
Chapter 19 New Companions, Same Adventure

-Energy of the sin detected-

-Energy sufficient to enchance the power of the Envy-

-Energy sufficient to enchance the power of Lust-

-Now is possible to charm a chosen target, max twelve hours per day, max two targets per day-

-Reduction of an adverse divine authority detected-

-Further Energy of the sin detected-

-The number of avaiable attempts to steal abilities is increased to 12

-Maximun number of evocations: 6; number if active summons: 2 of 6-

The messages remained for a couple of minutes before the eyes of Ichiro, who could not help but show a grin and a look full of pleasant surprise; not only had he strengthened the power of Envy and doubled the number of skills he could steal, but he could summon four more waifus! four other erotic, obedient and powerful women at his harem.

He knew, however, that he had to wait, since Shegor was still with him and had to wait until he was in the city to activate the summoning ritual, since it was very showy.

Ichiro, in truth, had no idea why Shegor had decided to team up with him or why he had decided to meet him; Ichiro had believed he was a simple monk until their meeting a short time before planning the plan against the Vanes family.

*some days ago *

Ichiro, after having vented his frustration on Akeno and Cattleya, had gone to look for every possible information on the mansion's party, tried to hire thieves, murderers, mercenaries ... anyone who could help him carry out his revenge; he was in a ramshackle tavern, where he had tried unsuccessfully to hire thieves who could let him into that damn mansion, where he met Shegor.

Ichiro noticed that it was different from their first meeting: the monk's tunic, his weapon and his pendant had been replaced with a black leather armor and a dark hood, a pair of daggers and what looked like needles; with a sly smile on his face, he looked at the mug of beer that Ichiro had ordered and said, "try to drown your frustrations in alcohol? trust me ... it doesn't work, many have tried and haven't improved their situations ... but as I like to say, "he is not in the mug but in the stool next to you that you can find the answer" and sat down beside him. Ichiro looked at him with cold eyes and commented: "and with this shitty metaphor you would tell me that you would be the answer to my problems? Anyway nice the new dress ... the tunic didn't suit you"; Shegor merely laughed and handed him a purse and a note: "this was for yours, the other is to let you know that you are not the only one to plot against the Vanes in this city" and went away quietly from the inn.

Ichiro studied the ticket, indicating only an hour and a place: midnight, at the back of the church in Fumina; he decided he would go to that meeting, after taking precautions.


The church of Fumina was one of the most elegant buildings in the city: adorned with paintings, colored glass, built with precious marble and gold inlays; all this was possible because it was the most important and influential noble families who financed it, passing it off as charity when in reality it was only a way to secure the support of the church.

The back of that place considered sacred reflected its duality, a small garden open to the people but which hid a secret: an intricate system of underground labyrinths which could be accessed through a secret trap door on a huge tree in the middle of the garden.

These galleries led to various secret rooms that led to every corner of the city and only the most important members of that place knew about it.

But that night an unusual group of people were inside, people who shouldn't have been there and were looking at each other; Ichiro with his girls and Shegor together with another hooded figure looked at each other in the dim light of a lantern.

Ichiro, apparently impatient, said: "well ... what the hell are we doing in an underground tunnel, dark and damp? and please tell the other two idiots that they are hiding like mice in the dark corners to go out otherwise I'll drag them out; you made me do a lot of bottlenecks and minor steps to get into the bowels of this disgusting church, so I hope for you that it's worth it ".

Shegor did not get upset and, keeping a sly smile, exclaimed in a mocking tone: "Oh dear ... I hope you didn't get it but I ask you to excuse me, with the work I do I must always be cautious but first of all allow me to introduce myself: you can call me Shegor and I am a spy in the service of the kingdom of Bestar, the realm of the demi-human, and I am here to offer you what people want more than anyone else. "

Ichiro raised a skeptical eyebrow: "What more do I want? Perhaps you haven't noticed it but I already have everything I want and that is 'this' ..." and he grabbed one of Akeno's buttocks with one hand "is this other '"and grabbed Cattleya's breast with the other free hand ..." so, unless you have a charming, wide-legged hooker under your beautiful cloak, I doubt you will convince me ".

Shegor chuckled slightly and replied: "I'm afraid I don't have someone like that under my cloak but I have something that I'm sure will make you understand that you and I can get great benefits from each other" and after putting a hand in one cloak pocket, he pulled out a pile of documents with a red V-shaped seal on it.

