
Chapter 1: I'm taking you with me

Ethan and Blake were walking across the bridge, their breath visible in the cold winter air.

"Man, it's cold as hell," Ethan complained, hugging his arms to his chest.

"You've been saying that since we started walking. It is cold though," Blake said.

The two tucked their hands inside their hoodies to keep them warm. Ethan was wearing a grey hoodie, while Blake was wearing a black hoodie.

As they continued walking, Ethan suddenly lost his footing and slipped off the side of the bridge. Blake did not try to save him and watched him fall, but Ethan grabbed onto Blake's leg and dragged him down with him.

As they tumbled into the icy water below, Blake shouted out in panic. "LET GO OF ME YOU BITCH."

But it was too late. The cold water surrounded them, numbing their senses and sapping their strength. They both struggled to stay afloat, but the weight of their soaked clothing and the icy grip of the water was too much for them.

As they slipped beneath the surface, their last thoughts were of anger, as they realized that their lives had been cut short by a single, foolish mistake.

Ethan and Blake found themselves standing in a room made of grey bricks and concrete. It was a stark and uninviting space, with nothing but the sound of their breathing to fill the emptiness.

As they looked around, they didn't notice the goddess standing in the center of the room. She was a tall, ethereal figure, surrounded by a soft glow that seemed to radiate from within her.

The goddess was a beautiful and ethereal being, with long, flowing hair that shone like the sun. She wore a flowing white gown that sparkled with a million different hues as if it were made of starlight itself.

Despite their surroundings, Ethan and Blake were too preoccupied with their argument to notice the goddess.

"Fuck you," Blake said, his voice laced with anger. "You should've died alone. Why did you take me with your ass?"

"You didn't even try to save me," Ethan replied, his voice shaking with anger as well.

The goddess watched their exchange with a sense of sadness, knowing that their time on Earth had come to an end far too soon. She stepped forward, her voice soft and gentle as she spoke.

"Ethan and Blake, do not be afraid. You have been given a second chance, a chance to learn from your mistakes and to make amends."

As the boys turned to face the goddess, Ethan fell silent, struck by the peaceful aura that surrounded her but Blake was unamused.

"Shut up we are in the middle of an argument."

"Blake shut the fuck up," Ethan said as he approached the Goddess.

"Sorry about my friend. But what is your name?"

"My name has no importance in this matter however you two are dead. I am willing to reincarnate you two however you will have to defeat the demon queen that has been terrorizing another world that has magic."

Ethan's eyes lit up as the goddess spoke, and he couldn't contain his excitement.

"Whoa, this is like something out of an isekai anime!"

Blake rolled his eyes. "Yeah, a generic one."

Ethan's face fell. "Come on, Blake we get to become heroes!"

"Yeah, I guess. At least we have to defeat a demon queen instead of a demon king. It makes things slightly more interesting." Blake replied, his tone dismissive."

Ethan couldn't shake the feeling of excitement that had taken hold of him. He couldn't wait to see what their new adventure would bring, and he hoped that Blake would eventually come around to his way of thinking.

"I will assist you by giving you one wish. You can wish for whatever you want as long as it doesn't involve immortality or the death of anyone."

Blake turned to Ethan, his expression serious. "We gotta wish for like an overpowered ability or weapon."

Ethan nodded in agreement. "I know what we should wish for," he said as he walked towards the goddess.

Ethan looked up at the goddess with a hopeful expression. "I wish to be six foot tall," he said.

The goddess chuckled softly.

"Very well, Ethan," "I grant your wish."


Ethan then rose to be six feet tall. His clothes adjusted to his change in height. He then has a smirk on his face as he saw that he became taller than Blake.

"Now I can finally get a girlfriend."

Blake's anger boiled over as he watched Ethan revel in his newfound height. Without warning, he grabbed Ethan by the collar and began pummeling him with powerful blows.

