
[System Notes]


[Age:] [DOB:]

[Height:] [Weight:]

[Stats Average:]

[STR:] [END:] [AGI:] [INT:]



-Skills Levels-

Max Level 10.

Beginner -> Intermediate -> Expert -> Master -> Max.


1->4= Human

5->20= Super human

21->30= Above Average Superhuman

31->40= Greater Superhuman

41->50= Peak Superhuman

50->100= Giants or Mountain breakers.

100->500= Immortal Cultivators (usually)

500->1000= Lower/Mid/High tier gods.

1000->10000= The stupidity that is Touhou characters. Potential World ender.

10000+= ???

-Stat Notes-

STR: Strength is related to physical attacks.

END: Endurance is related to how tough one is and how much Stamina one can have.

AGI: Agility is how fast one can move and the speed of said movements.

INT: Intellect is how fast one can comprehend information and related to magic/chakra/any forms of energy manipulation.

-Extra Notes-

Stats = Skills, Skill = Stats

They aren't exactly greater than each other. On even ground, they are about the same.

If you have any ideas, drop em down below.

Xeno_Elementalcreators' thoughts
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