Ichiro took a serious look and read the contents of those letters, after which he opened his eyes and squeezed the letters firmly in his hand and without looking away from them he asked with a voice that barely held his anger: "as you did to get these letters? ... is that why you wanted to contact me? for Lefay fucking Vanes? "

Shegor did not change expression and resumed talking: "I must confess that it was not easy, their security system was rather .. annoying .. but I have my methods.

As for you, yes .. it is true .. I have been collecting information about you ever since you took the exam at the guild and when I learned that, after the expedition, not only did they refuse you the promotion but also that your merits had been attributed to Lefay Vanes .. well, with my sources it didn't take long; and as regards what most desires the answer lies in two words: revenge and alliance.

The first one will help you to get it and luck blows us: soon the Vanes family will organize a banquet in which all the nobility will participate and their security will be concentrated on one side of the house, the ballroom, and we can strike them hard and make them collapse"

Ichiro looked at him suspiciously, but now attracted by the prospect of revenge: "this is what I want, but I think you are more interested in the aspect of the alliance".

Shegor looked at him now with a serious look and spoke calmly but determined "you won a candy ... I would like you to be our support to completely sabotage the church in Fumina: their continuous abuse of their authority and the support of the nobles made them become much more rotten than in the past so much so as to want to support the request of the most radical nobles to re-introduce the trade in demi-human slaves.

The head of the Vanes family, being one of the most important members of that circle, possesses the necessary documents to nail them; therefore my offer is: give us a hand to get those documents and it becomes our point of contact in this city and we in return will assure you full support in your crusade against Fumina's faith ".

Ichiro remained silent for those that seemed interminable moments, after which with a stoic look in the face he asked: "do you by chance have an 'evening dress?"

*present time *

Ichiro was in the forest just outside the city right now to summon his new waifus; in order not to arouse suspicion he had accepted a quest that required him to go to a small country town three days on foot from Aster, so his absence in the city would not have attracted prying eyes.

After traveling for a whole day and with the sun nearing its end, Ichiro had left Cattleya to take care of mounting a new tent larger than the previous one bought for new arrivals and headed with Akeno to an isolated side of the forest. After clearing the area of any beasts, Ichiro finally activated his power of summoning and two magic circles appeared on the ground.

He had decided not to immediately use all four of his free 'slots' for two reasons: he wanted to have an element of surprise in case of emergency and evoke some waifu or if the situation had ever become dangerous and he was also sure that if he returned to cities not with two but as many as six beautiful women, rumors would have circulated and for the moment wanted to wait for the waters to calm down, given that the city was still in shock for the matter of the Vanes family.

Two flashes of light shone for a moment and then disappeared and left in its place two beautiful girls of sixteen: Inoue Orihime (post-timeskip arc) and Momo Yaoyorozu; the first had brown eyes and long, waist-length, burnt orange hair, a big breast and with enormous healing and protective powers thanks to her Shun Shun Rikka; the second was the UA's most intelligent student, with long black hair that is normally tied into a spiky ponytail and, more importantly for Ichiro, the Quirk of her Creation which was able to create just about anything as long as she knew about its composition.

Both were wearing school uniforms from their respective schools, both were prostrate on their knees and with their heads down, like servants before a powerful lord.

Ichiro, once again filled with that feeling of satisfaction, watched them as his two new waifus looked at him with expectant looks.

"Master! I, Yaoyorozu Momo, am ready to serve you on every request; with my Quirk I will be able to solve all your needs," said Momo proudly.

Inoue was more timid and replied: "Ehmmm .. Master .. I, Inoue Orihime, will always be by his side to protect her and heal her every wound and to execute her requests".

Ichiro, with a smiling grin on his face and a look that was already anticipating the 'fresh meat', said: "well ... very well ... there are many things to do: build things, destroy others, kill someone, save someone else and so much more that I will explain to you along the way ... but for now the first thing we have to do is go and have dinner ... Cattleya will now have finished preparing the tent and I told her to prepare extra portions since there it's you. Tomorrow, if the maps I bought are right, we will enjoy a great experience. "

That said he went with Akeno, Inoue and Momo to his own field with Akeno and Inoue at his sides who sandwiched his arms between their tits and Momo who refreshed him with a fan she had just created.

Finally! after a week of stop i returned! sorry for the late.

If you are thinking 'what it will be the limit of the harem?', I say F*** the limit! every single waifu that our little minds are dreaming about (and even more ;) ) will come with us in this adventure.

Anonimous22creators' thoughts
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