
Chapter 4 Part 5

- Yoruichi -

What the fuck, Kisuke?

Just who is this monster?

This kind of power was something she had only felt once, when she had seen the Head Captain spar against his two disciples.

She was having a very hard time maintaining her composure and using her Spiritual Pressure to shield Ikki who was already pressed to the ground from the pressure despite her efforts. Kisuke himself was barely standing. She felt Tessai make a barrier around them and the pressure lightened.

The boy soon held back his power and everyone heaved a sigh of relief.

"A-alright. Observe me." Kisuke instructed him to control his power after that released his power and slowly reigned it in.

The boy just nodded.

"To do this…"

Before Kisuke could continue, he started reigning his power to near invisible levels just like Kisuke.

"Is this alright?"

"... yes. How did you do that though?"

"I saw you, copied it."

"Just by seeing me once?"

"This method was pretty simple."

"Just out of curiosity, can you try something for me?"


"Try copying this." Kisuke moved to a different place with a Shunpo.

Even she was quite interested. To be honest, a large part of her was screaming bullshit at the guy. As if someone could learn to control their spiritual power so easily. Wouldn't that mean that the work they had put all this time was for naught?

But as if to break her preconceived notions, he appeared several tens of metres away from his place. "Oops, this is a bit hard to control." he then proceeded to disappear and reappear several times around the ground back to the place where he was standing at the beginning. She saw the first few steps and the last one was close to a blur for her. He was getting better at a mindblowing pace. "That's more like it. I had to use brute force but this method is much more convenient. What's it called?"

"This is called Shunpo or Flash Step." Kisuke replied while bringing out a notepad taking some notes. "Interested in learning some more tricks?"

"Sil-kun seems to be having so much fun." She was picked up by the girl who came with him and she started petting her. "Are you having fun, Yoru-chan?"

"I didn't know that Silas-san was this strong?" Ikki said while sitting in his place. She observed that he was heaving for breath but his soul was becoming stronger.

As expected, a soul grew stronger the fastest when it was in danger. And feeling that kind of power…

"Sil-kun is very strong. I don't think I can defeat him even if I used both of my Sacred Gears. Maybe hold him back for a while but not defeat him."

Yoruichi found herself still for a moment. "You can hold him back for a while?"

"An hour at best if I could achieve Balance Breaker with both my Sacred Gears. I don't have much Magic Power to sustain the use though."

"Balance Breakers?"

"Oh, they are the temporary power upped forms of the Sacred Gears."

As she talked to the girl, Kisuke continued with his experiments.

Over the period of the next two hours, he continued to break all of Yoruichi's preconceived notions of being a genius.

This was no longer a genius. This was a genuine monster.

- Silas -

Ikki seemed to be having fun training there and there was still time before his school reopened so he decided to stay there for training.

So, we left and went back to our restaurant. But before leaving, I left a card of my restaurant with the girl whose house I had almost destroyed.

I felt kinda bad for her.

The stay in Kisuke's world was full of ups and downs but at least the candies in his store were something.

That reminds me, I need other helpers in the kitchen.

– Rimuru –

He looked at the children who were now playing happily and felt a sense of peace and calm.

Two of them were trying to pull a prank on Saitama who was playing video games with Alice in his lap. Or rather, Kouta was trying to pull a prank while the other was just reluctantly following him around.

He felt a tug on his sleeve and saw Chloe with a book in her hand. She stared at Saitama and Alice and then back at him.

Oh. So, she wants to sit in a lap like Alice too. How cute.

"Come on."

She sat on his lap and started reading the book while he busied himself with his own thoughts.

The children were suffering from excess magicules and the only one he could think of who overcame this same problem was Shizue-san.

But how did she do that?

'Can you think of anything, Great Sage?'

'The individual Shizue made a contract with Ifrit, a High Ranked Fire Spirit. It helped reduce the burden on her magicules and stabilised her body.'

Ifrit. Yes.

That's it.

So, if these children make contracts with appropriate spirits, they will be able to overcome their problems too.

He also looked at his friend Saitama. He was a human so naming didn't work on him and thus he couldn't form a connection with this world. If he got a blessing from the spirits, he could probably get a connection to this world too.

He worked as a Hero in a fairly dangerous world. Getting a bit of a powerup will definitely help him.

On second thought, there were other humans in the restaurant too, like Lavinia. They could probably get a blessing from a Spirit as well.

But first, he will need to find where the Spirits lived. Hmm. That took care of his plan for tomorrow.

Next chapter