
Isekai Global System: Rags To Riches

Global Isekai System: Rags to Riches Dio, a disillusioned middle-aged man, finds himself trapped in despair and regret after devastating betrayals. At his lowest point, contemplating suicide, Dio's fate changes when a mysterious voice grants him a second chance. Transported to his childhood with a unique isekai system, Dio keep gaining experience and keeps leveling along the way as he faces challenging problem and with the help of his past life knowledge and isekai system. In this new life, Dio takes on the challenge of building a company from the ground up, starting with a call center. Despite being the driving force behind the business, he hire another as the CEO of his company, as he prefer to work in the field he is best at on the field calling with his team. Publicly, he takes on the role of sales manager instead at just the age of 16 years old. Memories from his past life's failures in stock and crypto markets, Dio vividly remembers key events, such as bull and bear markets, and plans to use this past knowledge to his advantage. His journey begins with just a crisp 50 kroner note bill and a 5 pack of Go Gimon cards and a dream, leveraging his Isekai Global System to create a brand he plans to expand globally and change the world for the better. Perfect for teens and new adults, "Global Isekai System: Rags to Riches" is a gripping tale of determination, growth, and the pursuit of success. Dive into this captivating adventure and be inspired by Dio's incredible transformation!

UndeadSoulUltra · Action
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67 Chs

Act - 19: "A Promise of Retribution"

I chuckled at Mia's question, shaking my head playfully. "Come on now, Mia. You know my mom works as a cleaner. A friend of mine said I could borrow his driver. This limo isn't mine."

The drive to the clothing store was short and soon we arrived. Stepping out of the limousine, Lars asked eagerly, "Now what?"

Grinning mischievously, I replied, "Shopping. I need new clothes, and so can you. I'm buying."

Mia's eyes lit up with excitement, and she grabbed Nora's arm, pulling her towards the entrance. Nora blushed slightly but followed along with a smile, tucking a loose strand of her blonde hair behind her ear.

Inside the store, racks of stylish outfits greeted us. Mia and Nora immediately began browsing, their chatter filled with exclamations about the various clothes they liked. Lars and I wandered towards the men's section, where I started picking out a few shirts and pants that caught my eye.

"This place is fancy," Lars commented, holding up a blazer skeptically. "Are you sure about this, Dio?"

I nodded, a grin spreading across my face. "Absolutely. We're going to look sharp."

After some deliberation, we joined Mia and Nora at the fitting rooms. Mia emerged first, twirling in a vibrant dress. "What do you think?" she asked eagerly, her eyes sparkling.

"You look great," I said genuinely, impressed by how the dress complemented her.

Nora stepped out next in a more understated outfit, but it suited her perfectly. "How about this?" she asked softly, a hint of uncertainty in her voice.

Lars nodded approvingly, his earlier skepticism replaced with admiration. "Looks good, Nora."

As I picked out some stylish tracksuits with Lars, the thrill of shopping for new clothes was invigorating. Alongside them, I selected five sleek suits and four pairs of shoes, eager to refresh my wardrobe.

Mia and Nora returned, laden with their own selections, uncertain if I might change my mind. I greeted them casually, asking, "Are you girls done?" They nodded, relieved, and I made my way to the cashier.

As the cashier totaled our purchases, she announced it was 45,000 krone with a 10% discount, leaving everyone momentarily stunned. Without hesitation, I paid in cash and reassured my friends, "Guys, it's okay, a first day at high school gift." Lars attempted a jest, "You know, Dio, my birthday is..." but Mia swiftly cut him off with a playful kick and a teasing remark.

As we exited the store, my attention was abruptly drawn to a familiar face passing by—Hugo, engrossed in a phone call. Intrigued, I strained to overhear his conversation. "Emilia, that annoying little..." His voice trailed off as he moved farther away.

Confusion and concern gripped me. Weren't Hugo and Emilia friends? The unease gnawed at me as I tried to make sense of his words.

Nora, sensing my distress, approached cautiously. In her soft voice, she asked, "Dio, is everything alright?" Her worry was palpable as she searched my face for answers.

