?' I shake my head a bit and remove those thoughts.

"It's time to find a village or encounter other people," I declared, embracing a cautious mindset as I ventured forth into this mysterious world. In this realm of uncertainty, I felt a stirring within, as if there was more to me than met the eye, as if I had the potential to become someone else entirely.

I then stopped for a second and slapped my mouth shut with my hands. A bad premonition. A forest, large trees and a buttload of foliage. 'Is this a monster habitat?'

<Author Section>

Not really much change from the original. Still around the same amount of words. The next chapter will probably be better than it's original though.... I think...

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