Ethan tried to defend himself, but he was no match for Blake's raw strength. He crumpled to the ground, unconscious, as Blake stood over him, panting and covered in sweat.

"Uhhh is he okay?"

"Sadly. Can you teleport us to the world now?"

"He is not awake though." The goddess said to Blake in a concerned tone.

"I'll just drag his ass to wherever we gotta go."

"Very well."

She raised her hand and focused her powers, summoning a bolt of energy that enveloped Ethan and Blake in a swirling vortex of light.

As the vortex dissipated, the boys found themselves standing in a bustling medieval town. The smells of roasting meat and freshly baked bread filled the air, and the sounds of laughter and conversation echoed through the streets.

Blake looked around for the adventurers guild. He dragged Ethan across the floor as he remained unconscious.

Blake looked around the bustling medieval town, searching for the adventurers guild. He spotted a tall building with a sign that read "Adventurers Guild" and made his way toward it, dragging Ethan along behind him.

Ethan's clothes were dirty and disheveled from the fight and from being dragged, and his face was bruised and battered. Blake winced at the sight of his friend's injuries, but he knew that he had to keep moving.

As he entered the guild, Blake was struck by the smells and sounds of the place. The air was filled with the sharp tang of sweat and steel, and the sounds of clashing swords and shouted orders echoed through the halls.

The interior of the guild was a bustling hive of activity, with adventurers of all shapes and sizes milling about, preparing for their next quest. Blake took in the scene with a sense of awe, knowing that he had finally found his true calling.

He gently laid Ethan down on a nearby bench and waited for him to wake up.

After about an hour, Ethan began to stir. He groggily opened his eyes and looked around, trying to make sense of his surroundings. As the memories of the fight with Blake came flooding back, he winced in pain and clutched his head.

"Ow," he groaned, his voice barely above a whisper. "What happened?"

Ethan looked up at Blake, his eyes narrowed in anger. "What the hell bro why did you attack me like that?"

"You wasted your wish on something stupid. If you act stupid then you gotta be prepared for the consequences man."

"Are we in the other world?" Ethan asked as he looked at his surroundings.

"Nah we're in a movie theatre- No shit dumbass."

Ethan then looked at Blake with a serious expression.

"Listen bro I'll forget about what you did because we for real gotta focus."

Blake nodded in agreement. "I dragged you towards the adventurers guild and got us papers we need to register to become adventurers. It's in a different language than English but we somehow understand what it says and we write in it too."

"So Blake do we have any powers?"

"Yeah, but we have to learn how to use them. I asked a few people around and they said that there are teachers who can help awaken your power. The only thing is that it is expensive as hell and since we literally just got sent to another world we are dirt poor." Blake said.

"The adventurers guild is our only source of income then right?"

"Unless you have any other ideas,"

"So how are we going to create a harem?" Ethan asked.

Blake looked at Ethan with an annoyed expression. "Let's focus on ourselves first. Listen first we have to find a place to stay. But in order to do that we need to become adven-" Blake noticed that Ethan wasn't on the bench and was talking to a group of women.

They were unamused as Ethan posed trying to flex his beauty. The woman walked away from him and he walked back to Blake with a defeated look.

"So we need to find a place to stay right?"

"You have confidence that is not justified" Blake responded.

"I should've just wished for a girlfriend,"

"Yeah, that would've been your only chance at getting one."

The two then filled out the adventurer registration papers and turned them into the clerk who was a young woman with silky black hair which was tied into a bun. She was also wearing a grey tunic with matching leggings.

The two then arrived at the quest board.

"Since we don't have swords do you wanna do the slime quest? It doesn't pay much but it's all we can do for now. If we save up enough money we can get swords and do better quests as well as eventually even unlock our powers by paying a teacher." Ethan said in a serious tone.

"Ethan that is probably the first smart thing you've said today."

"I'll take this seriously so that I can get myself a harem."

"You have motivation but I don't know if it's the right kind of motivation bro."

Next chapter