I hesitated, grappling with the unsettling thoughts swirling in my mind. "Guys, I'm sorry, but we have to end the day here," I announced somberly. "Something really important came up. Don't worry, Phillip will take you all home." I turned to Phillip, instructing him to deliver our purchases to my house.

Mia and Nora exchanged concerned glances, clearly aware that I was withholding something from them.

As they departed in the limousine, I didn't hesitate. I sprinted after Hugo, scanning the busy streets until I finally spotted him entering a watch store.

Aware of the crowded surroundings, I bided my time, discreetly trailing him until he eventually headed towards the restroom—an opportune moment.

Entering after him under the guise of needing to use the facilities, I confronted him in a quiet corner. "Hugo," I said firmly.

Startled, he turned, his expression questioning. "Who the heck are you?"

I met his gaze unflinchingly. "Emilia's friend. Remember me?"

Recognition flickered in Hugo's eyes. "Ahh, you mean our blond little punching bag," he sneered dismissively.

His callous words hit me like a blow. Anger surged within me, but I held my ground, refusing to let his disrespect go unchallenged.

"What did you just say?" I demanded through clenched teeth, my voice low and charged with danger.

Hugo's eyes widened, registering the intensity in my tone. Before he could respond, I seized him by the collar, slamming him against the nearest wall with force.

"You think it's funny to call her that?" I growled, my grip tightening around his neck as anger surged through me.

Hugo struggled to speak, fear palpable in his eyes. "I-I didn't mean it like that," he stammered, his voice trembling.

My rage boiled over. "Like what, huh? Like you and your buddies had some right to treat her like garbage?"

Hugo's expression shifted from fear to a smug superiority. "You're just like her, aren't you? Always playing the hero, but in the end, you're just as weak and powerless as she is."

His words struck a nerve, fueling the fire of fury within me. Without another thought, I unleashed a barrage of punches, each blow driven by years of pent-up frustration.

"You don't know anything about me," I snarled, my voice thick with rage.

Hugo grunted in pain, his body buckling under the assault against the wall. Despite his battered state, he managed a defiant sneer, blood trickling from his split lip.

"You think you can save her? You think you're some kind of hero?" he spat, his tone dripping with contempt.

"I'm not trying to be a hero," I retorted through gritted teeth. "I'm just trying to knock some sense into an arrogant, spoiled brat like you."

I landed a knee shot to his ribs and continued raining blows into his midsection.

"Do you even know who my father is?" Hugo taunted, a glint of malice in his eyes. "He's the Prime Minister, you moron. You've just screwed up big time for yourself and your family. You're done!"

His words hung heavy in the air, their implications sinking in with chilling weight. Fear mingled with anger in my gut as I processed the gravity of his threat.

But I squared my shoulders defiantly, refusing to show any sign of weakness in the face of his intimidation.

"I don't give a damn if your father owns the entire world," I shot back, my voice trembling with defiance. "You can't scare me with your family's power."

Hugo's smirk widened, his confidence bolstered by the knowledge of his father's influence. "We'll see about that," he sneered, his contemptuous tone cutting through the tension.

As my fists continued their assault on him, Hugo grunted in pain, his defiance unwavering even in his battered state.

Amid the chaos, the piercing wail of sirens shattered the tense atmosphere as police officers rushed in, their arrival a sudden interruption to our confrontation.

Hugo's laughter rang out mockingly as he watched me being restrained, his expression taunting and dismissive.

In a final act of defiance, I let out a primal scream of frustration and fury, my voice echoing through the restroom.

"I'll come for you, Hugo. All of you," I vowed, my words laced with venomous determination. "And when you least expect it, everything you hold dear will crumble before you. I promise you that."

My ominous declaration hung in the air, a chilling promise of reckoning to come, leaving an unsettling silence in its wake.

Despite the chaos surrounding us, the weight of my words seemed to strike a nerve deep within Hugo, igniting a fierce resolve to face whatever consequences lay ahead.

Dio Stat's Info:

Lvl: 5

Skill Count: 1 (Key selling point analyze)






Dio influence, power & riches:

Money - 95000 krone

Associate - 1

Asset - 10 (Go Gimon pack)

Digital Asset - 0

Goons - 0

Car - 0

Guard - 0

Company - 0

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